NPS Historic Photograph Collection

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Click on this image to view a detailed record
Click on this image to view a detailed record
Click on this image to view a detailed record

The National Park Service Historic Photograph Collection is comprised of more than two million images which cover a wide variety of subjects: Park architecture, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Native American heritage, NPS personnel, roads and transportation, scenic views, and much more.

There are presently 2000 images from the Collection available online. The collections of several eminent National Park Service photographers, including Jack Boucher, Arno B. Cammerer, George A. Grant, and Abbie Rowe, are also included in the Collection.

I just wanted to send a big thank you to the National Park Service for putting the historic photograph collection on-line. I’ve really enjoyed strolling through these photos. I hope to compare many of my own photos of the same areas to these to see the changes. Thanks for a great site.

—John Damaré (June 19, 2003)

If you have questions about use policies or reuse permissions for photos in the Collection, please read about Copyright of Archival Collections. If you have questions or information about any photographs in the Collection, please contact HFC Photo Archivist .

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Author: Harpers Ferry Center
Date: 05/06/2009