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National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS)

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PCU 6: Local Applications

Producer: Greg Byrd and Kevin Fuell

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Integrate local aspects of meteorological experience, research studies, and mesoscale models into the IFPS software and provide tools that allow forecasters to use this knowledge easily and effectively.

Description of Need

In the past a forecaster could sufficiently translate his experience of local weather events into words for the public forecast. With the paradigm shift to editing a gridded forecast database in the mesoscale, it becomes more challenging and time consuming for the forecaster to incorporate knowledge of local meteorological effects, studies of local weather events, and output from locally-run mesoscale models into the forecast process. Consequently, there is a need to develop tools and applications that help the forecaster efficiently edit the gridded forecast database while scientifically incorporating local mesoscale features that add value to the public forecast.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

  1. Understand what Smart Tools are and how they help to optimize grid editing (e.g., editing multiple elements simultaneously, consistency checks, etc.).
  2. Use the python scripting language to develop or modify simple Smart Tools that can be used by all forecasters.
  3. Development of complex Smart Tools that are able to incorporate into the forecast process variables related to mesoscale meteorology, local forecaster experience, results of local studies, and model output.

  4. Understanding Smart Initialization and using local knowledge of model biases, to adjust how the Smart Initialization procedure derives sensible weather elements.
  5. How to incorporate locally-run models into IFPS for use in the gridded forecast database and by locally developed Smart Tools.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 6.1: Forecasters should complete a web module that describes what local Smart Tools are and why they are important. This will include an example of a local smart tool. Links to Smart Tool references may also be included.

Instructional Component 6.2: Forecasters should complete a web module that provides an introduction to Python and numerical Python. Forecasters will try out commands via the Python command line to get a feel for the syntax of the language.

Instructional Component 6.3: Forecasters should complete a web module that walks them through the creation of a Smart Tool. Several steps will occur to modify the tool. These include changing the tool to numeric Python, adding if/else statements (or their equivalent), and modifying the calculation using other weather elements.

Instructional Component 6.4: Forecasters should complete a web module that examines how Smart Tools access vector data.

Instructional Component 6.5: Forecasters should complete a web module that examines how Smart Tools access weather (precipitation and obstructions to vision) data.

Instructional Component 6.6: Forecasters should complete a web module that examines how Smart Tools access D2D model data.

Instructional Component 6.7: Forecasters should complete a web module that examines Smart Tools operations such as sum grids, max/min/average grid calculations, etc.

Instructional Component 6.8: Forecasters should examine materials used in or resulting from the IFPS training seminar series given by The NOAA-University at Albany Cooperative Institute for the Prediction of hydrometeorological Hazards in the Northeastern United States that explores various methods required to ensure that all WFOs can take advantage of applicable Smart Tools developed as a result of COMET and CSTAR research.

Instructional Component 6.9: Forecasters should complete a web module that provides an introduction to what is the purpose of smart initialization. What smart initialization does, why it is needed, how it works. Explore the GFE configuration files of the items that control it. Explain how the BASE/SITE concept affects smart initialization.

Instructional Component 6.10: Forecasters should complete a web module that provides an understanding of the structure of a smart initialization module. (Formatting). Have them look at an example file for all of the syntax components. Explain the "automatic" parameters that are used in the function calls and what is available for these.

Instructional Component 6.11: Forecasters should complete a web module that shows how to override an existing algorithm. It takes forecasters through creating an override file in SITE for one of the models. It explains the special syntax needed for an override file. Lastly there is an exercise for forecasters to write a smart initialization module.

Instructional Component 6.12: Forecasters should complete a web module that describes testing the override algorithm. How to do it easily (outside of the whole ifpServer configuration). Then how to install the algorithm into operations (by setting up the serverConfig/localConfig to recognize the override module.

Instructional Component 6.13:Forecasters should complete a web module that describes adding a new weather element to smart initialization for processing. This is similar to override, but there are additional steps required in the server configuration so that the database knows about the new weather element.

Instructional Component 6.14: Forecasters should complete a web module that describes adding a new model. Explain syntax for the model. Explain requirements for the netCDF file. Explain how to get the model into GFE to view first, then how to write an initialization module to make it more convenient for the user to get to/use the data.

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Last Updated or Reviewed on 5/13/02