National Weather Service Training Center

The SDM Challenge

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A Quiz on the Station Duty Manual


The most important document created at a local office is the Station Duty Manual (SDM). The purpose of this web page is to provide a quick true/false quiz as a refresher for managers on key points concerning the SDM. See how you do and see how your SDM measures up.

The Quiz

Listed below are twelve questions on the SDM. You may select any question by clicking on the "question mark" and answering that question. We recommend, however, that you start with Question #1 and work you way through the entire set of questions. Keep track of how you do.

Question 1 question mark icon The Station Duty Manual is a handbook required at each field office describing in detail everything the office does.
The only person that can change pages in the Station Duty Manual is the MIC-HIC. question mark icon Question 2
Question 3 question mark icon Every page of the SDM should be numbered and dated with the date of preparation.
If a weather related aircraft accident that has fatalities occurs near your office it is possible that your SDM will be copied by investigators. question mark icon Question 4
Question 5 question mark icon The SDM can become quite large due to the many programs and procedures used at a local office.
References to nter-agency agreements, local agreements for severe weather spotters, location of phone numbers, and call-back policies are all items that can be found in a SDM. question mark icon Question 6
Question 7 question mark icon Detailed instructions about severe weather procedures, configuration of equipment, or winter forecasting should be found in the SDM.
As an MIC-HIC you have great confidence in your staff. You have assigned portions of the SDM to key persons in your office to maintain. These persons can now change portions of the manual without further review by you. question mark icon Question 8
Question 9 question mark icon When you remove a page from the SDM it must be dated with the date of removal and saved for 5 years.
With modernization and the focus on computers electronic SDMs are totally acceptable and paper copies are no longer needed. question mark icon Question 10
Question 11 question mark icon Employees must be kept informed of any changes in the SDM.
A new employee in the office must review and initial and date the record sheet within one month of joining your staff. question mark icon Question 12

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Last reviewed or updated on 9/07/00