National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Administrative Support Assistant

PCU 4: Property Management Regulations and Procedures

Producer: Robyn Malone, WFO MRX

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

The ability to maintain inventories and records of equipment and accountable property at the local office.

Description of Need

Accurate inventories and records of NWS equipment and property are needed to ensure accountability of all equipment and property.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Properly account for all station property and equipment.

2. Conduct and/or oversee regular physical inventory.

3. Prepare all property documentation.

4. Resolve all unreconciled property reports.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 4.1: Utilize mentoring program and Regional Administrative guide described in PCU 1. [all]

Instructional Component 4.2: General Services Administration (GSA) and Administrative Support Center (ASC) web sites. [all]

Instructional Component 4.3: Regional Administrative Management Division (AMD) and ASC contact points/office visits as needed. [all]

Instructional Component 4.4: GSA seminars and symposia on property management topics. [all]

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Last reviewed or updated on 8/28/03