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The Reports of the Surgeon General

The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers pdf (24,896,711 Bytes) ocr (724,389 Bytes)
From the Foreword of the Workshop Proceedings, by Surgeon General Antonia C. Novello: "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation held in July 1991 was a response to the critical need to raise donation levels." The background papers in this companion volume contain the background papers written specifically for this workshop. Blank pages are 36, 144, 254 and 270.
Item is a photocopy.
Number of Image Pages:
300 (24,896,711 Bytes)
This item is also available in smaller segments. Document Segments
1991-07 (July 1991)
United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General
Sponsor: United States. Health Resources Administration. Division of Organ Transplantation
Conference: Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation (8-10 July 1991, Washington, D.C.)
United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General
This item is in the public domain. It may be used without permission.
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH):
Tissue and Organ Procurement
Organ Transplantation
Brain Death
Living Donors
Exhibit Category:
Changing Conceptions of Public Health
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers" (Title Page and Introductory Material) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Introduction: Historical Perspective on Organ Transplantation and Donation' " (pages 1-6) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Motivating the Public: Application of Lessons Learned to Increasing Organ Donation' " (pages 7-35) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'On the Use of Mass Communications to Promote Public Health' " (pages 37-90) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Ninety-Four Percent Awareness and Still Not Enough Donors: Can Public Education Increase Organ Donation?' " (pages 91-143) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Organ/Tissue Donation in African Americans: A National Stratagem' " (pages 145-162) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Hispanics and Organ Donation: Prospects, Obstacles and Recommendations' " (pages 163-180) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Planting the Seed: Organ Transplantation Education for Children, Youth and Young Adults' " (pages 181-198) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Increasing Organ and Tissue Donation: What Are the Obstacles, What Are Our Options?' " (pages 199-232) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Increasing Donation by Focusing on the Health Care Environment: Professional Education' " (pages 233-253) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Re-Evaluation of Donor Criteria: Cadaveric Donors' " (pages 255-269) (July 1991)
Metadata Record "The Surgeon General's Workshop on Increasing Organ Donation: Background Papers: 'Re-Evaluating Donor Criteria: Live Donors' " (pages 271-290) (July 1991)
Unique Identifier:
Document Type:
Workshops (seminars)
Official reports
Physical Condition:
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