Sample Oversight Group 

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Last Reviewed:  1/16/2009
Last Updated:  1/16/2009

Sample Oversight Group 

Role and Responsibilities

The Sample Oversight Group for the National Children’s Study reviews all plans and proposals for both core and adjunct studies that pertain to use of bio-specimens and/or environmental samples.

Members’ areas of expertise will span a variety of disciplines, including (but not limited to) clinical pathology, biobanking, epidemiology, environmental exposure, and bioethics. Membership will include two participant advocates. Members will be selected on a rotating basis, some as regular members and others as ad hoc members to be called upon for specific reviews within their areas of expertise.

Collectively, the members will represent:

  • Laboratory expertise: provide a reality check on the appropriateness of the specific analytes and methodologies selected and quantities requested for use; knowledge of relevant logistic considerations regarding handling, aliquoting, shipping, storing, etc.
  • Advocacy for the Study regarding optimal utilization of the biological specimens and environmental samples
  • Advocacy for Study participants, assuring that specimens and samples are used in accordance with the spirit with which consent was given (ethical perspective)
  • Understanding of current and future Study requirements to consider priorities for specimen/sample use.