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U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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February 13, 1996


The Department of Defense today announced plans to award $30 million to 15 academic institutions to provide long-term infrastructure building grants in the fields of science, engineering, and mathematics. Subject to the successful completion of negotiations between DoD and the academic institutions, the 15 awards will provide long-term support for research, graduate students, and purchase of equipment that support science and engineering research fields important to national defense.

The average funding per award will be $2 million, spent over a 5-year period, with the yearly expenditures being approximately $500,000 per year the first three years and $300,000 and $200,000 the next two years, respectively.

The awards are to be made under the FY95/96 DoD University Research Initiative Support Program (URISP), a program designed to help broaden the competitive research base among universities that have received the least funding from DoD. The URISP was created in response to the 1994 Authorizations Act (Public Law 103-160), which required a competitive university research grants program set aside only for colleges and universities that have received less than $2 million (total) from DoD over the two previous fiscal years. The selections were made based on DoD relevance and advice from university peers.

Today's announcement is the result of a multi-year competition under the DoD URISP. Infrastructure support was offered to improve an academic department by supporting research of multiple investigators or to support research of fully integrated, multiple academic departments addressing one focused technical issue that could possibly lead to a research center of excellence. A substantial portion of each award can be used to purchase research equipment and instrumentation needed to perform the proposed research and for refurbishment of lab facilities in support of the proposed research, however, no new buildings or additions were permitted.

This program will be administered through the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Army Research Office (ARO), the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Proposals were solicited utilizing a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for URISP. In response, 50 final proposals were submitted requesting nearly $100 million.

The list of winning proposers is attached. FY 1995/1996 University Research Initiative Support Program (URISP) Winners

                           FY   FY                                                                                          
       INSTITUTION         CITY          STATE  DEPARTMENT           PRINCIPAL     PROPOSAL TITLE                 SPONSOR   
University of Alabama      Tuscaloosa    AL     Center for           Dr. Kief      Nanostructured Magnetic        ARO       
                                                Materials for                      Materials                                
University of California   Riverside     CA     College of           Prof. Bhanu   Learning Integrated Visual     ARPA      
                                                Engineering                        Database for Image                       
The Catholic University    Washington    DC     Mechanical           Prof. Baz     Active and Passive Control     BMDO/ARO  
of America                                      Engineering                        of Smart Structures                      
Boise State University     Boise         ID     Center for           Dr. Barrash   Three-Dimensional              ARO       
                                                Geophysical                        Characterization and                     
                                                Investigation of                   Modeling of Permeability in              
                                                the Shallow                        a Field-Scale Control Volume             
                                                Subsurface (CGISS)                                                          
Northern Illinois          DeKalb        IL     Physics              Dr. Kimball   Colossal Magnetoresistance:    ARPA      
University                                                                         Synthesis and Synchrotron                
                                                                                   Studies of Spin-Polarized                
                                                                                   Transport Mechanisms in                  
Louisiana Tech University  Ruston        LA     Institute for        Dr.           The Development of a Center    ARO       
                                                Micromanufacturing   Warrington    for Advanced Mold/Mask                   
                                                                                   Processes and Applications               
                                                                                   for the Miniaturization                  
University of Missouri @   St Louis      MO     Center for           Prof. Moss    Stochastic Resonance, Noise    ONR       
St Louis                                        Neurodynamics                      and Signal Processing in                 
                                                                                   Sensory Biology                          
North Dakota State         Fargo         ND     Polymers & Coatings  Prof.         Corrosion Testing, Lifetime    AFOSR     
University                                                           Bierwagen     Prediction and Corrosion                 
                                                                                   Sensor Development for                   
                                                                                   coated Aircraft                          
                                                                                   Systems-Emphasis on Environm             
Brooklyn College, CUNY     Brooklyn      NY     Computer Science     Prof.         Computer Science Tools and     ONR       
                                                                     McAloon       Computationally Demanding                
New York State College     Alfred        NY     School of Ceramic    Dr. Pilgrim   Electromechanically Active     ARPA      
of Ceramics                                     Engineering & Sciences                Materials & Devices            
Ohio University            Athens        OH     Physics & Astronomy  Prof.Kordesc  Growth, Doping and Contacts    BMDO/ONR  
                                                                     h             for Wide Band Gap                        
Temple University          Philadelphia  PA     Physics              Dr. Hasan     Search for Persistent          AFOSR     
                                                                                   Holeburning Materials for                
                                                                                   High Density Memory Storage              
South Dakota State         Brookings     SD     Chemistry& Biochemistry  Prof.         Relationships Between          ONR       
University                                                           Fitzgerald    Synthesis and Processign of              
                                                                                   Lead-Magnesium Niobate-Based             
                                                                                   Ceramics and Their                       
                                                                                   Structures and Electrical                
University of Texas        San Antonio   TX     Division of          Prof. Roy     Telecommunication Networks:    AFOSR     
                                                Engineering                        Mobile & Distributed Communications & Computing            
Marshall University        Huntington    WV     Anatomy, Cell & Neurobiology  Dr. Zill      Neurobiology of Locomotion     ONR       
School of Medicine                                                                 and its Implementation in                

AFOSR: Air Force Office of Scientific Research

ARO: Army Research Office

ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency

BMDO: Ballistic Missile Defense Organization

ONR: Office of Naval Research