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Patuxent--Tools for Learning About Birds

pwrc Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
United States and Canadian Birds icon Pictures of Common U.S. and Canadian Birds icon Songs of Common U.S. and Canadian Birds icon Identification Tips for U.S. and Canadian Birds
Central American Birds-
Songs and Photographs of Selected Species that Breed in Central America
icon Pictures of Central American Birds icon Songs of Central American Birds
More Tools for Learning About Birds! icon Frames-based Bird Identification Section (Caution- may notwork on all browsers) icon Play the Patuxent Bird Quiz
MBR Comments and Other Items of Interest icon Send comments to Web-master icon New!Seasonal Bird Lists: Clickable Maps of Bird Abundances from 3 Seasons
Address and telephone:

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
12100 Beech Forest Road, Suite 4039
Laurel, Maryland 20708-4039 USA
Telephone: 301-497-5500 Fax: 301-497-5505
Last updated 4/27/97
