National Advisory Council Members Named 

Release Date: July 18, 2007
Release Number: Con-02-04

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Thirty individuals have been selected for appointment to the National Advisory Council (NAC) from a geographic and substantive cross-section of officials, emergency managers and emergency response providers from Tribal, State and local governments, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations. These members will represent influential, high-level senior leaders of their organizations, stakeholder groups and the private sector or members of the public.

The mission of the National Advisory Council is to ensure effective and ongoing coordination of national Preparedness, protection, response, recovery and mitigation for natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other man-made disasters by:

Some thoughts from the newly appointed members:
"The private sector is a wealth of technical support and has an enormous potential for providing technical assistance for all aspects of national disaster response and recovery.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate with other council members and agency staff on the issues which face the nation in regards to emergency preparedness."

Robert Gougelet MD, Medical Director for Disaster Response
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

"The private sector has been both beneficiaries and benefactors during disasters. We understand the stakes. We can have the best plans in place, but if our local and state agencies aren't prepared, we are going to have our response and recovery delayed.

I am hoping to leverage my network of private and public sector colleagues to help FEMA, as Senator Lieberman put it, 'lean into the wind, not be blown apart by it' and to achieve its vision of being the nation's preeminent emergency management agency."

Robert Connors, Director of Preparedness

"The benefits to DHS/FEMA will be to have access to individuals who bring with them 'real-life' experiences and who have a combination of operational and planning expertise from a wide spectrum of agencies.

The key to the success of this initiative will be clearly defined goals, objectives and action plans coupled with an understanding that in planning, as in response, it requires the collective wisdom, understanding and work ethic to 'get the job done.'"

James Paturas, Deputy Director
Yale New Haven Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

For more information on the NAC membership see the press release FEMA Announces Membership Of National Advisory Council.

Last Modified: Thursday, 19-Jul-2007 11:09:33