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Interested in how the federal stimulus monies might affect projects in your city, town or county? Visit for the latest information.

DieselWise Indiana Grant Announcement

The total estimated funding for this competitive grant opportunity is in excess of $2,000,000. DieselWise Indiana anticipates awarding cooperative agreements from this announcement ranging from $25,000 to $250,000, subject to availability of funds and the quality of proposals received. Additional funds may be available in the near future. Project proposals submitted under this grant announcement may be awarded for funding from these additional funds. The closing date for receipt of applications is May 15, 2009, 5:00 p.m.

Detailed information, including how to apply for the grant, is available on the IDEM DieselWise Web site.

IDEM Institutional Controls (IC) Registry – New Updates April 2009

The IDEM IC Registry [PDF] is a list of cleanup program sites with some type of land use restriction due to environmental concerns. The registry now lists almost 300 properties spanning more than 60 Indiana counties.


Nonpoint Source Educational Campaign


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  • IDEMState agencies work to match groups with potential restoration sites (view)
  • IDEMIDEM to offer guidance at local watershed workshop (view)
  • IDEMIDEM celebrates Safe Drinking Water Act (view)


May 19, 2009 - Cancelled
Solid Waste Management Board Meeting (view)

May 14, 2009
Recycling Market Development Board Meeting (view)

May 14, 2009
IDEM Surface Coaters Initiative Information Session (view)

May 07, 2009
IDEM Surface Coaters Initiative Information Session (view)

May 06, 2009
OLQ Remediation/Science Services Consultants' Day (view)

Apr 30, 2009
IDEM Surface Coaters Initiative Information Session (view)

Apr 28, 2009
Toxic Release Inventory Workshop (view)