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Medical Care Provider Participants' Corner

Here you can find information for hospitals, physicians, and other medical care providers who have been asked to participate in the MEPS Medical Provider Component (MPC):

  • Video introduction (Flash® 3.5 MB; approximately 7–8 minutes viewing time): Provides an overview of MEPS-MPC and discusses the government agencies sponsoring the study. (Accessible version  PDF 1.6 MB or  HTM 18 KB)

  • Frequently asked questions: Read answers to general questions (PDF 103 KB or HTM 12 KB) and medical provider questions (PDF 81 KB or HTM 7 KB).

  • Confidentiality/HIPAA (PDF 70 KB or HTM 6 KB): Provides information on issues of confidentiality and compliance with HIPAA legislation.

  • Go to survey questionnaires for detailed information on the types of questions asked in the Medical Provider Component of MEPS.

  • Results: Read a sample of results showing how are MEPS data are used.
DHHS has contracted with Westat, a national research company, to administer the study.

To speak with a representative of the MPC, call one of the following toll-free numbers:
Office-based physicians: 1-800-318-3843
Hospitals, hospital facilities, or individual practitioners associated with a hospital: 1-800-792-3656

To fax information to the MPC, use one of the following toll-free numbers:
Office-based physicians: 1-800-292-6408
Hospitals, hospital facilities, or individual practitioners associated with a hospital: 1-800-792-3670

To mail information to the MPC, use the following address:
MEPS-Medical Provider Component
9274 Gaither Road, GA48
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1420

To communicate with a government representative about the MPC, please contact the MEPS Project Director, Doris Lefkowitz, PhD, or the MEPS-MPC Project Officer, Marie Stagnitti, at

   Page last revised:  December 12, 2008