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Welcome to the Bureau of Air

The Bureau of Air works to improve air quality by identifying air pollution problems, proposing appropriate regulations, conducting inspections, and reviewing permit applications. It also operates a vehicle emissions testing program.

Recent News

March 12, 2009: Recommended Boundaries for the 8-hour Ozone Air Quality Standard

IEPA provided to U.S. EPA recommendations for nonattainment area boundaries in Illinois for the revised 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Section 107(d) of the Clean Air Act requires Illinois to provide such recommendations for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, which was promulgated on March 12, 2008. IEPA’s recommendations identify areas in Illinois that are attaining the new standard, cannot be classified, or are not attaining the new standard. U.S. EPA can accept or modify the state’s recommendations and are expected to finalize nonattainment designations no later than March 2010. IEPA’s recommendations and technical support information are available here:

November 14: Draft Chicago 8-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration and Maintenance Plan now available for review - The Illinois EPA is making available for public review two draft documents related to the 1997 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). The Illinois EPA is seeking comments on the draft Attainment Demonstration, which contains Illinois’ plan for attaining the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS in the Chicago nonattainment area.

The Illinois EPA is also seeking comments on the draft Maintenance Plan, which contains Illinois’ plan for maintaining the 8-hour ozone NAAQS for at least 10 years after U.S. EPA redesignates the area to attainment. The Illinois EPA intends to request that U.S. EPA redesignate the Chicago area to attainment of the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS based on ambient monitoring data from 2006 through 2008. The Maintenance Plan is a required element of the redesignation request. Both documents establish new motor vehicle emissions budgets for the Chicago area.

A public hearing is scheduled on December 16, 2008 at the James R. Thompson Center in Chicago to receive public comments on the two draft documents. The Illinois EPA will also be taking comments at the hearing on establishing boundaries for the nonattainment area to be established pursuant to the 2008 ozone NAAQS revision. Illinois must submit recommendations for nonattainment area boundaries for the revised ozone standard by March 12, 2009.
The Agency will be accepting comments on the draft documents until January 15, 2009.

November 5: Proposed Revisions to Parts 211, 218, and 219 – Flexographic, Rotogravure, Lithographic, and Letterpress Printing, Industrial Cleaning Solvents, and Flat Wood Paneling Coatings now available for review. On September 29, 2006, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) issued revised Control Technique Guidelines (CTGs) for the following Consumer and Commercial Products, Group II categories: Flexible Packaging Printing Materials (which is subcategorized into Rotogravure Printing and Flexographic Printing), Lithographic Printing, Letterpress Printing, Industrial Cleaning Solvents, and Flat Wood Paneling Coatings. The CTGs describe new requirements to reduce emissions of volatile organic materials (VOM) in ozone nonattainment areas.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is proposing rule revisions to 35 Administrative Code, Parts 211, 218, and 219 to implement the current CTGs. The Agency will be accepting comments on the draft revisions until December 15, 2008. Please submit comments or questions to:

November 5: The IEPA announces the release of the Draft Smoke Management Plan (SMP) - Pursuant to the U.S. EPA’s 1998 “Interim Air Quality Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires” and U.S. EPA’s 1999 Regional Haze Rule, the Illinois EPA has developed a statewide Smoke Management Plan to address smoke from prescriptive fires (prairie and forest) used to achieve resource benefits. The goals of the SMP are to coordinate with land managers to develop a basic framework of procedures and requirements for managing smoke from prescriptive fires; to mitigate the nuisance and public safety hazards posed by smoke intrusions into populated areas; to avoid significant deterioration of air quality and potential NAAQS violations; and to avoid visibility impacts in Federal Class I Areas. IEPA’s document and December 2008 meeting notices are available here.

July 2: Draft revisions to the Illinois Mercury Rule monitoring provisions now available for review - The Illinois EPA is making available a draft of the Illinois Mercury Rule that has been revised due to the vactur of the federal Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR). The Agency will be accepting comments on the draft revisions until July 15 ahead of a stakeholder meeting scheduled for July 22 at 10:00 AM in the Bureau of Air's TQM room. Please submit comments to:

May 29: Illinois Ambient Air Monitoring Plan for 2009 – Federal Regulation 40 CFR Part 58 Subpart B 58.10 requires Illinois to submit to USEPA an annual air monitoring network plan each calendar year. The plan details the monitoring network for the criteria pollutants. Prior to submission to USEPA, the network plan is being made available for public review. Comments must be received at the Illinois EPA by June 30, 2008.

Current Features

Smoke School Returns - The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency will offer a course in the Evaluation of Visible Emissions during the week of April 20, 2009. The class will run from Tuesday, April 21 through Wednesday, April 22.

Permit streamlining project for minor construction permits - In June 2007 the Bureau of Air, Permit Section initiated a streamlining project aimed at minor construction permit applications. A "Kaizen Event" was held in June 2007 and a plan of action aimed at improving the minor construction permit application process was developed.

Mercury and Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) Rulemaking
Information on the initiative by Governor Blagojevich and Illinois EPA to reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants by 90 percent is now online.

Illinois Alternate Fuels Rebate Program
The Alternate Fuels Rebate Program provides rebates for businesses, local governments, organizations, and individuals in the State of Illinois who acquire an alternate fuel vehicle, convert an existing conventional vehicle to an alternate fuel vehicle, or purchase domestic renewable fuel to operate an alternate fuel vehicle.

Illinois Clean School Bus Program
Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and the Illinois EPA have a goal under the Illinois Clean School Bus Program, to provide a healthier environment for Illinois school children. The Illinois Clean School Bus Program will provide funding to assist schools/school districts to reduce emissions from diesel-powered school buses.

Stage I & II Vapor Recovery Programs
Updated information on these programs is now available along with the registration form which is available for download in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

MACT Training Programs
Each quarter, Illinois EPA in conjunction with the Lake Michigan Air Director's Consortium and the Region V Training Committee plan to focus on a different MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standard.

Air Quality Annual Report
Highlights information obtained from the Bureau of Air's statewide air monitoring network, which incorporates more than 300 monitors that track the measurements of a variety of pollutants and air toxic compounds.

Illinois Green Fleets
A voluntary program where businesses, government units, and other organizations in Illinois gain recognition and additional marketing opportunities for having clean, alternative fuel vehicles in their fleet.

Electric Power Plant and Generating Unit Projects Since 1998 - list is updated regularly.

Summary Information on Fuel Ethanol Plants in Illinois - Based on Information in the Bureau of Air’s Permit And Application Files. The list is updated regularly.

Summary Information on Bio-diesel Plants in Illinois - Based on Information in the Bureau of Air’s Permit And Application Files. The list is updated regularly.

Air Menu

About the Bureau of Air
Annual Emission Report (AER)
Air Quality Information
Vehicle Emissions Testing
Partners for Clean Air
Permitting of Air Pollution Sources
Open Burning Permits
Emissions Reduction Market System (ERMS)
Asbestos Program
Other Bureau of Air Programs
NOx SIP Call and CAIR NOx Trading Programs
Illinois Green Fleets
MACT Training
Illinois Clean School Bus Program
Regulatory Development of Key Rules (CAIR/Mercury)
Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group
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