
Online Toolkit
Online Toolkit


(Insert Date)

Dear (Insert Name of Television Media Representative/Medical Producer/Medical Reporter):

Heart disease is the #1 killer of American women. Unfortunately, only 57 percent of women know that heart disease is their leading cause of death and most fail to make the connection between its risk factors and their personal risk of developing heart disease.

In conjunction with The Heart Truth, a nationwide campaign raising awareness about women and heart disease, (insert Organization name) is asking you to consider producing a three-part series on women's heart health.  Your broadcast will send a clear message and go a long way in raising awareness and prompting action among your viewers.

The requested series could explore the following themes:

Part I: The Problem-An overview of the impact of heart disease on women

Part II: The Risk Factors-A look at heart disease risk factors and how they affect women

Part III: The Solution-A practical action plan women can follow to find out their heart disease risk and steps to lower it

The Heart Truth features a Red Dress as the national symbol for women and heart disease awareness.  What's a Red Dress got to do with it? A simple Red Dress works as a visual red alert to get the message heard loud and clear:  "Heart Disease Doesn't Care What You Wear-It's the #1 Killer of Women."  To help enhance this message, broadcasters could wear red or wear the Red Dress Pin to complement the series.  We can also help coordinate interviews with local female heart attack survivors and local experts on women and heart disease.

We urge you to embrace this issue and help us alert women to The Heart Truth. Media coverage has proven to help raise awareness among its audiences and motivate change.  Please consider including a series on women's heart health to your news programming to raise awareness about this critical issue.

For more information on The Heart Truth campaign and to view the Red Dress Pin, visit

Please contact (insert contact name and information) to discuss the proposed series.  Thank you in advance for your consideration.


cc: The Heart Truth Campaign
1111 19 th Street, NW
10th Floor
Washington, DC 20036