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Statement: December 15, 2005 Print this page
Docket Number: EC05-110-000  

Statement of Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher on MidAmerican-PacifiCorp Acquisition

" The order authorizes the disposition of jurisdictional facilities resulting from the sale of PacifiCorp to a subsidiary of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company. The Commission reviewed the transaction under the Merger Policy Statement and finds the disposition is consistent with the public interest.

"This also is a significant transaction, but again the competitive analysis was straightforward.

"The Commission reviewed the disposition under its three part test and found there would be no harm to competition, rates, or regulation. The MidAmerican and PacifiCorp markets are remote from each other, and two companies control very little capacity outside their respective control areas. Commission merger analysis concentrates on potential harm caused by the merger, not pre-existing conditions. Mitigation likewise must address harm caused by the transaction.

"I am pleased we were able to act expeditiously on the Duke-Cinergy merger and MidAmerican acquisition of PacifiCorp.

"I support the order."

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Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher
Contact Information:


News media contact:
Bryan Lee
Telephone: 202-502-8680
Toll Free: 1-866-208-3372


Updated: December 15, 2005