Trade Act of 2000 Category 61
                                          |                                     |                                                   April 9, 2009    A15
                                          |      TRADE PREFERENCE PROGRAMS      |
                                          |       By Category,  2/2009 Data     |

                                           Category  61:  MAN-MADE FIBER APPAREL PRODUCTS
                                                    Data in Million $  

                                                                                                       Year-to-Date             Year-Ending
                                                                                    2007     2008    2/2008    2/2009        2/2009     1/2009   12/2008

 Total Imports................................................................. 2362.149 2258.281   318.243   265.159      2205.197   2230.202  2258.281
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)  236.331  139.846    24.972    16.420       131.294    134.670   139.846
  9802.00.8015 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric(807A).........    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  259.710  136.399    21.344     8.294       123.349    130.305   136.399
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   34.081    2.691     0.644     0.092         2.139      2.356     2.691
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    4.161    2.871     0.023     0.000         2.848      2.858     2.871
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   42.153   14.996     2.273     0.222        12.945     14.233    14.996
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   25.426   13.742     2.563     0.007        11.185     12.741    13.742
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........   49.081   16.874     3.188     1.667        15.353     15.912    16.874
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............   22.273   10.440     1.637     0.000         8.803      9.634    10.440
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   71.529   45.790     7.119     0.507        39.177     42.742    45.790
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.074    0.053     0.000     0.000         0.053      0.053     0.053
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.568    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    1.773    1.899     0.194     0.313         2.018      1.965     1.899
   9820.61.25     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    7.316    1.958     1.588     0.055         0.424      0.898     1.958
   9820.61.30     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.051    4.471     0.057     0.982         5.395      5.091     4.471
   9820.62.05     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    1.225   20.615     2.058     4.450        23.007     21.821    20.615

 Total Imports.................................................................  228.395  250.203    35.865    39.000       253.337    250.453   250.203
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.000    0.026     0.000     0.000         0.026      0.026     0.026
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  222.293  247.743    35.621    38.626       250.748    247.783   247.743
   9819.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.033    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    9.047    5.482     0.816     0.467         5.132      5.122     5.482
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr  213.150  242.185    34.805    38.118       245.498    242.569   242.185
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.015     0.000     0.016         0.032      0.032     0.015
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.063    0.060     0.000     0.025         0.086      0.060     0.060

 Total Imports.................................................................  188.547  181.719    28.162    24.844       178.401    179.289   181.719
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   12.869    9.390     1.670     0.759         8.479      8.834     9.390
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  168.149  166.035    25.580    23.066       163.521    164.216   166.035
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......   29.419   36.865     4.728     4.375        36.513     36.799    36.865
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.143    0.066     0.009     0.005         0.063      0.064     0.066
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.028    0.078     0.002     0.030         0.106      0.106     0.078
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.017    0.122     0.006     0.025         0.140      0.127     0.122
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.050    0.025     0.000     0.001         0.026      0.025     0.025
   9821.11.19     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or an ATPDEA count    1.041    1.533     0.216     0.194         1.511      1.525     1.533
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn  137.450  127.346    20.619    18.435       125.162    125.571   127.346

 Total Imports.................................................................  301.632  280.090    47.866    26.501       258.725    268.059   280.090
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   87.173   63.945    11.548     6.224        58.621     60.032    63.945

 Total Imports.................................................................    3.328    0.036     0.036     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.036
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    3.328    0.036     0.036     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.036
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    3.328    0.036     0.036     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.036

   El Salvador
 Total Imports.................................................................  463.282  464.011    65.869    59.607       457.750    459.344   464.011
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   24.312   18.259     3.547     2.396        17.108     17.984    18.259

 Total Imports.................................................................  752.347  816.584   105.318    94.265       805.531    811.525   816.584
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   58.985   16.516     3.184     2.429        15.761     16.488    16.516

 Total Imports.................................................................  182.958  188.553    21.849    27.555       194.259    190.914   188.553
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.068    2.758     0.210     0.427         2.974      2.844     2.758

   Costa Rica
 Total Imports.................................................................  101.702   85.803    12.450     9.584        82.937     84.089    85.803
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   10.326    7.424     0.974     0.692         7.142      7.389     7.424
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   84.845   72.103    10.555     0.000        61.548     67.223    72.103
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    3.922    2.294     0.551     0.000         1.743      1.980     2.294
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.282    2.859     0.013     0.000         2.847      2.847     2.859
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   17.515   10.848     1.722     0.000         9.126     10.151    10.848
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)    9.023    7.766     0.983     0.000         6.783      7.228     7.766
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    7.408   10.420     1.628     0.000         8.792      9.618    10.420
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   46.542   37.863     5.659     0.000        32.203     35.346    37.863
   9820.11.24     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.074    0.053     0.000     0.000         0.053      0.053     0.053
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.078    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.001    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.869    0.966     0.063     0.102         1.005      0.983     0.966
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.188    0.360     0.033     0.045         0.372      0.368     0.360
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.205    0.020     0.009     0.000         0.011      0.015     0.020
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.021    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............    0.184    0.020     0.009     0.000         0.011      0.015     0.020
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.005    0.001     0.000     0.000         0.001      0.001     0.001

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.431    0.003     0.000     0.001         0.003      0.003     0.003
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.286    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.141    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.101    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    0.041    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................  123.896   62.634    10.223     7.727        60.138     61.623    62.634
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   17.817    0.001     0.000     0.000         0.001      0.001     0.001
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  106.044   61.230    10.048     7.722        58.904     60.232    61.230
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...   17.713    0.308     0.004     0.028         0.332      0.313     0.308
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.001    0.002     0.000     0.000         0.002      0.002     0.002
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    5.328    4.028     0.551     0.218         3.694      3.962     4.028
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)   13.507    5.975     1.580     0.007         4.402      5.513     5.975
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........   49.048   16.874     3.188     1.667        15.353     15.912    16.874
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   10.640    5.101     0.827     0.002         4.276      4.755     5.101
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    1.216    1.899     0.194     0.313         2.018      1.965     1.899
   9820.61.25     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    7.316    1.958     1.588     0.055         0.424      0.898     1.958
   9820.61.30     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    0.051    4.471     0.057     0.982         5.395      5.091     4.471
   9820.62.05     Apparel articles from Haiti..(HOPE Act)......................    1.225   20.615     2.058     4.450        23.007     21.821    20.615

   Dominican Republic
 Total Imports.................................................................  427.413  356.413    53.869    39.241       341.784    350.651   356.413
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   37.176   30.523     5.475     4.208        29.255     29.503    30.523
  9802.00.8015 Apparel assembled from U.S. formed and cut fabric(807A).........    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   61.013    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    8.877    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    3.864    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809   18.760    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.09     Knit apparel from regional or U.S. fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ)    2.895    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.12     T-shirts made of regional fabric from U.S. yarn(TRQ).........    0.033    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.15     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or CBI............   14.681    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........   10.856    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.27     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.490    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9820.11.33     Apparel assembled with U.S. thread and fabric (mixed cutting)    0.556    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.090    0.009     0.000     0.000         0.009      0.009     0.009

   St Lucia
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

   St Vincent/Grenadines
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.075     0.000     0.000         0.075      0.075     0.075

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.004    0.014     0.000     0.000         0.014      0.014     0.014
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.014     0.000     0.000         0.014      0.014     0.014
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.000    0.014     0.000     0.000         0.014      0.014     0.014

   Trinidad and Tobago
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.015    0.026     0.000     0.004         0.030      0.026     0.026

   Netherlands Antilles
 Total Imports.................................................................    0.028    0.003     0.000     0.000         0.003      0.003     0.003

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................  129.532  115.597    16.672    14.357       113.283    114.687   115.597
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)   12.866    9.390     1.670     0.759         8.479      8.834     9.390
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...  110.397  101.163    14.245    12.772        99.690    100.885   101.163
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......   29.342   36.758     4.728     4.326        36.356     36.692    36.758
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.040    0.055     0.006     0.004         0.053      0.055     0.055
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.016    0.076     0.002     0.030         0.103      0.103     0.076
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.012    0.012     0.000     0.019         0.031      0.012     0.012
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.040    0.018     0.000     0.000         0.018      0.018     0.018
   9821.11.19     Brassieres cut and assembled in the US and/or an ATPDEA count    1.041    1.533     0.216     0.194         1.511      1.525     1.533
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn   79.906   62.711     9.293     8.199        61.617     62.479    62.711

 Total Imports.................................................................    4.148    3.059     0.699     0.573         2.933      2.881     3.059
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.000    0.061     0.000     0.000         0.061      0.061     0.061
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    4.135    2.996     0.696     0.573         2.872      2.821     2.996
   9802.00.8044 Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric from U.S. yarn(807A+)...    0.120    0.053     0.053     0.063         0.063      0.063     0.053
   9820.11.03     Apparel assembled from U.S. cut fabric & yarn,further process    0.014    0.010     0.010     0.000         0.000      0.010     0.010
   9820.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.550    0.106     0.000     0.005         0.111      0.106     0.106
   9820.11.18     Knit apparel from U.S. fabric, yarn and thread(809)..........    3.450    2.826     0.633     0.504         2.698      2.641     2.826

 Total Imports.................................................................    9.968    9.067     1.357     0.852         8.562      8.852     9.067
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    9.899    8.911     1.320     0.850         8.441      8.731     8.911
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.054    0.008     0.000     0.000         0.008      0.008     0.008
   9821.11.13     Combinations of 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusive.....    0.010    0.006     0.000     0.001         0.008      0.006     0.006
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    9.835    8.896     1.320     0.849         8.425      8.716     8.896

 Total Imports.................................................................   48.980   56.925    10.106     9.624        56.443     55.632    56.925
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   47.825   55.907     9.994     9.443        55.356     54.560    55.907
   9821.11.01     Apparel assembled from U.S. fabric (finishing in U.S.).......    0.023    0.098     0.000     0.050         0.148      0.098     0.098
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.099    0.011     0.003     0.001         0.010      0.009     0.011
   9821.11.07     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.012    0.003     0.000     0.000         0.003      0.003     0.003
   9821.11.10     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (CITA).....    0.005    0.110     0.006     0.005         0.109      0.115     0.110
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn   47.685   55.685     9.985     9.387        55.086     54.334    55.685

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.068    0.130     0.027     0.011         0.114      0.118     0.130
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.004    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.027    0.054     0.021     0.000         0.033      0.041     0.054
   9821.11.04     Apparel, chief value of llama, alpaca or vicuna..............    0.004    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9821.11.25     Apparel assembled from ATPDEA fabric from U.S. or ATPDEA.yarn    0.023    0.054     0.021     0.000         0.033      0.041     0.054

 Total Imports.................................................................    4.045    0.307     0.180     0.026         0.153      0.127     0.307
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    3.959    0.295     0.177     0.025         0.143      0.118     0.295
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    3.901    0.235     0.177     0.000         0.058      0.058     0.235
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.058    0.060     0.000     0.025         0.085      0.060     0.060

 Total Imports.................................................................    3.250    7.789     0.598     1.334         8.526      7.964     7.789
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    3.248    7.700     0.578     1.275         8.398      7.836     7.700
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    3.243    7.697     0.578     1.275         8.394      7.832     7.697
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.003     0.000     0.000         0.003      0.003     0.003
   9819.11.27     Handloomed, handmade and folklore articles...................    0.005    0.001     0.000     0.000         0.001      0.001     0.001

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.105    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.105    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.105    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................   46.293   44.976     5.916     7.734        46.794     46.484    44.976
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   45.337   44.631     5.864     7.734        46.500     46.143    44.631
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   45.337   44.631     5.864     7.734        46.500     46.143    44.631

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.003    0.250     0.000     0.083         0.333      0.250     0.250
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.000    0.250     0.000     0.083         0.333      0.250     0.250
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.000    0.250     0.000     0.083         0.333      0.250     0.250

 Total Imports.................................................................    6.753    1.955     0.294     0.145         1.806      1.795     1.955
  9802.00.8068 Articles assembled from any fabric cut in the United States(807)    0.000    0.026     0.000     0.000         0.026      0.026     0.026
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    5.500    1.554     0.239     0.082         1.397      1.367     1.554
   9819.11.06     Apparel cut and assembled from U.S. fabric, yarn & thread(809    0.033    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    5.468    1.541     0.239     0.052         1.354      1.338     1.541
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.000    0.000     0.000     0.014         0.014      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.21     Apparel from fabric or yarn N/A in commercial qty (401/NAFTA)    0.000    0.013     0.000     0.016         0.029      0.029     0.013

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.161    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.161    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.161    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................   44.904   68.433    11.059     9.627        67.001     65.901    68.433
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   42.485   68.129    11.018     9.593        66.704     65.581    68.129
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   42.485   68.129    11.018     9.593        66.704     65.581    68.129

   South Africa
 Total Imports.................................................................    4.089    3.924     0.643     0.387         3.668      3.748     3.924
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    3.580    3.311     0.577     0.332         3.066      3.154     3.311
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    3.580    3.311     0.577     0.332         3.066      3.154     3.311

 Total Imports.................................................................    0.559    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    0.559    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    0.559    0.000     0.000     0.000         0.000      0.000     0.000

 Total Imports.................................................................    8.658    3.725     0.627     0.808         3.905      4.020     3.725
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    8.658    3.725     0.627     0.808         3.905      4.020     3.725
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    8.658    3.725     0.627     0.808         3.905      4.020     3.725

 Total Imports.................................................................   48.191   44.647     8.358     6.959        43.248     43.523    44.647
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   47.954   44.321     8.358     6.959        42.922     43.197    44.321
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   47.954   44.321     8.358     6.959        42.922     43.197    44.321

 Total Imports.................................................................    7.221    6.013     0.490     1.939         7.461      6.369     6.013
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...    7.221    6.013     0.490     1.939         7.461      6.369     6.013
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr    7.221    6.013     0.490     1.939         7.461      6.369     6.013

 Total Imports.................................................................   54.165   68.183     7.699     9.959        70.442     70.271    68.183
  Imports under Trade Preference Programs.............(Total of items below)...   53.525   67.815     7.693     9.796        69.918     69.747    67.815
   9819.11.09     Apparel from regional fabric from U.S. or African yarn.......    0.000    0.380     0.000     0.000         0.380      0.380     0.380
   9819.11.12     Apparel from foreign fabric made in a lesser developed countr   53.525   67.435     7.693     9.796        69.538     69.367    67.435

Source:  U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Textiles and Apparel.