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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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January 10, 1997


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) today selected three industry teams for Phase II of the joint Navy/DARPA Arsenal Ship Program. The three selected industry teams will each be awarded $15 million modifications to their existing Phase I Arsenal Ship agreements using the provisions of Public Law 103-160, Section 845, Other Agreements Authority. The three Phase II industry teams are as follows: General Dynamics, Marine/Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine, Team Leader, with: General Dynamics, Marine/Electric Boat, Groton, Conn.; Raytheon Electronic Systems, Lexington, Mass.; and Science Applications International Corp., McLean, Va. Lockheed Martin, Government Electronic Systems, Morrestown, N.J., Team Leader, with: Litton Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Miss.; and Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Va. Northrop Grumman Corporation, Sykesville, Md., Team Leader, with: National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, Calif.; Vitro Corp., Rockville, Md.; Solipsys, Columbia, Md.; and Band Lavis & Associates, Inc., Severna Park, Md.

The Arsenal Ship Program is a high-priority, joint Navy/DARPA program which will develop a new capability for delivery of large quantities of ordnance in support of land and littoral engagements. The basic requirement for the Arsenal Ship is to satisfy joint naval expeditionary force warfighting requirements in regional conflicts by providing the theater commander with massive firepower for long-range strike, naval surface fire support, and air theater-defense through hundreds of vertical launch system cells and a future advanced gun.

The Arsenal Ship Programs acquisition approach represents a major departure from the way Navy ships have been acquired in the past. The program turns the systems development process over to industry at its earliest stage and challenges industry to develop and design the optimum mix of performance capabilities which can be accommodated within production and life-cycle affordability constraints. In an effort to optimize streamlined technical and business approaches, the program is using DARPAs Section 845 authority to conduct prototype development and acquisition experiments outside normal constraints of the Federal Acquisition Regulations.

In July 1996, DARPA awarded each of five industry teams $1 million Phase I agreements under full and open competition. Since that time, the five teams performed various trade-off studies and developed their initial Arsenal Ship design concepts based upon the governments Ship Capabilities Document and the Concept of Operations. The Phase I Arsenal Ship Concept Designs, in conjunction with the three successful offerors Phase II proposals, formed the basis for the Phase II selection and were deemed as providing the best value to the government.

In Phase II, which will last one year, the three industry teams selected today will continue to develop their concept designs into functional designs consisting of an integrated engineering and cost baseline for the Arsenal Ship Program.

After Phase II, DARPA will select one industry team to enter into Phase III. During that phase, the industry team chosen will complete its detail design and construct an Arsenal Ship Demonstrator, as well as provide an irrevocable offer to construct five additional Arsenal Ships and convert the Arsenal Ship Demonstrator into a fully operational asset in the production phase (Phase V). Phase IV consists of performance testing and a fleet evaluation. The value of the research and development portion (Phases I-IV) of the program is approximately $520 million.

The Arsenal Ship Joint Program is managed by DARPA, and includes representatives from the Naval Sea Systems Command and the Office of Naval Research.

Because the winning teams are competing against each until Phase III, limited information is available concerning their concept designs. Questions should be addressed to the teams public relations points of contact:

General Dynamics, Marine/Bath Iron Works Team: Contact Kevin Gildart, (207) 442-2025, for information. Lockheed Martin, Government Electronic Systems Team: Contact Rich Palmay, (609) 722-2708 for information. Northrop Grumman Corporation Team: Contact Dick Dunne, (516) 346-9850, for information.