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MEPS Topics: Children's Health
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Children's Health
Description: Children can be identified by the age variables in the MEPS-HC, allowing most MEPS analyses to be performed for children. Starting in 2001, a Child Health and Preventive Care section was added. This section contains questions that had been in the 2000 Parent Administered Questionnaire, selected children's questions that had been asked in previous years, and additional child preventive care questions. In addition to the tables and publications below, the full-year consolidated data files contain these variables and can be downloaded for analysis.
Data tables: No specific tables on child health currently exist on the Web site, although age categories are on most HC Summary Data Tables. For tables that can be customized, you may select a population based on age and/or define the age groupings as desired.
Analytic tools: You can use the MEPSnet/HC query tool to generate your own tables by age. Note: None of the Child Health and Preventive Care section variables are available.
Publications: Publications are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
The Five Most Costly Children's Conditions, 2006: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Children, Ages 0-17. 
Statistical Brief #242 
Ear Infections (Otitis Media) in Children (0-17): Use and Expenditures, 2006. 
Statistical Brief #228 
Dental Use, Expenses, Dental Coverage, and Changes, 1996 and 2004. 
Chartbook #17 
Treatment of Sore Throats: Antibiotic Prescriptions and Throat Cultures for Children under 18 Years of Age, 2002-2004 (Average Annual). 
Statistical Brief #137 
Health Insurance Status of Children in America, First Half 1996-2005: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population under Age 18. 
Statistical Brief #131 
Children's Dental Visits and Expenses, United States, 2003. 
Statistical Brief #117 
Children's Dental Care: Periodicity of Checkups and Access to Care, 2003. 
Statistical Brief #113 
Utilization and Expenditures for Children with Special Health Care Needs. 
Research Findings #24 
Trends in Children's Eligibility for Public Insurance for Families with Children, 1996-2002 (First Half). 
Statistical Brief #100 
Trends in Children's Health Insurance Coverage for Families with Children, 1996-2002 (First Half). 
Statistical Brief #99 
Health Insurance Status of Children in America, 1996-2004: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population under Age 18. 
Statistical Brief #85 
Children's Usual Source of Care: United States, 2002. 
Statistical Brief #78 
Access to Needed Medical Care among Children under 18 Years of Age with Special Health Care Needs, 2002. 
Statistical Brief #75 
Trends in Children's Antibiotic Use: 1996 to 2001. 
Research Findings #23 
Health Insurance Status of Children in America, 1996-2003: Estimates for the U.S. Population under Age 18. 
Statistical Brief #44 
Trends in Antibiotic Use Among U.S. Children Aged 0 to 4 Years, 1996-2000. 
Statistical Brief #35 
Health Insurance Status of Children in America: 1996-2002 Estimates for the Non-institutionalized Population Under Age 18. 
Statistical Brief #28 
Children's Access to Necessary Health Care, Fall 2001. 
Statistical Brief #12 
Children's Health Care Quality, Fall 2000. 
Statistical Brief #3 
Children's Health 1996: Health Insurance, Access to Care, and Health Status. 
Chartbook #1 
   Page last revised:  September 5, 2006