National Weather Service Training Center

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Training Techniques

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Purpose of this Web Page

Presentation of a good training program is more than just standing up in front of group and telling students everything you know about a particular subject. A good training program is planned. It focuses on a particular training need that an organization or an individual has identified, incorporates good training methodology, and ensures that students learn what they should learn from the training.

People who conduct training at local National Weather Service offices typically do not have a formal background in training. The documents in the next section are designed to provide some of this background. Please remember that development of a good training program follows four major phases that every trainer should be familiar with:

  1. Needs Analysis: Identification of what training is needed
  2. Design and Development: Putting the training material and training techniques together into a training package
  3. Delivery: Conducting the training
  4. Evaluation: Asking if the training was effective

This Web Page provides a series of self-study training guides that cover the four phases just mentioned. A good trainer should be familiar with these phases. Trainers at National Weather Service WFOs can use this material to expand their training background and thus improve their overall approach to training.

Also included at the end of this web page is a section on other topics pertinent to local training.

animated download banner

The training modules listed below provide a good introduction to "training" from the perspective of a professional trainer. These lessons cover the main topics taught in the former SOO-DOH Training Techniques Course.

Please note: When you click on a file name listed below to download it, a file with the extension .EXE will be sent to you. When you execute this file (by clicking on it), it will automatically unzip and place the file in the directory specified. If you do not have this directory, it will create it.

[These files are in Wordperfect 7.0 and will be stored in C:\ISD when unzipped]

decorative blue pin Application of Adult Learning Concepts to Training (30KB)

This module addresses seven adult learning concepts that should be considered by every trainer during lesson preparation and delivery. It also briefly discusses how to incorporate these ideas into the structure of a lesson.

decorative blue pin Instructional System of Design (22KB)

ISD, or the Instructional System of Design, is a basic process that is used by professional trainers to analyze, design, develop, deliver, and evaluate training. This module outlines the four main components of ISD. Each of these components is covered in more detail in subsequent modules.

decorative blue pin Practical Approach to the Lesson Design Process (21KB)

This module provides a brief list of steps that is used by professional trainers to go from a "training need" to a "lesson plan". Anyone involved in defining new training initiatives should be familiar with this process and know the part they play in the process.

decorative blue pin Needs Analysis (24KB)

The first step in developing a new training program is a good "needs analysis". This module defines needs analysis and describes a model that can be used to determine WFO training needs.

decorative blue pin Training Plans (27KB)

The natural consequence of a list of training needs is a training plan that places these needs in perspective. This module outlines some ideas on training plans.

decorative blue pin Defining Lesson Objectives

decorative blue pin A Framework for Evaluation (26KB)

This module describes the four level evaluation model of Kirkpatrick. This model is an excellent way to view training evaluation and put the various aspects of evaluation into perspective.

decorative blue pin Evaluation Methods (28KB)

Various ways to "evaluate" but not necessarily "test" the effectiveness of training are discussed in this module.

decorative blue pin Lesson Design

decorative blue pin Anatomy of a Lesson (28KB)

Anatomy of a Lesson defines the basic structural components of a training lesson. It emphases that individual segments of a lesson should not last longer than 20 minutes.

decorative blue pin Coaching and Mentoring

decorative blue pin One-to-One Training (28KB)

Using the model of Buckley and Caple, this module outlines those things that a trainer should consider when doing one-to-one training. It is essentially an annotated checklist of things to think about when one-to-one training is prepared and delivered.

decorative blue pin Training Methods (30KB)

This module outlines several explicit training methods and includes a glossary of instructional methods.

decorative blue pin Presentation Skills

decorative blue pin Environmental Considerations

Other Training Technique Topics

Designing Tutorials in HTML

If you into designing tutorials in HTML, check out this paper written by two NWSTC instructors that describes a conceptual framework for designing tutorials in HTML.


For a discussion of the train-the-trainer concept, check the web document developed from our experience with this approach to training.

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NWSTC - Updated 02-16-01
