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Presenter: Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz December 04, 2002

Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Remarks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkey

Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2002

(Remarks outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara, Turkey.)

Wolfowitz: Hello. After a very constructive meeting with the Prime Minister, we've just had very good discussions here at the Foreign Ministry. It is just a very positive thing to work with an ally like Turkey. The more closely that Turkey works with the United States the better our chances are of avoiding a war. Our military and diplomatic planning must proceed because Saddam Hussein must see that we are serious. He has to see that he is surrounded by the international community. Turkey has a role to play. The economic and security impact on Turkey will be much better managed if Turkey is intimately involved in the planning from the outset. And we've also talked about how to manage so that if there is a crisis in this region, Turkey's economy will continue to be strong. That's one of our objectives as well. Thanks very much.