Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature:
Commerce Cluster

Record Groups 40, 81, 91, 122, 134, 151, 169, 173, 179, 188, 234, 240, 250, 251, 259, 277, 295, 296, 309, 375, 377, 378, 417, 424, 426, 427, 432, 476, 486, 489

  1. Abrams, Floyd. "The First Amendment: 1991." Prologue 24, no.1 (1992): 48-54.

  2. Anderson, Irvine H. "Lend-Lease for Saudi Arabia: A Comment on Alternative Conceptualizations." Diplomatic History 3, no.4 (Fall 1979): 413-423.
    RG059/RG218/RG234/RG253/FDR Library

  3. Anderson, Irvine H., Jr. "The 1941 De Facto Embargo on Oil to Japan: A Bureaucratic Reflex." Pacific Historical Review 44, no.2 (May 1975): 201-231.

  4. Armstrong, Thomas F. "Georgia Lumber Laborers, 1880-1917: The Social Implications of Work." Georgia Historical Quarterly 66, no.4 (Winter 1983): 435-450.

  5. Aronsen, Lawrence. "'A Leading Arsenal of Democracy': American Rearmament and the Continental Integration of the Canadian Aircraft Industry, 1948-1953." International History Review 13, no.3 (August 1991): 481-501.
    RG059/RG218/RG277/RG304/RG330/RG341/HST Library

  6. Bartels, Andrew H. "The Office of Price Administration and the Legacy of the New Deal, 1939-1946." Public Historian 5, no.3 (Summer 1983): 5-29.
    RG188/FDR Library

  7. Becker, William H. "An Exchange of Opinion; Foreign Markets for Iron and Steel, 1893-1913: A New Perspective on the Williams School of Diplomatic History." Pacific Historical Review 44, no.2 (May 1975): 233-249.

  8. Beecher, Lloyd N., Jr. "The Second World War and U. S. Politico-Economic Expansionism: The Case of Liberia, 1838-1945." Diplomatic History 34, no.4 (Fall 1979): 391-412.
    RG059/RG080/RG169/FDR Library

  9. Bell, Roger. "Testing the Open Door Thesis in Australia, 1941-1946." Pacific Historical Review 51, no.3 (August 1982): 283-311.
    RG059/RG084/RG169/RG266/RG336/FDR Library

  10. Benjamin, Jules R. "The New Deal, Cuba, and the Rise of a Global Foreign Economic Policy." Business History Review 51, no.1 (Spring 1977): 57-78.
    RG059/RG084/RG151/FDR Library

  11. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Postwar Famine and Price Control, 1946." Agricultural History 38, no.4 (October 1964): 235-240.
    RG016/RG188/RG250/HST Library

  12. Bernstein, Barton J. "Understanding the Atomic Bomb and the Japanese Surrender: Missed Opportunities, Little-Known Near Disasters, and Modern Memory." Diplomatic History 19, no.2 (1995): 227-273.
    RG059/RG077/RG107/RG218/RG240/RG243/RG319/HST Library

  13. Birdwhistell, Terry L. "QHAS Radio and the Development of Broadcasting in Kentucky, 1922-1942." Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 79, no.4 (Autumn 1981): 333-353.

  14. Bjork, Ulf Jonas. "The U.S. Commerce Department Aids Hollywood Exports, 1921-1933." Historian 62, no.3 (Spring 2000): 575-587.

  15. Bjork, Ulf Jonas. "The U.S. Commerce Department Aids Hollywood Exports, 1921-1933." Historian 62, no.3 (Spring 2000): 575-587.

  16. Blake, Kellee. "'First in the Path of the Firemen': The Fate of the 1890 Population Census." Prologue 28, no.1 (Spring 1996): 64-81.
    RG015/RG021/RG029/RG040/RG048/RG064/RG111/HH Library

  17. Bredhoff, Stacey. "Powers of Persuasion." Prologue 26, no.1 (Spring 1994): 73-77.

  18. Breihan, John R. "Between Munich and Pearl Harbor: The Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company Gears Up for War, 1938-1941." Maryland Historical Magazine 88, no.4 (Winter 1993): 388-419.
    RG018/RG107/RG179/RG342/FDR Library

  19. Bud, Robert. "Antibiotics, Big Business, and Consumers: The Context of Government Investigations into the Postwar American Drug Industry." Technology and Culture 46, no.2 (April 2005): 329-349.

  20. Burger, Barbara Lewis. "American Images: Photographs and Posters in the Still Picture Branch." Prologue 22, no.4 (1990): 353-368.

  21. Cantelon, Philip L. "The Origins of Microwave Telephony - Waves of Change." Technology and Culture 36, no.3 (July 1995): 560-582.

  22. Clarke, Sally H. "Unmanageable Risks: MacPherson v. Buick and the Emergence of a Mass Consumer Market." Law and History Review 23, no.1 (Spring 2005): 1-52.

  23. Clive, Alan. "Women Workers in World War II: Michigan as a Test Case." Labor History 20, no.1 (Winter 1979): 44-72.

  24. Collins, Robert M. "Positive Business Responses to the New Deal: The Roots of the Committee for Economic Development, 1933-1942." Business History Review 52, no.3 (Autumn 1978): 369-391.
    RG040/FDR Library

  25. Cooper, Patricia A. "'What This Country Needs is a Good Five-Cent Cigar.'" Technology and Culture 29, no.4 (October 1988): 779-807.

  26. Costigliola, Frank. "The United States and the Reconstruction of Germany in the 1920s." Business History Review 50, no.4 (Winter 1976): 477-502.
    RG059/RG151/RG242/HH Library

  27. Critchlow, Donald T. "The Political Control of the Economy: Deficit Spending as a Political Belief, 1932-1952." Public Historian 3, no.2 (Spring 1981): 5-22.
    RG250/FDR Library

  28. Cuff, R. "From the Controlled Materials Plan to the Defense Materials System, 1942-1953." Military Affairs 51, no.1 (January 1987): 1-6.
    RG179/RG277/RG304/HST Library

  29. Curtin, Michael. "Connections and Differences: Spatial Dimensions of Television History." Film & History 30, no.1 (March 2000): 50-61.

  30. David, James. "Soviet Secrets in the Ether-Clandestine Radio Stations at the New York and San Francisco Consulates in World War II." Cryptologia 27, no.2 (April 2003): 135-147.

  31. Dobney, Fredrick J. "The Evolution of a Reconversion Policy: World War II and Surplus War Property Disposal." Historian 36, no.3 (May 1974): 498-519.

  32. Fearon, Peter. "Ploughshares into Airplanes: Manufacturing Industry and Workers in Kansas During World War II." Kansas History 22, no.4 (Winter 1999-2000): 298-314.

  33. Field, Gregory B. "'Electricity for All': The Electric Home and Farm Authority and the Politics of Mass Consumption, 1932-1935." Business History Review 64, no.1 (Spring 1990): 32-60.
    RG234/FDR Library/NARA photos

  34. French, Michael. "Structural Changes and Competition in the United States Tire Industry, 1920-1937." Business History Review 60, no.1 (Spring 1986): 28-54.

  35. Fricke, Ernest B. "The New Deal and the Modernization of Small Business: The McCreary Tire and Ruber Company 1930-1940." Business History Review 56, no.4 (Winter 1982): 559-576.

  36. Fried, Ellen. "From Pearl Harbor to Elvis: Images that Endure." Prologue 36, no.4 (Winter 2004): 38-45.
    RG026/RG079/RG080/RG111/RG165/RG179/RG208/RG306/Nixon Materials

  37. Garcia Heras, Raul. "State Intervention in Urban Passenger Transportation: The Transport Corporation of Buenos Aires, 1939-1962." Hispanic American Historical Review 74, no.1 (February 1994): 83-110.

  38. Garfield, Seth. "Tapping Masculinity: Labor Recruitment to the Brazilian Amazon during World War II." Hispanic American Historical Review 86, no.2 (May 2006): 275-308.
    RG166/RG229/RG234/NARA photos

  39. Gimbel, John. "German Scientists, United States Denazification Policy, and the 'Paperclip Conspiracy.'" International History Review 12, no.3 (August 1990): 441-465.
    RG335/HST Library

  40. Gimbel, John. "Project Paperclip: German Scientists, American Policy, and the Cold War." Diplomatic History 14, no.3 (Summer 1990): 343-365.
    RG338/HST Library

  41. Gimbel, John. "The American Exploitation of German Technical Know-how After World War II." Political Science Quarterly 105, no.2 (Summer 1990): 295-309.

  42. Gimbel, John. "U.S. Policy and German Scientists: The Early Cold War." Political Science Quarterly 101, no.3 (1986): 433-451.

  43. Gwiazda, Henry J., II. "In Search of the Big One: Earthquakes in United States History." Prologue 21, no.4 (Winter 1989): 359-371.
    RG350/RG023, Rocky Mountain Region/RG075, Pacific Southwest Region/
    RG077, Pacific Southwest Region/RG021, Pacific Sierra Region/
    RG075, Pacific Sierra Region/RG112, Pacific Sierra Region/
    RG181, Pacific Sierra Region/RG220, Pacific Northwest Region

  44. Hart, David M. "Herbert Hoover's Last Laugh: The Enduring Significance of the 'Associative State' in the United States." Journal of Policy History 10, no.4 (1998): 419-444.
    RG179/RG227/HH Library

  45. Hawley, Ellis W. "Herbert Hoover, the Commerce Secretariat, and the Vision of an 'Associative State,' 1921-1928." Journal of American History 61, no.1 (June 1974): 116-140.

  46. Hedlund, Richard P. "The Most Hated Man in America: Fred Vinson and the Office of Economic Stabilization." Filson Club History Quarterly 68, no.2 (April 1994): 267-284.

  47. Hessen, Robert. "The Bethlehem Steel Strike of 1910." Labor History 15, no.1 (Winter 1974): 3-18.

  48. Hill, Walter B., Jr. "Finding a Place for the Negro: Robert C. Weaver and the Groundwork for the Civil Rights Movement." Prologue 37, no.1 (Spring 2005): 42-51.
    FDR Library/LBJ Library

  49. Hirshfield, Deborah. "Gender, Generation, and Race in American Shipyards in the Second World War." International History Review 19, no.1 (February 1997): 131-145.

  50. Hogan, Michael J. "The United States and the Problem of International Economic Control: American Attitudes Toward European Reconstruction, 1918-1920." Pacific Historical Review 44, no.1 (February 1975): 84-103.

  51. Hoyt, Frederick B. "The Open Door Leads to Reluctant Intervention: The Case of the Yangtze Rapid Steamship Company." Diplomatic History 1, no.2 (Spring 1977): 155-169.

  52. Hoyt, Fredrick B. "George Bronson Rea: From Old China Hand to Apologist for Japan." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 69, no.2 (April 1978): 61-70.
    RG043/RG059/RG080/RG084/RG151/RG256/RG350/FDR Library/HH Library

  53. Huskey, James L. "The Cosmopolitan Connection: Americans and Chinese in Shanghai during the Interwar Years." Diplomatic History 11, no.3 (Summer 1987): 227-242.

  54. Jacobs, Meg. "'How about some meat?': The Office of Price Administration, Consumption Politics, and State Building from the Bottom Up, 1941-1946." Journal of American History 84, no.3 (December 1997): 910-942.

  55. Johnson, James P. "The Wilsonians As War Managers: Coal and the 1917-18 Winter Crises." Prologue 9, no.4 (Winter 1977): 193-208.

  56. Johnson, James P. "The Wilsonians as War Managers: Coal and the 1917-18 Winter Crisis." Prologue 9, no.4 (Winter 1977): 193-208.

  57. Kevles, Daniel J. "The National Science Foundation and the Debate over Postwar Research Policy, 1942-1945." Isis 68, no.241 (March 1977): 5-26.
    RG051/RG107/RG227/RG250/RG298/FDR Library

  58. Killen, Linda and Richard L. Lael. "The Pressure of Shortage: Platinum Policy and the Wilson Administration During World War I." Business History Review 56, no.4 (Winter 1982): 545-558.

  59. Kimeldorf, Howard. "World War II and the Deradicalization of American Labor: The ILWU as a Deviant Case." Labor History 33, no.2 (Spring 1992): 248-278.

  60. Kinder, Douglas Clark and William O. Walker, III. "Stable Force in a Storm: Harry J. Anslinger and United States Narcotic Foreign Policy, 1930-1962." Journal of American History 72, no.4 (March 1986): 908-927.
    RG056/RG059/RG084/RG179/RG226/FDR Library/HST Library

  61. Krysko, Michael A. "Forbidden Frequencies: Sino-American Relations and Chinese Broadcasting during the Interwar Era." Technology and Culture 45, no.4 (October 2004): 712-739.

  62. Krysko, Michael A. "Homeward Bound: Shortwave Broadcasting and American Mass Media in East Asia on the Eve of the Pacific War." Pacific Historical Review 74, no.4 (November 2005): 511-544.
    RG059/RG151/RG173/HH Library

  63. Langer, John Daniel. "The 'Red General': Philip R. Faymonville and the Soviet Union, 1917-52." Prologue 8, no.4 (Winter 1976): 209-221.
    RG059/RG165/RG169/FDR Library

  64. Lassman, Thomas C. "Government Science in Postwar America: Henry A. Wallace, Edward U. Condon, and the Transformation of the National Bureau of Standards, 1945-1951." Isis 96, no.1 (March 2005): 25-51.

  65. Ledbetter, Rosanna. "ITT: A Multinational Corporation in Latin America During World War II." Historian 47, no.4 (August 1985): 524-537.

  66. Leffler, Melvyn P. "American Policy Making and European Stability, 1921-1933." Pacific Historical Review 46, no.2 (May 1977): 207-228.
    RG039/RG059/RG151/HH Library

  67. Lewis, Tab. "From Free Market to Command Economy: A Study of Typewriter Rationing." Prologue 23, no.3 (Fall 1991): 297-305.

  68. Lewis, Tab. "Labor History Sources in the National Archives." Labor History 31, no.1-2 (1990): 98-104.

  69. Little, Douglas J. "Twenty Years of Turmoil: ITT, the State Department, and Spain, 1924-1944." Business History Review 53, no.4 (Winter 1979): 449-472.
    RG059/RG151/FDR Library/HH Library

  70. Littlefield, Douglas R. "The Potomac Company: A Misadventure in Financing an Early American Internal Improvement Project." Business history Review 58, no.4 (Winter 1984): 562-585.

  71. Machado, Manuel A., Jr. "An Industry in Limbo: The Mexican Cattle Industry, 1920-1924." Agricultural History 50, no.4 (October 1976): 615-625.

  72. Mahaney, Darlene C. "Propaganda Posters."0 OAH Magazine of History 16, no.3 (Spring 2002): 41-46.

  73. McQuaid, Kim. "The Frustration of Corporate Revival during the Early New Deal." Historian 41, no.4 (August 1979): 682-704.
    RG009/RG040/FDR Library

  74. Messenger, David A. "Rival Faces of France: Refugees, Would-be Allies, and Economic Warfare in Spain, 1942-1944." International History Review 27, no.1 (March 2005): 25-46.

  75. Metcalf, Evan B. "Secretary Hoover and the Emergence of Macroeconomic Management." Business History Review 49, no.1 (Spring 1975): 60-80.
    RG040/HH Library

  76. Milkman, Ruth. "Redefining 'Women's Work': The Sexual Division of Labor in the Auto Industry During World War II." Feminist Studies 8, no.2 (Summer 1982): 337-372.

  77. Miller, James Edward. "The Politics of Relief: The Roosevelt Administration and the Reconstruction of Italy, 1943-44." Prologue 13, no.3 (Fall 1981): 193-208.

  78. Mills, Kay. "Changing Channels: The Civil Rights Case That Transformed Television." Prologue 36, no.3 (Fall 2004): 22-29.
    RG173/LBJ Library

  79. Mitchell, Brian. "The City that Refused to Die: Texas City, Texas." Prologue 30, no.1 (Spring 1998): 46-53.

  80. Naske, Claus-M. "Some Attention, Little Action: Vacillating Federal Efforts to Provide Territorial Alaska with an Economic Base." Western Historical Quarterly 26, no.1 (Spring 1995): 36-68.
    RG016/RG040/RG048/RG126/RG187/FDR Library/HST Library/LBJ Library

  81. Nelson, Anna Kasten. "Anna M. Rosenberg, an 'Honorary Man.'" Journal of Military History 68, no.1 (January 2004): 133-161.
    RG165/RG250/RG330/DDE Library/FDR Library/HST Library/LBJ Library

  82. Nickles, Shelley. "'Preserving Women': Refrigerator Design as Social Process in the 1930s." Technology and Culture 43, no.4 (October 2002): 693-727.

  83. O'Brien, Thomas F. "'Rich Beyond the Dreams of Avarice': The Guggenheims in Chile." Business History Review 63, no.1 (Spring 1989): 122-159.

  84. O'Brien, Thomas F. "The Revolutionary Mission: American Enterprise in Cuba." American Historical Review 98, no.3 (June 1993): 765-785.

  85. Olson, James S. "Rehearsal for Disaster: Hoover, the R. F. C., and the Banking Crisis in Nevada, 1932-1933." Western Historical Quarterly 6, no.2 (April 1975): 149-162.

  86. Olson, James S. "The Boise Bank Panic of 1932." Idaho Yesterdays 18, no.4 (Winter 1975): 25-29.

  87. Pfeiffer, David A. "Riding the Rails up Paper Mountain: Researching Railroad Records in the National Archives." Prologue 29, no.1 (Spring 1997): 52-61.
    RG048/RG059/RG134/RG229/RG234/RG241/RG336/RG399/Donated Materials

  88. Plotkin, Wendy. "Rent Control in Chicago after World War II: Politics, People, and Controversy." Prologue 30, no.2 (Summer 1998): 110-123.

  89. Pluth, Edward J. "Prisoner of War Employment in Minnesota during World War II." Minnesota History 44, no.8 (Winter 1975): 290-299.

  90. Porter, Patrick G. "Source Material for Economic History: Records of the Bureau of Corporations." Prologue 2, no.1 (Spring 1970): 31-33.

  91. Potter, Lee Ann. "The War of the Worlds: Letters to the FCC Regarding Orson Welles's 1938 Broadcast." Social Education 66, no.4 (May/June 2002): 199-203.

  92. Pratt, Joseph A. "The Petroleum Industry in Transition: Antitrust and the Decline of Monopoly Control in Oil." Journal of Economic History 40, no.4 (December 1980): 815-837.

  93. Pugach, Noel H. "Anglo-American Aircraft Competition and the China Arms Embargo, 1919-1921." Diplomatic History 2, no.4 (Fall 1978): 351-371.

  94. Pugach, Noel H. "Second Career: James A. Thomas and the Chinese American Bank of Commerce." Pacific Historical Review 56, no.2 (May 1987): 195-229.

  95. Pusateri, C. Joseph. "Radio Broadcasters and the Challenge of Television: A New Orleans Case." Business History Review 54, no.3 (Autumn 1980): 303-329.

  96. Randall, Stephen J. "Harold Ickes and United States Foreign Petroleum Policy Planning, 1939-1945." Business History Review 57, no.3 (Autumn 1983): 367-387.
    RG048/RG059/RG080/RG169/RG218/RG234/RG319/FDR Library/HST Library

  97. Ray, Deborah Wing. "The Takoradi Route: Roosevelt's Prewar Venture Beyond the Western Hemisphere." Journal of American History 62, no.2 (September 1975): 340-358.
    RG059/RG107/RG169/FDR Library

  98. Rees, Jonathan. "Caught in the Middle: The Seizure and Occupation of the Cudahy Brothers Company, 1944-1945." Wisconsin Magazine of History 78, no.3 (Spring 1995): 200-218.
    RG160/RG250/FDR Library

  99. Rossi, John P. "A 'Silent Partnership?': The U.S. Government, RCA, and Radio Communications with East Asia, 1919-1928." Radical History Review 33 (1985): 32-52.

  100. Rumbarger, John J. "The War Production Board and Historical Research: Some Observations on Writing Public History." Public Historian 6, no.2 (Spring 1984): 5-19.

  101. Russell, Edmund P., III. "'Speaking of Annihilation': Mobilizing for War against Human and Insect Enemies, 1914-1945." Journal of American History 82, no.4 (March 1996): 1505-1529.

  102. Russell, Edmund P., III. "The Strange Career of DDT: Experts, Federal Capacity, and Enviormentalism in World War II." Technology and Agriculture 40, no.4 (October 1999): 770-796.

  103. Schmitz, David F. "'A Fine Young Revolution': The United States and the Fascist Revolution in Italy, 1919-1925." Radical History Review 33 (1985): 117-138.

  104. Schneider, Richard E. "An Expanded View: Panoramic Photographs at the National Archives." Prologue 29, no.3 (Fall 1997): 244-254.
    RG032/RG075/RG092/RG151/RG165/RGRG241/NARA photos

  105. Schoenherr, Steven E. "Teaching with Audiovisual Documents: Resources in the National Archives." History Teacher 10, no.3 (May 1977): 381-394.

  106. Scranton, Philip. "Large Firms and Industrial Restructuring: The Philadelphia Region, 1900-1980." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 116, no.4 (October 1992): 419-465.

  107. Siegel, Katherine A. S. "Technology and Trade: Russia's Pursuit of American Investment, 1917-1929." Diplomatic History 17, no.3 (Summer 1993): 375-398.

  108. Slotten, Hugh Richard. "'Rainbow in the Sky': FM Radio, Technical Superiority, and Regulatory Decision-Making." Technology and Culture 37, no.4 (October 1996): 686-720.

  109. Slotten, Hugh Richard. "Radio Engineers, the Federal Radio Commission, and the Social Shaping of Broadcast Technology: Creating 'Radio Paradise.'" Technology and Culture 36, no.4 (October 1995): 950-986.

  110. Smith, Arthur L., Jr. "Questions Concerning the Looted Nazi Gold Controversy." Cardozo Law Review 20, no. (1998): 483-490.

  111. Spennemann, Dirk H. R. "The United States Annexation of Wake Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean." Journal of Pacific History 33, no.2 (September 1998): 239-248.

  112. Steele, Richard W. "'NO RACIALS': Discrimination Against Ethnics in American Defense Industry, 1940-42." Labor History 32, no.1 (Winter 1991): 66-90.
    RG059/RG060/RG179/RG208/FDR Library

  113. Still, William N. "Wooden Ship Construction in North Carolina in World War II." North Carolina Historical Review 77, no.1 (January 2000): 34-53.

  114. Stivers, William. "International Politics and Iraqi Oil, 1918-1928." Business History Review 55, no.4 (Winter 1981): 517-540.

  115. Stoff, Michael B. "The Anglo-American Oil Agreement and the Wartine Search for Foreign Oil Policy." Business History Review 55, no.1 (Spring 1981): 59-74.

  116. Swerczek, Ronald E. "Records Relating to India in the Archives of the United States." Indian Archives 32, no.2 (July-December 1983): 15-26.

  117. Taylor, Graham D. "The Axis Replacement Program: Economic Warfare and the Chemical Industry in Latin America, 1942-44." Diplomatic History 8, no.2 (Spring 1984): 145-164.
    RG046/RG059/RG122/RG169/DDE Library

  118. Taylor, Graham D. "The Rise and Fall of Antitrust in Occupied Germany, 1945-48." Prologue 11, no.1 (Spring 1979): 23-39.

  119. Tedlow, Richard S. "From Competitor to Consumer: The Changing Focus of Federal Regulation of Advertising 1914-1938." Business History Review 55, no.1 (Spring 1981): 35-58.

  120. Tuttle, William M. "The Birth of an Industry: The Synthetic Rubber 'Mess' in World War II." Technology and Culture 22, no.1 (January 1981): 35-67.
    RG122/RG179/RG227/RG227/RG234/FDR Library

  121. Utley, Jonathan G. "Upstairs, Downstairs at Foggy Botton: Oil Exports and Japan, 1940-41." Prologue 8, no.1 (Spring 1976): 17-28.
    RG059/RG107/RG169/RG179/RG225/FDR Library

  122. Van Meter, Robert H., Jr. "The Washington Conference of 1921-1922: A New Look." Pacific Historical Review 46, no.4 (November 1977): 603-624.
    RG039/RG040/RG043/RG056/RG059/RG154/FDR Library/HH Library

  123. Vogt, Daniel C. "Hoover's RFC in Action: Mississippi, Bank Loans, and Work Relief, 1932-1933." Journal of Mississippi History 47, no.1 (February 1985): 35-53.

  124. Waddel, Brian. "Corporate Influence and World War II: Resolving the New Deal Political Stalemate." Journal of Policy History 11, no.3 (1999): 223-256.
    RG250/HST Library

  125. Watson, Denton L. "The Papers of the '101st Senator': Clarence Mitchell Jr. and Civil Rights." Historian 64, no.3/4 (Spring/Summer 2002): 622-641.

  126. Werking, Richard Hume. "Bureaucrats, Businessmen, and Foreign Trade: The Origins of the United States Chamber of Commerce." Business History Review 52, no.3 (Autumn 1978): 321-341.

  127. Werking, Richard Hume. "Selling for Foreign Service: Bureaucratic Rivalry and Foreign-Trade Promotion, 1903-1912." Pacific Historical Review 45, no.2 (May 1976): 185-207.

  128. Wolf-Fones, Elizabeth. "Creating a Favorable Business Climate: Corporations and Radio Broadcasting, 1934-1954." Business History Review 73, no.2 (Summer 1999): 221-254.

  129. Xu, Guangqiu. "Americans and Nationalist Chinese Military Aviation, 1929-1949." American Aviation Historical Society Journal 44, no. (Spring 1999): 16-27.

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