Welcome to NOROCK

We hope you will enjoy learning about the exciting ecosystems and species we are studying throughout the Western United States. Our scientists work within the Rocky Mountain regions of Montana, Wyoming, and northern Idaho, which include the diverse Greater Yellowstone and Northern Continental Divide ecosystems. Browse our feature articles or dive right into the science by reading about ongoing research projects or publications our scientists have produced.

Information on Swine Influenza (Flu)

Center for Disease Control
International Society for Infectious Diseases

NOROCK In the News

Here are our most recent radio, news, magazine and television features. To view news archives visit News & Events

USGS Press Release

Past Meets Present in Glacier Exhibit
Slight Changes in Climate May Trigger Abrupt Ecosystem Responses
Results of Landmark Montana Grizzly Bear Study Now Available


Is there a Future for Bull and Cutthroat Trout?, 4/28/09 MT Water Newsletter
Grizzlies killed in record numbers , 4/17/09 Billings Gazette
Study to research effect of climate change on denning, 4/11/09 GF Tribune


Operation Grizzly., Mar/Apr 09 Montana Outdoors
Hair Samples Shed Light on Grizzlies., 12/08 Endangered Species Bulletin
Guard of the Grizzlies., 12/08 Wildlife Professional


Bear Truth, 9/19/08 National Public Radio
Yellowstone's Evolution, 8/31/08 National Public Radio


On thin ice., 4/17/09 PBS Now l Audio l
Hidden camera reveals secret life of bears, 6/30/08 NBC The Today Show

Magazines featuring USGS research

Science Picks

Featuring NOROCK's recently published research and publications.
l Archives l


Changing Treeline cover

NOROCK scientist Dan Fagre co-authors a recently published book on a variety of climatic, geomorphologic, and edaphic controls over the woody vegetation in Glacier National Park. Some of this research may serve as a guideline to coming changes in other montane regions of the world.

ISBN: 978-0-444-53364-7