USGS Library

Visiting the Library

Visiting | Help in the Library | Borrowing


The public is welcome to visit the USGS Library and use the collections Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Photo identification is required to enter most federal government buildings. Expert staff is always available to assist visitors and give informal orientations. Tours by groups can be arranged on request. Visitors may use library materials on the premises. See BORROWING below for details. Photocopiers are available at all locations. The online catalog is available on the World Wide Web.


Each library has expert reference librarians available to assist with research and provide answers to reference questions received by phone, fax, or in person. To ask for reference assistance by E-mail, use the Ask a Librarian link on the Library’s home page.


If the public wants to borrow books they must ask their local library (i.e. public, school, university, or corporate library) to borrow them from the USGS Library via a process called interlibrary loan (ILL). Your local library may send ILL requests through either the OCLC electronic ILL system (see symbols below) or on the standard American Library Association (ALA) form by mail or FAX. The USGS Libraries will not accept requests by telephone or e-mail. Pre-approval by your local library is required before an individual may borrow a book in person but you must bring along one of the completed forms listed above.

OCLC Symbols:
Reston Library: GIS
Denver Library: GID
Menlo Park Library: GIM
Flagstaff Library: GIG

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Page Contact Information: Library Web Team
Page Last Modified: 31 December 2006 11:16 EST