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Home My Page Project Tree TCGA-Informatics
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The Informatics working group will discuss data standards and formats at the different Centers, the conditions for the release of data, and the coordination of the data flow between the Centers and the Data Coordination Center (DCC).

Registered: 2006-12-12 16:34
Activity Percentile: 0%
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Latest News
New Data Prep and Transfer SOP Posted (1.6)
    Ari Kahn - 2008-01-29 22:15
Version 67 of DCC Archive Validator Released
    Ari Kahn - 2008-01-29 14:52
Fix Old MAGE-TAB spec files
    Ari Kahn - 2007-04-23 23:14
Example MSKCC MAGE-TAB files Revised
    Ari Kahn - 2007-04-20 14:42
New Data Prep and Transfer SOP Posted
    Ari Kahn - 2007-04-20 14:37
Revised README for Archive Validator
    Ari Kahn - 2007-04-20 14:33
Version 0.12 of Archive Validator Released
    Ari Kahn - 2007-04-06 00:49
New Data Prep and Transfer SOP Posted
    Ari Kahn - 2007-03-13 11:02
Archive Validator Posted
    Ari Kahn - 2007-03-13 10:58
Real examples of MAGE-TAB documents posted
    Ari Kahn - 2007-03-06 22:34


Developer Info
Project Admins:
Carl Schaefer
Robert Sfeir
Subha Madhavan
Amina Abdullah
anika mirick
Ari Kahn
Bahram Parvin
Craig Pohl
David Dooling
David Kane
David Nassau
Gang Wu
Jessica Chen
Ju Han
Kavitha Thulasiraman
Larry Feng
Martin Ferguson
Matthew Shaker
Paul Spellman
Peter Good
SCM team SCM team
Silpa Nanan

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Latest File Releases
Package Version Date Notes / Monitor Download
Archive Validator2898 January 13, 2009 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
FixOldMAGETAB0.9.2 May 9, 2007 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Testing Validator (beta)Version 70 (BCR) February 19, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Data PrimerData Type-Data Level Matrix June 12, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
Data Type-Data Level MatrixData Type-Data Level Matrix 10092008 October 10, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download

Public Areas
Home Page Project Home Page

 - Bugs ( 21 open /328 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 45 open /112 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

 - Data Issues ( 50 open /81 total )
Non-DCC Related Data Issues (e.g. wrong formats, missing data)

Forums Public Forums ( 2 messages in 2 forums )
Docs DocManager: Project Documentation
Lists Mailing Lists ( 1 public mailing lists)
Tasks Task Manager
  - To Do
  - Next Release
Surveys Surveys ( 0 surveys )
SCM SCM Repository (SVN: 551 updates, 222 adds)


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