Adjunct Studies Review Group 

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Last Reviewed:  1/16/2009
Last Updated:  1/16/2009

Adjunct Studies Review Group 

Role and Responsibilities

The Adjunct Studies Review Group (ASRG) for the National Children’s Study will review all adjunct study proposals. Members must have an intimate knowledge of the Study. Their areas of expertise will span a variety of disciplines in the physical and social sciences. They will be selected on a rotating basis, some as regular members of the Review Group and some as ad hoc members to be called upon for specific reviews within their areas of expertise. The Sample Oversight Group (SOG) will additionally review adjunct studies applications that involve use of biospecimens and/or environmental samples.

Collectively, the Adjunct Studies Review Group members will represent:

  • Scientific and research expertise to review proposed adjunct studies for scientific value for the Study, scientific and logistic ”fit” with the Study, proposed study design, burden to participants, burden to Study infrastructure, human subjects considerations, etc.
  • Advocacy for the Study participants and the Study infrastructure regarding the potential added burden and any other human subjects issues imposed by the proposed adjunct study.
  • Understanding of the core protocol as well as current and future Study needs in order to prioritize adjunct study proposals.