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Statement: June 15, 2006 Print this page
Docket Nos: PL04-3-000 & RM06-17-000

Commissioner Kelly's statement on provisions governing natural gas quality and interchangeability in interstate natural gas company tariffs

I believe that this Policy Statement appropriately adopts a pipeline-by-pipeline approach for resolving gas quality and interchangeability issues, rather than mandating a nationwide, "one-size-fits-all" solution for all pipelines. Given the importance of ensuring adequate natural gas supplies in a time of increasing demand, I believe that this Policy Statement appropriately balances the safety and reliability of the pipeline grid with the need to maximize natural gas supplies.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to the volunteer members of the Natural Gas Council who collaborated for one year together to get through the tough, granular, and technical work that led to the Report on Liquid Hydrocarbon Drop Out in Natural Gas Infrastructure and the Report on Natural Gas Interchangeability and Non-Combustion End Use. The Commission will use these Reports as the technical framework for resolving gas quality and interchangeability issues in the future.

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Commissioner Suedeen G. Kelly
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Updated: June 19, 2006