Brief Overview of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


May 2007


By Azim Mamanov, BISNIS representative in Novosibirsk


The lists of local and foreign companies and contacts provided in this report are not comprehensive and do not constitute an endorsement of the listed companies by the U.S. Department of Commerce.




Source: website of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (




Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) was established in 1957. The Siberian Branch incorporates the organizations of the Russian Academy of Science located in Siberia.


The organizations within the Siberian branch include fundamental and applied research institutions and production facilities of the Russian Academy of Sciences and service departments that support the infrastructure of research centers established in multiple locations all over the territory of Siberia.


Research centers are established in Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Ulan-Ude, Kemerovo, Tyumen, and Omsk, individual research institutions are located in Barnaul, Chita, and Kyzyl. The Siberian Branch encompasses 74 research institutions and 13 design bureaus working in different areas of physical, mathematical, chemical, and biological sciences, Earth sciences, humanities and economical science. The central location of the Siberian Branch is Novosibirsk.


The institutions can be classified in several fields of scientific activity:

- Mathematics and Informatics;

- Mechanics and Power Engineering;

- Physics and Engineering;

- Chemistry;

- Life Sciences;

- Earth Sciences;

- Social Sciences


The Siberian Branch has 33051 employees (according to the data from 01.01.2005). Of the above 24933 work in research institutions, 1909 work in scientific services and 6209 work in other services. There are 9117 researchers, of whom 58 are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 72 are corresponding members, 1685 hold the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 4698 hold the degree of Candidate of Sciences.


This report provides information on research institutions of the Siberian Branch, located in Novosibirsk.




Institute of Computational Technologies (

6 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3306150
Fax: +7-383-3306342


The Institute of Computational Technologies was established in 1990. The Institute conducts both fundamental and applied research on the cutting edge of informational and computational technologies. Main directions of research are:


- Design and implementation of the informational-telecommunication technologies;
- Mathematical modeling and computational algorithm development applied to a wide rage of problems arising in mechanics of continuous media, physics and ecology.


The Institute is a leading organization on informational-telecommunication technologies within the SB RAS. The institute has implemented and is now maintaining a regional SB RAS data exchange network. This network covers scientific centers in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and other cities in Siberia. The network serves more than 150 research, educational and social organizations with more than 40 000 active users. This network is the biggest academic network in Russia.


Many pioneering works on the interval mathematics were conducted and the Institute is continuing to hold a leading position in this field. The Institute is renowned for the fundamental results in the qualitative theory of PDEs, justification of new principals for the turbulence modeling and for the economical computational splitting methods on structured and unstructured grids applied to aero and hydro dynamics problems and plasma physics.


A number of important problems of modeling of flows in hydro turbines, turbulent flows in the wakes behind the bodies, stress-strain state calculation and determination of loads leading to the failure of plates, cylindrical and combinational shells made from modern composite materials have been solved.


Methods and technologies for environmental monitoring are proposed including prediction of emergences related to the tsunami run-up, dam breaking and pollution dispersion in the atmosphere and water reservoirs. Models of interaction of the super powerful laser pulses with plasma of sub and supercritical density are also developed.


Computation technologies for solving the problems of nonlinear optics (soliton transmission lines, forced transmission systems with dispersion) are developed. A mathematical model for the unsteady process of formation of the low temperature vapor-water plasma in the semi closed volume under the action of high intensity impulse electric discharge and subsequent flow of this plasma jet into submerging area has been formulated.


A mathematical model and the technique for numerical modeling of non stationary processes taking place in various gas generators working on solid fuel are obtained. Such devices, for example, are used for indoor fire fighting, in supercharging of fuel tanks of the liquid-propellant rockets and in the crew emergency systems.


Institute of Informatics Systems (

6 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3308652
Fax: +7-383-3323494


Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS) was founded in April 1990. However, it has a long history which started in 1958, when the Department of Programming was organized at the Institute of Mathematics in Novosibirsk. The first project of the Department was a design and implementation of the Algol-like algorithmic language ALPHA.


In 1964 the Department was transferred to the newly organized Computing Center headed by Academician Gury I. Marchuk, former (and the last) President of the USSR Academy of Sciences. During the 60's and 70's the Department was growing, extending research areas from the compiler design to broader aspects of system programming, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence and experimental computer architecture. As a result, the Siberian school of the system and theoretical programming has been formed. Now this school has leading positions in many research areas.


In the 80's experimental and application projects aimed at the validation and implementation of previously developed theoretical concepts and methods were initiated. These projects were related to modern problems of concurrent programming languages, program verification and synthesis, program optimization, new computer architecture and VLSI design.

Now the work performed in the IIS covers each of the following research areas:


theoretical background of computer science;

methods and tools of constructing reliable and efficient programs;

artificial intelligence systems;

software and application packages for new computers, systems and networks.


Institute of Mathematics (

4 Koptyug Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3332892
Fax: +7-383-3332598


Institute of Mathematics was foundered in 1957. The institute scientists carry out fundamental investigations in mathematics, mathematical physics, and informatics in the following main fields:


Algebra, theory of numbers, mathematical logic;

Geometry, topology, and functional analysis;

Differential equations and mathematical physics;

Probability and mathematical statistics;

Numerical mathematics;

Mathematical modeling and methods of applied mathematics.




Institute of Thermophysics (

1 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3308480
Fax: +7-383-3308480


Institute of Thermophysics was founded in 1957. Main fields of scientific research are:

-Thermophysical Physical Properties of Substances;

-Thermophysical Physical Fundamentals of Creation of New Substances;

-Low Temperature Plasma;



-Vortex Structures;

-Boiling and Condensation;

-Wave Dynamics;

-Two-Phase Flow;

-Molecular Gas Dynamics;

-Ecological Problems of Power Engineering;

-Thermophysical Fundamentals of Hydrogen Energy Production;

-Thermophysical Fundamentals of Fuel Cells

The institute has extensive experience working with foreign companies, including Hewlett Packard, General Motors, and Air Products and Chemicals.


Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (

4/1 Institutskaya St.

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3304268
Fax: +7-383-3307268


The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was founded in 1957. The Institute successfully works in the field of advance problems of mechanics. The main research activities of the Institute deal with fundamental investigations in the field of aerohydrodynamics of super- and hypersonic flows: hydrodynamic stability, boundary layer, theory of fuel mixing and combustion in supersonic flows, mechanics of multiphase media with regard for physico-chemical transformations, plasma dynamics, and strength.


To promote the integration of Russian scientists into the international scientific community, the International Center of Aerophysical Research (ICAR) was founded at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 1991. Since May 1997, The Institute is a member of Supersonic Tunnels Association, International (STAI).


Institute of Hydrodynamics (

15 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3331612
Fax: +7-383-3331612


The Institute was founded in 1957. Main fields of scientific research are continuum mechanics, applied hydrodynamics, solid mechanics, and detonation and explosion processes.




Institute of Semiconductor Physics (

13 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3332766
Fax: +7-383-3332771


The Institute of Semiconductor Physics (ISP) was founded in 1964 originating from unification of the Institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductor Electronics and the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences.

Nowadays ISP is a scientific research center with a wide scale of activities accumulated at the field of modern Semiconductor and Insulator physics, Physics and Chemistry technology bases for Microelectronics, Microphotoelectronics, Nanoelectronics and Acoustoelectronics, Information Technologies and Electronics.

The basic achievements of the Institute are connected with researches of atomic processes and the electronic phenomena occurring on surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors also quantum effects in low-dimensional semiconductor systems : superlattices, heterostructures with quantum wells, quantum wires and dots.

ISP has mastered and developed technologies for fabrication of matrix IR photodetectors, electron-optical image intensifiers, superhigh frequency-transistors, quantum interferometers.

Long-term efforts were made by the Institute for development of the molecular-beam epitaxy technology and equipment (MBE) and for providing of modern diagnostic systems which have become a basis for advanced nanotechnologies for semiconductor electronics.


Institute of Nuclear Physics (

11 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3394760
Fax: +7-383-3307163


The Institute of Nuclear Physics was founded in 1958. The institute conducts scientific research in the following areas: nuclear physics, theoretical physics, elementary particle physics, accelerator physics and techniques, synchrotron radiation, plasma physics, thermonuclear fusion, and free electron lasers. The Institute cooperates with research institutes in many countries of the world, including USA, Italy, Germany, and France. The Institute constructed over 100 electron accelerators for facilities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Japan, China, Poland, Hungary, Romania, South Korea, Italy, and India.


Institute of Automation and Electrometry (

1 Koptyug Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3333580
Fax: +7-383-3333863


The institute of Automation and Electrometry was founded in 1957. Its main fields are laser technology, optoelectronics, and computer graphics.


Institute of Laser Physics (

13 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3332489
Fax: +7-383-3332067


The Institute of Laser Physics was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Department of Laser Physics of the Institute of Thermophysics.

Scientific investigations in the following fields are performed at the Institute: 


- Laser spectroscopy of superhigh resolution and its fundamental applications;

- Laser frequency standards;

- Solid-state and semiconductor laser systems and materials of quantum electronics;

- Generation of femtosecond pulses;

- The energy of high-power lasers for scientific investigations and technologies;

- Lasers in medicine and biology;

- Electronic systems and computer technologies


investigations on numerous international programs are also being performed. For example, our institute participated in a program on the precision spectroscopy of hydrogen atom, in which the Rydberg constant was determined with the highest possible accuracy. First joint experiments on the absolute frequency measurement of the prohibited transition of exotic muonium atom were performed jointly with the Heidelberg University (Germany), the Rutherford Laboratory, and the Oxford University (UK) within the framework of a special program. The Institute has scientific contacts with a number of other foreign organizations, such as Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, University Paris-Nord, Electrocommunications University, and National Institute of Standards and Technology.



Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering (

41 Russkaya St.,

Novosibirsk, Russia 630058
Phone: +7-383-3332760
Fax: +7-383-3329342


The Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Special Design Office of Scientific Instruments.

The Institute has developed and manufactured a wide range of competitive unique and small series high-tech devices and systems. The range of products includes a number of precision high-speed optoelectronic devices for non-contact dimensional inspection and surface defects detection of industrial articles and wheel pairs of running trains as well as novel laser image generators, unique laser technological complex for articles cutting and ablation, digital X-Ray systems for welding seams inspection, X-Ray luminescent diamond separators, etc.
Highly qualified scientists, engineers and designers, experimental facilities and pilot workshop allow to carry out research and development on prototypes creation of radically novel competitive techniques based on optical, laser and information technologies as well as to perform production, supply, ready-to-use mounting and realize guarantee and post-guarantee servicing. The Institute has been successfully cooperating with large Russian enterprises in various industries:

1. Atomic industry — Joint-Stock Company Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, Engineering Plant, Elektrostal City, Moscow Plant of Polymetals, Chepetsky Mechanical Plant, Glazov City;
2. Mining Industry — Joint-Stock Company“ALROSA”, Moscow, Mirny City;
3. Railway transport — Enterprises of Joint- Stock Company ‘Russian Railways’;
4. Car Industry —Joint-Stock Company “AVTOVAZ”, Togliatti City;
5. Optomechanic Industry — The Ural Plant of Optomechanics, Ekaterinburg City.



Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (

5 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3308269
Fax: +7-383-3308056


The Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC) was founded in 1958 . The BIC is now one of the largest research centers worldwide specialized in catalysis. BIC has affiliations  in St-Petersburg and Volgograd. The permanent staff consists of 1000 employees, including 350 research scientists. In 1994 the status of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation was granted to the Institute under the Russian Government Decree.


The BIC’s R&D activities span the areas from fundamental problems of catalysis to development of new catalysts and catalytic technologies and to designing semi-commercial plants for the catalysts manufacturing. The main fields of catalytic research at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis are establishment of general physicochemical regularities of catalysis, development of scientific bases for molecular design of materials and implementation of catalytic processes; creation of new generation catalysts for chemical, refinery and petrochemical industries, as well as creation of catalysts and technologies for innovative application areas.


The primary aim of fundamental studies is the prediction of catalytic action in order to create engineering basis for production of catalysts, as well as to develop and optimize catalytic processes.


The most important among the fundamental studies are:


- Catalytic phenomena on the atomic and molecular levels;

- Nature of active centers of catalysts and the mechanisms of key catalytic reactions;

- Catalyst structures and mechanisms of their formation;

- Kinetic studies and mathematical modeling of catalytic processes.


Unique scientific facilities are available at BIC’s laboratories, which allow the thorough characterization of chemical composition and properties of catalysts, investigation of mechanisms of catalytic reactions and creation of new effective catalyst for various chemical industries.


The Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is engaged in the National Federal Programs to do applied research in practically important fields. It takes part international and national programs and cooperates with a great number of Russian and foreign companies and enterprises. More than 50 catalysts and catalytic technologies have been created by BIC and industrially implemented. BIC’s products often are awarded prizes and diplomas at prestigious international forums and exhibitions.


International Tomography Center (

3 Institutskaya St.

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3331448
Fax: +7-383-3331399


The International Tomography Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of the Sciences (ITC SB RAS) was founded by the initiative of Academician Renad Sagdeev with the support of the Presidium of SB RAS and of the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of SB RAS. BRUKER Spectrospin ( Germany) contributed a lot to ITC establishment and development. Since 2000, the International Tomography Center has been a research institute at the Novosibirsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS.


ITC SB RAS is the one of the world-recognized leaders in spin chemistry, carrying out basic and applied research in chemical physics and medicine. It also runs medical examination of the population of the region using the method of magnetic-resonance tomography. Main research fields of the Center are the chemical bonding theory, reactivity of chemical compounds, mechanisms of chemical reactions, magnetic phenomena in chemistry and medicine, spin and exchange phenomena, including multispin coordination compounds, diagnostic NMR-imaging and NMR-microimaging for physical-chemical applications, development of fundamentally new magnetic materials. Discovery of the influence of the constant magnetic field on radical reactions in solutions and of magnetic isotope effect are of particular importance for modem chemistry that are widely used all over the world. Fundamentally new techniques of studying the mechanisms of chemical and biochemical reactions are being developed and applied on the basis of spin effects. One of these techniques is the method of magnetic-resonance microscopy, which enabled the first successful investigation of multiphase catalystic reaction in a real-time mode. New methods of the chemical design of molecular magnetics have been developed; a unique magnetic phenomenon, the so-called “nonclassical spin transition” due to structural rearrangement of complicated heterospin exchange clusters and the crystal macrostructure on the whole has been discovered; an unusual class of solid objects (“breathing crystals”) has been created.


In medical diagnostics, ITC SB RAS develops the most advanced technology, the method of magnetic tomography.


The Laboratory of Medical Diagnostics of ITC SB RAS renders invaluable assistance to practical medicine by solving complicated problems, providing advice concerning magnetic-resonance tomography to doctor and patients. Patients are examined with the use of the super-conducting Tomicon S-50 MR-imager manufactured by BRUKER, which provides ell-reasoned conclusions and high-quality MR /images. More than 5 thousand people undergo tomographic examination annually.


Main medical diagnostics applications of MR-imager are oncology and hematology, neuropathology and neurosurgery, thoracic and abdominal surgery, gastroenterology and endocrinology, urinology and gynecology, traumatology and orthopaedy. In complicated cases patients are examined with the use of contrasting preparations to diagnose oncological and degenerate diseases. The most advanced techniques of magnetic-resonance tomography are developed and applied in the laboratory: ultraspeed scanning, MR angiography, cine-MR-lymphography, and cine-MR-cholecystopancreatography.


Research activities of the Laboratory are focused on clinical anatomy, studying of real lifetime sizes and forms of internals in healthy and sick patients: nerve tissue, subarachnoid space and vascular structures of the brain and neck, big vessels of mediastinum and heart, pectoral lymphatic duct, biliferous tract, etc. The Laboratory staff members are involved in training of students and specialists in magnetic-resonance tomography.


In addition to the basic research laboratories, ITC includes department for applied developments and a service department for scientific and medical equipment that is responsible for installation and maintenance of BRUKER equipment in Russia.


ITC SB RAS is equipped with modem scientific devices, such as DRX-300MR spectrometer-microimager, a unique system for magnetic chemical research MPMS-5S (Quantum Design), SMART APEX monocrystal difractometer (BRUKER AXS), etc.


Being a scientific institution, ITC SB RAS is financed from the federal budget, some additional funds are available from Russian and foreign grants, international projects, contracts and agreements with Russian and foreign partners.


Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion (

3 Institutskaya St.

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3309150
Fax: +7-383-3307350


Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion (ICK&C) was founded in 1957. The success achieved in the 40-ies and 50-ies by the scientific school of Academician N.N. Semenov, Nobel Prize winner, has put forward chemical kinetics as the division of chemical physics to the frontier of chemical science. To understand the mechanisms of chemical reactions, to know the laws of reaction evolution with time means to govern a chemical process.


Scientific interests of the Institute at its early stage were mostly related to the combustion of solid fuels, and also to the physics and chemistry of aerosols. Research areas in ICK&C had been completely settled in the 70’s-80’s. Progress in the field of kinetics was connected mostly with chemical radiospectroscopy, i.e. the application of magnetic resonance to structural chemistry and to kinetics with simultaneous development of theory and experiment for these purposes.


Another modern research area is spin chemistry that was created mainly by investigations conducted in the Institute. Spin chemistry reveals the effects of magnetic field and spin state on the interaction between active intermediate particles in elementary chemical steps. Last but not least, the idea to selectively govern chemical reactions has been the basis for laser (infrared) photochemistry. The priority works in this field have also been performed in the Institute. Research areas dealing with combustion and the physical chemistry of aerosols are also developing successfully in the Institute. The major directions in this field are the studies of combustion mechanisms in gas phase and in condensed phases, the processes of aerosol formation and transport.


The Institute has traditionally wide international links in all the major research areas, holds international workshops, seminars, conferences. Within the last 5 years the joint works have been published with the researchers from 40 foreign universities and institutes; several tens grants from international foundations have been won. Systematic investigations are carried out in the frames of international collaboration programs: Conversion of the Energy of Light into Chemical Energy during Photosynthesis (The Netherlands, Japan), Aerosols of Siberia (Germany, Belgium), Spin Chemistry (USA, England, Japan, Germany, Switzerland), Combustion of Solid Fuels (Italy, The Netherlands, USA), the Development of Chemical Radiospectroscopy Technique (USA, The Netherlands, Germany).


Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry (

18 Kutateladze St.,

Novosibirsk, Russia 630128
Phone: +7-383-3328683
Fax: +7-383-3322847


The Institute is one of the oldest Siberian scientific establishments. It was organized in 1944 as the Chemical Metallurgical Institute. After the establishment of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences which incorporated the Institute, it obtained a more purposeful and specialized structure. It was renamed in 1964 into the Institute of Physicochemical Principles of Mineral Raw Materials Processing. The main idea of the Institute was the research work aimed at the development of theoretical foundations for processing various types of mineral raw material: ores, nonferrous and rare metals, non-valuable aluminosilicates, naturally occurring salts, and solid fossil fuel.


A new direction of fundamental research, solid state chemistry, is being developed since 1975, and in 1980 the Institute has received the new title, the Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mineral Raw Materials Processing.


The scientific approach being developed at the Institute is based on the detailed study of the kinetics and mechanism of topochemical reactions, a special class of solid state transformations characterized by the selective occurrence of chemical transformations in the volume of solid reagent.


The results suggested the ways to control reactivity of solids. The ideas developed in the basic research have found practical application. New materials for recording optical information, new unique technology of palladium-free metallization of dielectrics were design at the end of the 70's - beginning of the 80's years. A new direction has been born, the application of non-thermal methods of the activation of solid phase processes.


Basic research in the field of mechanochemistry carried out at the Institute is directed towards the investigation of the nature of metastable and unstable states of the solids, the study of the properties of mechanocomposites. Along with the basic research in the field of mechanochemistry, the Institute carries out the works on improving the methods of investigating mechanochemical processes and designing the devices to carry out mechanical activation.

At the end of 70's years, studies of the formation of defects in crystals during mechanical activation allowed to design acid-free technology of the production of phosphorus fertilizers and the new method of selective sorbtion of lithium from the underground highly mineralized water. At the 80's years, studies of the solid state interaction mechanism under the action of mechanical impulse have lead to the creation of new materials for stomatology, to the new method of synthesis and regeneration of Raney nickel catalyst, to the synthesis of rapidly dissolving aspirin. In recent years the studies were conducted which allowed to propose the ways of improvement in the technology of oxide superconductor synthesis, new pigments and high-current ion conductors.


Another method of solid-state process activation, radiation-thermal, is under investigation at the Institute since the end of the 80's years. The technology of obtaining nanodisperse oxide powder for the production of construction ceramics has been worked out.


In recent years extensive works are aimed at the synthesis of new materials: high purity bismuth compounds, metal carbides and silicides, intermetallic compounds, etc.


At the Institute, the solving of problems connected with ecology attracted much attention during the last 20 years. An electroionite apparatus and technology were designed for obtaining high pure water. The compositions and technologies for the production of new building materials were designed utilizing solid wastes of industry and power engineering. A new highly efficient electrochemical method involving flow-type porous electrodes has been worked out at the Institute in the frame of the problem of utilization of precious and non-ferrous metals from industrial solutions.


Institute of Organic Chemistry (

9 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3308850
Fax: +7-383-3309752


The Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry was founded in 1958 to develop chemistry and technology of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds, some divisions of chemistry of natural compounds (primarily, forest chemistry) and chemistry of nucleic acids. Well-equipped research groups in physicochemical methods of analysis (UV, IR, mass, NMR, X-ray and gas-chromatographic analyses) were organized for assisting in the development of studies in these fields. Since 1964 a pilot chemical plant has been operating, where technologies for the preparation of fine chemical synthesis products have been developed in pilot setups. 


Presently, main fields of the Institute activity are:


- Study of kinetics and mechanisms of electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution and molecular rearrangements; structure and properties of active intermediate particles (carbocations, radical ions and carbanions); and a quantitative description and prediction of the reactivity of organic compounds in reactions with the intermediate formation of these particles;

- Development of synthetic methods in the chemistry of aromatic, fluoroaromatic, heterocyclic and organoelement compounds; 

- Development of methods for the preparation of components for new promising materials (polymer stabilizers, photosensitive materials, monomers for thermally stable polymers, etc.); 

- Studies in the area of renewable plant raw materials, forest chemistry, chemistry of natural compounds from plant raw materials of Siberia; searching for new physiologically active natural compounds of the terpene series; 

- Development of technological methods for the preparation of organic compounds based on the scientific developments carried out in the Institute in various branches of industry;

- Studies on chemical aspects of ecology, assistance in environmental protection and other institutions in the development and management of analytical methods for the control of the content of harmful substances in food products and environmental objects; 

- Creation of computer data bases on the molecular spectroscopy of organic compounds and software for the solution of problems associated with the manipulation with structural information.


The Institute has extensive international scientific contacts. It participates in the realization of joint projects involving cooperation agreements between the Department of General and Technical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Center of National Research (CNR) of Italy and agreements between the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academies of Sciences of China, Mongolia and Tohoku University (Japan). There are direct agreements concerning scientific cooperation with universities and scientific centers in Germany. The Scientific Technical Center of Chemical Information of the Institute is involved in the International Scientific Technical Network (STN International). The Institutes has active commercial contacts with firms in Belgium, the USA, France, Japan and Italy.




Institute of Cytology and Genetics (

10 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3333526
Fax: +7-383-3331278


The Institute of Cytology and Genetics (IC&G) was among the first ten founded within the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1957.


Underlying the development of the IC&G was the idea to integrate molecular, cellular, developmental and population studies aiming at a better understanding of the genetic mechanisms of variability and evolution. Research emphasis was on the development of plant and animal models for investigating the genetic structure of complex, in functional terms, characters of behavior, stress reactivity, reproductive systems hereditary human and animal diseases, symbiotic nitrogen fixation in plants, among others.


Accordingly, the research of the IC&G is concentrated in studying:

- The structural and functional organization of genetic material at the levels of the genome, chromosome, and gene. Reconstruction of the genome, transgenesis in plants and animals;

- The molecular-genetic and genetic-evolutionary bases of the functioning of physiological systems providing vital processes. Chromosome and gene diagnostics of inherited and multifactorial diseases;

- The genetic-evolutionary aspects of population biology and biodiversity. development of new methods of animal and plant genetics and breeding for efficient use of gene pools.

Many laboratories of the IC&G collaborated with colleagues abroad. Research was supported by international project grants provided by the European foundations INTAS, NATO and Britain's Wellcome Trust, collaboration was also expressed as working agreements between the IC&G and laboratories, universities, institutes in USA, England, Germany, Finland, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, China and other countries. The IC&G maintained productive working relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan by collaborating in research programs.


Institute of Сhemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine (

8 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3333328
Fax: +7-383-3333677


The institute was founded in 1984. Main fields of research are:

- Development of approaches for regulation of genes expression using oligonucleotide derivatives. Chemistry of nucleic acids: synthesis of oligonucleotide analogs and conjugates; design of antisense reagents;

- Assay of oligonucleotide derivatives as antisense agents in vitro and in vivo; development of new methods of oligonucleotide delivery into cells; investigation of the mechanisms of oligonucleotides action in living organisms;

- Enzymology of replication, transcription, translation and repair;

- Structure and regulation of human and other vertebrates genes;

- Investigation of human viruses: expression of tick-borne encephalitis virus genes and role of viral proteins in the pathogenesis;

- Molecular basis of gene therapy and gene immunization;

- Development of new methods for medical diagnostics.




The United Institute of Geology, Geophysics & Mineralogy (

3 Koptyug Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3332600
Fax: +7-383-3332792


 The United Institute of Geology, Geophysics & Mineralogy starts its history since 1957. It incorporates Institutes of Geology, Geophysics, Mineralogy and Petrography, Oil and Gas Geology.




Institute of Archeology and Ethnography (

17 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3300537
Fax: +7-383-3301191


Archaeology, System analysis in archaeology, Ethnography, Mathematical analysis in archaeology, Computer science in archaeology, Prehistory


Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering (

17 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3300536
Fax: +7-383-3302580


Institute of economics and industrial engineering is the first scientific organization of economical profile to the East of Ural.

Institute of Economics and Statistics was founded in 1957. In1958, the Institute was renamed to the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering. Main fields of research activities are: investigation of dynamics, structural and economical changes in Russia problems of industrial development in terms of multi-industrial complexes, groups of interrelated industries and enterprises in forming market economics problems of government regional politics of regional management and complex development of Siberian economics social problems of changes in society and economics theoretical and applied problems of economical informatics


Institute of History (

17 Lavrentiev Ave

Novosibirsk, Russia 630090
Phone: +7-383-3300536
Fax: +7-383-3302580


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BISNIS Representative in Novosibirsk: Azim Mamanov ( ***