National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Hydrologic Forecasting

PCU 6: Assessing the Results of the Reservoir Routing Process

Producer: Tim Helble - Hydrologic Services Division
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Assess the results of the reservoir routing process as applied to current and forecast hydrometeorologic conditions.

Description of Need

The existence of reservoirs has a significant impact on flow at downstream forecast locations. In situations when the future discharges from a reservoir are not provided by the operating agency, the forecaster must determine whether the reservoir operations model will adequately simulate expected releases.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Know the basics of how a reservoir will function during various inflow regimes, depending on its purpose(s).

2. Know the operating procedures used for each reservoir in the area of responsibility.

3. Know the assumptions made in the simulation of operations for each reservoir in the area of responsibility.

4. Know how to perform simple reservoir modeling using simple, widely- used techniques such as Goodrich routing.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 6.1: - Web Module (Proposed): Operation of Reservoirs. This module will describe how reservoirs designed for different purposes are operated, including the following:

  • flood control reservoirs
  • water supply reservoirs
  • multipurpose reservoirs
  • The module will be written from an reservoir operator's perspective and will describe how to interpret reservoir operation manuals and guidelines. This module will provide a foundation for other workshops on reservoir operations and routing.

    Instructional Component 6.2: - Web Module (Proposed): Reservoir Routing Applications. This module will provide an overview of widely-used reservoir routing techniques such as Goodrich routing. Exercises on each routing approach will be included.

    Instructional Component 6.3 - Web Module (Proposed): NWSRFS Reservoir Operations. This module will serve as a companion to the Reservoir Operations Workshop and will describe how reservoir operations are simulated within the NWSRFS environment. This module will include subjects covered in NWSRFS documentation, but will employ more user-friendly language, improved graphics, and numerical examples of frequently used features.

    Instructional Component 6.4 - Workshop: Reservoir Operations. This workshop focuses on the reservoir operations available in NWSRFS, i.e., RES-SNGL, SSARRESV, and RES-J. Topics covered include: setting up the operations in NWSRFS, their operational use, and strengths of each operation.

    Instructional Component 6.5 - On-Station Training: Reservoir Operations. RFCs will host visits by reservoir operators, or conduct visits to selected reservoir operation facilities, to learn first-hand about how the specific facilities are operated during various hydrologic situations.

    Instructional Component 6.6 - NWSRFS Documentation: Section II.4-RES-J: Joint Reservoir Regulation Operation Methods Descriptions describes the background, mathematical relationships, and parameters used in the Joint Reservoir Regulation operation. Section V.3.3-RES-J provides a summary of the methods which serve as basic building blocks to the Joint Reservoir Regulation Operation. Both sections cover the following methods:

    ADJUST - Reservoir Output Adjustment Method

    BALANCE - Storage Balancing for Multi-reservoir Systems

    LAGK - Reach Lag and K Routing Method

    MAXDECREASE - Maximum Daily Decrease in Reservoir Discharge

    MAXINCREASE - Maximum Daily Increase in Reservoir Release

    MAXSTAGE - Downstream Discharge Control Method

    RAINEVAP - Rainfall/Evaporation on Lake Surface Method

    SETELEVATION - Prescribed Elevation Method

    SETMAX - Select Maximum Element Method

    SETMIN - Select Minimum Element Method

    SETRELEASE - Prescribed Reservoir Release Method

    SETSUM - Prescribed Release Summing Method

    SEETWITHDRAW - Prescribed Reservoir Withdraw Method

    Instructional Component 6.7 - NWSRFS Documentation: Section II.4-RES-SNGL: Single Reservoir Regulation provides a basic description of the interactions between components (schemes) used in the Single Reservoir Regulation operation. For each of these schemes, documentation on background, mathematical relationships, and parameters from Section II.4 can be obtained by clicking on the scheme title in the left column below (labeled "Summary"). Section V.3.3-RES-SNGL, Section V.3.3-SNGL-GENL, and Section V.3.3-SNGL-SPEC summarize the inputs and outputs to components used in the Single Reservoir Operation, while information on specific inputs and outputs for each component can be obtained by clicking on the title in the right column below (labeled "Operation").




    Model output adjustment utility ADJUST


    Inflow adjustment utilityBACKFLOW


    Entry into induced surcharge utility ENTERISC


    Fill and spill scheme FILLSPILL


    Flashboard scheme FLASHBDS


    Entry into flashboards utility GOFLASH


    Induced surcharge scheme INDSRCHGE


    Maximum discharge at a given elevation utility MAXQ


    Upstream stage minimization scheme


    Minimized discharge scheme MINQ


    Pass inflow scheme PASSFLOW


    Elevation vs. discharge scheme POOLQ


    Power generation scheme POWERGEN


    Rainfall/evaporation on surface utility RAINEVAP


    Rule curve adjustment utility RULEADJ


    Date related rule curve scheme RULECURVE

    Ramp up/ramp down reservoir release scheme SETDQ


    Prescribed elevation scheme SETH


    Select maximum element utility SETMAX


    Select minimum element utility SETMIN


    Prescribed discharge scheme SETQ


    Spillway routing scheme SPILLWAY


    Downstream stage & pool elev. controlled discharge scheme STPOOLQ


    Inflow summation utility SUMINF


    Reservoir Command Language (RCL) RES-SNGL-B

    Instructional Component 6.8 - NWSRFS Documentation: Section II.4-SSARRESV: SSARR Reservoir Regulation. This section describes the background, mathematical relationships, and parameters used in the SSARR Reservoir Regulation model. Section V.3.3-SSARRESV describes input and output information for the SSARR Reservoir Regulation operation.

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    Last Reviewed or Updated on 2/22/01