National Weather Service Training Center

Severe Convection Forecasting and Warnings

Parameters Associated with
Severe Convection

Introductory Comments

The parameters listed below have been associated with the occurrence of severe weather. By clicking on a specific parameter, you will be linked to a web page that describes that parameter in detail. Please remember that these parameters, by themselves, will not tell you whether severe weather is likely. A complete analysis of the moisture, instability, and forcing mechanisms is needed to prepare such a forecast.

Table of Parameters

 Instability Indices
  • CAPE
  • CIN
  • Lifted Index
  •  Convective Threat
  • Moisture Flux Convergence
  •  Wind Parameters
  • DAPE
  •  Hail Parameters
  • Wet Bulb Zero
  •  Storm Type
  • Bulk Richardson Number
  •  Severe/Tornado Potential
  • Storm Relative Helicity
  • EHI

  • Return to Severe Convection Forecasting and Warnings PDS page

    This page last modified 01/2003