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Summary Data Tables

Data collected through MEPS are used to generate tables with frequently used summary statistics. These tables are available here for both the Household Component and the Insurance Component.

Household Component Summary Tables

The Household Component summary tables provide frequently used summary estimates at the national level on household medical utilization and expenditures: demographic characteristics, health conditions, health status, use of medical care services, charges and payments, access to care, satisfaction with care, health insurance coverage, income, and employment. Some of these tables can be customized online. State-level estimates of household medical utilization and expenditures are also provided for selected states. Update notes

Insurance Component Summary Tables

The Insurance Component summary tables provide estimates at the national, state, and metro area levels on employer-based health insurance: number and types of insurance plans, premiums, benefits, contributions by employers and employees, and employer characteristics. Update notes

Please note, in preparation for improvements in the data collection process, 2007 data for the Insurance Component was not collected.

Beginning with the 2008 tables, health insurance data from the MEPS Insurance Component for the private sector will be released a full year earlier due to major improvements in the data collection process.

In July 2009, MEPS employer-based health insurance tables for private-sector establishments will be posted for the year 2008. Without the changes to data collection, these data would have not been released until July 2010.

National-level tables: Private sector estimates by firm size, industry group, and other characteristics; public sector data by government type, government size, and census division; national totals for enrollees and cost of health insurance coverage for both the private and public sectors.

State and metro area tables: State-level estimates for the private sector by firm size, industry groupings, ownership type, age of firm, employee characteristics, and average wage quartiles. Metropolitan area private sector estimates of premiums, employee contributions, enrollments, and take-up rates by firm size.

   Page last revised:  September 5, 2006