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Crime & Justice Data Online

Crime data tables for states and local agencies

Crime trends from the FBI's Uniform
Crime Reports

  • by State including U.S. totals (since 1960)
  • by reporting local agency (since 1985)
Homicide data tables for states and local agencies

Homicide trends and characteristics
(victim age, gender, and race and weapon used)

  • by State (since 1976)
  • by local agencies with a population coverage of more than 250,000 (since 1985)
 Justice Agencies
Expenditure and Employment Data

Justice Expenditure and Employment (since 1982)

  • National Estimates (Federal, State total, local total)
  • State-by-State
  • Large counties and cities
LEMAS data tables for states and local agencies

Law Enforcement Management and
Administrative Statistics

  • State agencies
  • Large local agencies (100 or more sworn officers)
Prosecutors Data

Prosecutors' Offices

  • All prosecutors' offices in the United States (2001)
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Page last revised on April 3, 2009