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National Survey of
Family Growth (NSFG)

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National Survey of Family Growth Cycle 5 (1995):

Chronological List of Publications
Updated May 2008

14 NCHS reports
  1 Other governmental report
  5 Published conference proceedings
130 Journal articles
 11 Book chapters or sections
 10 Other papers/reports (from research organizations)
171 Total publications (as of 5/2008)

1. J Abma, A Chandra, W Mosher, L Peterson, L Piccinino. 1997. Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Vital and Health Statistics 23(19), May 1997. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

2. J Kelly, W Mosher, A Duffer, S Kinsey. 1997. Plan and Operation of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Vital and Health Statistics 1(36), Oct 1997. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

3. Besharov, Douglas, and Karen Gardiner. 1997. Trends in Teen Sexual Behavior. Children and Youth Services Review 19(5/6):341-367.

4. F Potter, V Iannacchione, W Mosher, R Mason, J Kavee. 1998. Sample Design, Sampling Weights, Imputation, and Variance Estimation in the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Vital and Health Statistics 2(124), Feb 1998. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

5. L Piccinino, W Mosher. 1998. Trends in Contraceptive Use in the United States: 1982-1995. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):4-11, Jan/Feb 1998. [Uses Cycles 3-5]

6. J Abma, A Driscoll, K Moore. 1998. Young Women’s Degree of Control Over First Intercourse: An Exploratory Analysis. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):12-18, Jan/Feb 1998.

7. L Peterson, D Oakley, L Potter, J Darroch. 1998. Women’s Efforts to Prevent Pregnancy: Consistency of Oral Contraceptive Use. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):19-23. Jan/Feb 1998.

8. S. Henshaw. 1998. Unintended Pregnancy in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):24-29. Jan/Feb 1998. [Uses Cycles 3-5]

9. L Finer, L Zabin. 1998. Does the Timing of the First Family Planning Visit Still Matter? Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):30-33. Jan/Feb 1998. [Uses Cycles 3-5]

10. A Chandra, E Stephen. 1998. Impaired Fecundity in the United States: 1982-1995. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1):34-42, Jan/Feb 1998. [Uses Cycles 3-5.]

11. W Mosher. 1998. Design and Operation of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1): 43-46, Jan/Feb 1998.

12. K Moore, A Driscoll, LD Lindbergh. 1998. A Statistical Portrait of Adolescent Sex, Contraception, and Childbearing. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. 40 pages. March 1998.

13. H. Fu et al. 1998. Measuring the Extent of Abortion Under-reporting in the 1995 NSFG. Family Planning Perspectives 30(3):128-133, May/June 1998.

14. A Chandra. 1998. Surgical Sterilization in the United States: Prevalence and Characteristics, 1965-1995. Vital and Health Statistics, 23(20). June 1998. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

15. Steven P Martin. 1998. Survey Estimates of the Contraceptive Effect of Breastfeeding in the United States. CDE Working Paper 98-13. Madison, WI: Center for Demography and Ecology, June 1998.

16. General Accounting Office. 1998. Teen Mothers: Selected Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Risk Factors. Report to the Honorable Charles B. Rangel, House of Representatives. GAO/HEHS-98-141. June 30, 1998.

17. EH Stephen, A Chandra. 1998. Updated Projections of Infertility in the United States: 1995-2025. Fertility and Sterility 70(1):30-34. July 1998.

18. Dietz, Patricia M, Melissa Adams, Alison Spitz, Leo Morris, Christopher Johnson. 1998. Live Births Resulting from Unintended Pregnancies: An Evaluation of Synthetic State-Based Estimates. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2(3):189-94, September 1998.

19. US Bureau of the Census. 1998. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1998. The following tables are based on the 1995 NSFG: Tables 111-120. Published October 1998.

20. Kaufmann, Rachel B., Alison M. Spitz, Lilo T. Strauss. 1998. The decline in U.S. teen pregnancy rates, 1990-1995. Pediatrics 102(5):1141-1147, Nov 1998. [Used data from Cycles 4 and 5]

21. Heaton, Tim B. 1999. Social forces that imperil the family. Dialogue 32(4):19-41.

22. HG Miller, VS Cain, et al. 1999. Correlates of Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections Among U.S. Women in 1995. Family Planning Perspectives 31(1): 4-9 and 23. Jan/Feb 1999.

23. JG Kahn, CD Brindis, DA Glei. 1999. Pregnancies Averted among US Teenagers by the Use of Contraceptives. Family Planning Perspectives 31 (1): 29-34. Jan/Feb 1999.

24. IT Elo, RB King, FF Furstenberg. 1999. Adolescent Females: Their Sexual Partners and the Fathers of their Children. Journal of Marriage and the Family 61(1):74-84. Feb 1999.

25. LJ Piccinino, LS Peterson. 1999. Ambivalent Attitudes and Unintended Pregnancy. In LJ Severy and WB Miller (editors), Advances in Population, Volume 3, pages 227-249. Jessica Kinsley Publishers Ltd.

26. H. Fu, JE Darroch, T Haas, N Ranjit. 1999. Contraceptive Failure Rates: New Estimates from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Family Planning Perspectives 31(2):56-63, Mar/Apr 1999.

27. J Trussell and B Vaughn. 1999. Contraceptive Failure, Method-Related Discontinuation and Resumption of Use: Results from the 1995 NSFG. Family Planning Perspectives 31(2):64-72, 93. Mar/Apr 1999.

28. D Glei. 1999. Measuring Contraceptive Use Patterns among Teenage & Adult Women. Family Planning Perspectives 31 (2): 73-80. Mar/Apr 1999.

29. A Chandra, J Abma, P Maza, C Bachrach. 1999. Adoption, Adoption Seeking, and Relinquishment for Adoption in the United States. Advance Data Number 306, May 11, 1999. National Center for Health Statistics. 16 pages.

30. J Darroch , D Landry, S Oslak. 1999. Pregnancy Rates among US Women and their Partners in 1994. Family Planning Perspectives 31 (3): 122-126 & 136. May/June 1999.

31. J Darroch, D Landry, S Oslak. 1999. Age Differences between Sexual Partners in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 31(4):160-167 July/Aug 1999.

32. VG Iannacchione. 1999. Location and Response Propensity Modeling for the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. American Statistical Association (editor), 1998 Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, pages 523-528.

33. JD Kavee, VG Iannacchione. 1999. Generalized Variance Estimates from the National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle 5. American Statistical Association (editor), 1998 Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, pages 787-792.

34. S. Singh, JE Darroch. 1999. Trends in Sexual Activity among Adolescent American Women: 1982-1995. Family Planning Perspectives 31(5):212-219, Sep/Oct 1999.

35. L Finer, JE Darroch, S Singh. 1999. Sexual Partnership Patterns as a Behavioral Risk Factor for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Family Planning Perspectives 31(5):228-236, September/October 1999. [Uses Cycles 4-5]

36. J Trussell, B Vaughan, J Stanford. 1999. Are All Contraceptive Failures Unintended Pregnancies? Evidence from the 1995 NSFG. Family Planning Perspectives 31(5):246-248. September/October 1999.

37. LS Peterson, WD Mosher. 1999. Options for Measuring Unintended Pregnancy in Cycle 6 of the NSFG. Family Planning Perspectives 31(5): 253-254. September/October 1999.

38. A Bankole, JE Darroch, S Singh. 1999. Determinants of Trends in Condom Use in the United States, 1988-1995. Family Planning Perspectives 31(6): 264-271.

39. CS Meyer. 1999. Family Focus or Career Focus: controlling for infertility. Social Science and Medicine 49: 1615-1622.

40. SJ Ventura, WD Mosher, SC Curtin, JC Abma, S Henshaw. 1999. Highlights of Trends in Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates by Outcome: Estimates for the US, 1976-96. National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 47, No. 29, December 15, 1999, 12 pages.

41. Heaton, Tim B, Bruce A Chadwick, Cardell K Jacobson. 2000. Statistical Handbook on Racial Groups in the United States. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx, 2000.

42. SJ Ventura, WD Mosher, SC Curtin, JC Abma, S Henshaw. 2000. Trends in Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates by Outcome: Estimates for the US, 1976-1996. Vital and Health Statistics 21(56). Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. January 2000.

43. LD Hollingsworth. 2000. Who Seeks to Adopt a Child? Findings from the National Survey of Family Growth (1995). Adoption Quarterly 3(3): 1-23.

44. E. Terry, J. Manlove. 2000. Trends in Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use among Teens. Washington, DC: Child Trends, Inc. March, 2000. 25 pages.

45. L Bumpass, H-H Lu. 2000. Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children’s Family Contexts in the United States. Population Studies 54(1):29-41, March 2000.

46. Darroch, Jacqueline E. 2000. Forum: The pill and men’s involvement in contraception. Family Planning Perspectives 32(2):90-91, Mar/Apr 2000.

47. L Bumpass, E Thomson, A Godecker. 2000. Women, Men, and Contraceptive Sterilization. Fertility and Sterility 73 (5): 937-946, May 2000.

48. W Manning, MA Longmore, PC Giordano. 2000. The Relationship Context of Contraceptive Use at First Intercourse. Family Planning Perspectives 32(3):104-110, May/June.

49. EH Stephen, A Chandra. 2000. Use of Infertility Services in the United States: 1995. Family Planning Perspectives 32(3):132-137. May/June 2000.

50. Behavioral Epidemiology and Demographic Research Branch and Statistics and Computer Resources Branch, Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2000. National and State-Specific Pregnancy Rates Among Adolescents—United States, 1995-1997. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 49:605-611, July 14, 2000. Reprinted in: Journal of the American Medical Association 284(8):952-954, August 23/30, 2000.

51. JE Anderson, JW Carey, S Taveras. 2000. HIV Testing Among the General US Population and Persons at Increased Risk: Information from National Surveys, 1987-1996. American Journal of Public Health 90 (7): 1089-1095, July 2000.

52. JS Santelli, LD Lindberg, J Abma, CS McNeely, M Resnick. 2000. Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Estimates and Trends from Four Nationally Representative Surveys. Family Planning Perspectives 32(4): 156-165 & 194. July/Aug 2000. [Uses Cycle 4 as well]

53. J Manlove, E Terry, L Gitelson, AR Papillo, Stephen Russell. 2000. Explaining Demographic Trends in Teenage Fertility, 1980-1995. Family Planning Perspectives 32(4):166-175, July/Aug 2000.

54. J Malat. 2000. Racial Differences in Norplant Use in the United States. Social Science and Medicine 50: 1297-1308.

55. DP Hogan, R Sun, GT Cornwell. 2000. Sexual and Fertility Behaviors of American Females Aged 15-19 Years: 1985, 1990, and 1995. American Journal of Public Health 90(9):1421-1425. September, 2000.

56. A Campbell, W Mosher. 2000. A History of the Measurement of Unintended Pregnancies and Births. Maternal and Child Health Journal 4(3):163-169, Sept 2000.

57. Lindberg LD, Ku L, Sonenstein F. 2000. Adolescents’ reports of reproductive health education, 1988 and 1995. Family Planning Perspectives 32(5):220-6, Sep-Oct 2000.

58. Ventura SJ, Bachrach CA. 2000. Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States, 1940-99. National Vital Statistics Reports 48(16), October 18, 2000. National Center for Health Statistics: Hyattsville, MD.

59. S Bird, A Chandra, T Bennett, S Harvey. 2000. Beyond Marital Status: Relationship Type and Duration and the Risk of Low Birth Weight. Family Planning Perspectives 32(6):281-287, Nov/Dec 2000.

60. US Census Bureau. 2000. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2000. Tables 58, 59, and 96-108 are based on the 1995 NSFG. December, 2000.

61. M Carter. 2000. Fertility of Mexican Immigrant Women in the United States: A Closer Look. Social Science Quarterly 81 (4): 1073-1086, December, 2000.

62. Raley, R. Kelly. 2000. Recent Trends and Differentials in Marriage and Cohabitation: The United States. In The Ties that Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation. Linda J. Waite, Christine Bachrach, Michelle Hindin, Elizabeth Thomson, Arland Thornton [Eds.]. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2000, pp. 19-39.

63. Cornelius, LJ, et al. 2000. Human immunodeficiency virus-related risk behavior among African-American females. Journal of the National Medical Association 92(4):183-195.

64. J Frost. 2001. Public or Private Providers? U.S. Women’s Use of Reproductive Health Services. Family Planning Perspectives 33(1): 4-12, Jan/Feb 2001.

65. N Ranjit, A Bankole, JE Darroch, S Singh. 2001. Contraceptive Failure in the First Two Years of Use: Differences across Socioeconomic Subgroups. Family Planning Perspectives 33(1):19-27, Jan/Feb 2001. [Uses Cycle 4 as well.]

66. A Godecker, E Thomson, L Bumpass. 2001. Union Status, Marital History and Female Contraceptive Sterilization in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 33(1): 35-41 & 49, Jan/Feb 2001.

67. RK Raley. 2001. Increasing Fertility in Cohabiting Unions: Evidence for the Second Demographic Transition in the United States? Demography 38(1): 59-66.

68. C Flanigan. 2001. What’s Behind the Good News: The Decline in Teen Pregnancy Rates during the 1990's. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. February, 2001.

69. JA Abma, F Sonenstein. 2001. Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Practices among Teenagers in the United States, 1988 and 1995. Vital and Health Statistics, 23(21). Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. April 2001.

70. MD Bramlett, WD Mosher. 2001. First Marriage Dissolution, Divorce, and Remarriage: United States. Advance Data No. 323, May 31, 2001. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 19 pages.

71. TM Hulsey. 2001. Association Between Early Prenatal Care and Mother’s Intention of Desire for the Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric Gynecological and Neonatal Nursing 30 (3): 275-282, May/June 2001.

72. SJ Ventura, WD Mosher, SC Curtin, JC Abma, S Henshaw. 2001. Trends in Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1976-1997: An Update. National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 49, No. 4. National Center for Health Statistics, June 6, 2001.

73. LL Wu, LL Bumpass, K Musick. 2001. Historical and Life Course Trajectories of Nonmarital Childbearing. Pages 3-48 in LL Wu and B Wolfe (editors), Out of Wedlock: Causes and Consequences of Nonmarital Fertility. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

74. DT Lichter, DR Graefe. 2001. Finding a Mate? The Marital and Cohabitation Histories of Unwed Mothers. Pages 317-343 in L Wu and B Wolfe (editors), Out of Wedlock: Causes and Consequences of Nonmarital Fertility. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

75. R Forste, J. Weiss, E Lippincott. 2001. The Decision to Breastfeed in the United States: Does Race Matter? Pediatrics 108(1):291-296. Aug 2001. [Uses Cycle 4 as well]

76. WD Mosher, JC Abma. 2001. The National Survey of Family Growth, in DJ Besharov(editor), Data Needs for Measuring Family and Fertility Change After Welfare Reform. College Park, MD: Maryland School of Public Affairs.

77. Carpenter SC, Clyman RB, Davidson AJ, Steiner JF. 2001. The association of foster care or kinship care with adolescent sexual behavior and first pregnancy. Pediatrics 108(3):E46, Sept 2001.

78. M Zavodny. 2001. The Effect of Partners’ Characteristics on Teenage Pregnancy and its Resolution. Family Planning Perspectives 33 (5): 192-199, 205, Sept/Oct 2001.

79. W Manning. 2001. Childbearing in Cohabiting Unions: Racial and Ethnic Differences. Family Planning Perspectives 33(5):217-223, Sept/Oct 2001.

80. BK Gorman, SK Bohon. 2001. HIV Testing, Perceptions of AIDS risk, and condom Use Motivation among US Women. Population Research and Policy Review 20:321-343.

81. JE Darroch, S Singh, JJ Frost. 2001. Differences in Teenage Pregnancy Rates among Five Developed countries: The Roles of Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use. Family Planning Perspectives 33(6): 244-250 & 281.

82. M Hewitt, S Devesa, N Breen. 2002. Papanicolaou Test Use Among Reproductive-Age Women at High Risk for Cervical Cancer: Analyses of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. American Journal of Public Health 92(4): 666-669, April 2002.

83. TB Heaton. 2002. Factors Contributing to Increasing Marital Stability in the United States. Journal of Family Issues 23(3): 392-409, April, 2002.

84. JD Teachman. 2002. Stability Across Cohorts in Divorce Risk Factors. Demography 39(2): 331-351. May 2002. [Uses multiple waves]

85. JS Taylor and HJ Cabral. 2002. Are women with an unintended pregnancy less likely to breastfeed? Journal of Family Practice 51(5): 431-436.

86. AA Adimora, VJ Schoenback, DM Bonas, FE Martinson, KH Donaldson, TR Stancil. 2002. Concurrent Sexual Partnerships Among women in the United States. Epidemiology 13(3):320-327.

87. WR Grady, JOG Billy, DH Klepinger. 2002. Contraceptive Method Switching in the United States. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 34(3): 135-145, May/June 2002.

88. Pinsof, William M. 2002. The death of ‘till death do us part’: The transformation of pair-bonding in the 20th century. Family Process 41(201):135-157, Summer 2002.

89. MD Bramlett and WD Mosher. 2002. Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 23, No. 22. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, July 2002. 93 pages.

90. JA Jacobs and RB King. 2002. Age and College Completion: A Life-History Analysis of Women Aged 15-44. Sociology of Education 75(3): 211-230, July, 2002.

91. L Pulley, L Klerman , H Tang, and BA Baker. 2002. The Extent of Pregnancy Mistiming and its Association with Maternal Characteristics and Behaviors and Pregnancy Outcomes. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 34 (4): July/August 2002.

92. JD Teachman. 2002. Childhood Living Arrangements and the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce. Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (3): 717-729, August, 2002.

93. M Hewitt. 2002. Attitudes toward interview mode and comparability of reporting sexual behavior by personal interview and audio computer-assisted self-interviewing: Analyses of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Sociological Methods and Research 31 (1): 3-26, August, 2002.

94. Guoyu Tao, Cathleen M. Walsh, Lynda A. Anderson, Kathleen L. Irwin. 2002. Understanding Sexual Activity Defined in the HEDIS Measure of Screening Young Women for Chlamydia trachomatis. Journal on Quality Improvement 28(8):435-40, August 2002.

95. GC Elliott, R Avery, et al. 2002. The Encounter with Family Violence and Risky Sexual Activity among Young Adolescent Females. Violence and Victims 17 (5): 569-592. October, 2002.

96. MS Pollard and SP Morgan. 2002. Emerging Parental Gender Indifference? Sex Composition of Children and the Third Birth. American Sociological Review 67 (4): 600-613.

97. SL Averett, DI Rees, LM Argys. 2002. The Impact of Government Policies and Neighborhood Characteristics on teenage Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use. American Journal of Public Health 92 (11): 1773-1778, November, 2002.

98. WD Manning and PJ Smock. 2002. First Comes Cohabitation and then Comes Marriage? A Research Note. Journal of Family Issues 23 (8): 1065-1087.

99. Mauldon, Jane G, Rebecca A. London, David J Fein, Rhiannon Patterson, Steven J Bliss. 2002. What do they think? Welfare Recipients’ Attitudes Toward Marriage and Childbearing. A Research Brief from the Welfare Reform and Family Formation Project. Abt Associates. November 2002. [Uses Cycle 5 data as well as data from NSAF and other surveys.]

100. K Musick. 2002. Planned and Unplanned Childbearing Among Unmarried Women. Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (4): 915-929, November, 2002.

101. PB Levine. 2002. The Sexual Activity and Birth Control Use of American Teenagers, pages 167-217 in Jonathan Gruber (editor), Risky Behavior among Youths: An Economic Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

102. DR Graefe and DT Lichter. 2002. Marriage among Unwed Mothers: Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics Compared. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 34 (6): 286-293, November/December, 2002.

103. J Abma. 2003. Sexual Activity among Teenagers in the United States. Pages 103-128 in RP Weissberg et al (editors), Long-Term Trends in the Well-Being of Children and Youth. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) Press.

104. Allen P. Fisher. 2003. Still “Not Quite as Good as Having Your Own?” Toward a Sociology of Adoption. Annual Review of Sociology 29:335-361.

105. DT Lichter, DR Graefe, and JB Brown. 2003. Is Marriage a Panacea? Union Formation Among Economically Disadvantaged Unwed Mothers. Social Problems 50 (1): 60-86, February, 2003.

106. VG Iannacchione. 2003. Sequential Weight Adjustments for Location and Cooperation Propensity for the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Journal of Official Statistics 19 (1): 31-43, March, 2003.

107. JR Kraut-Becher and SO Aral. 2003. Gap Length: an Important Factor in Sexually Transmitted Disease Transmission. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 30(3): 221-225.

108. WD Mosher, LP Deang, and MD Bramlett. 2003. Community Environment and Women’s Health Outcomes: Contextual Data. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 23, No. 23. April, 2003. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 72 pages.

109. RK Raley and L Bumpass. 2003. The topography of the divorce plateau: Levels and trends in union stability in the United States after 1980. Demographic Research, Volume 8, Article 8, pages 246-259.

110. Schieve LA, Tatham L, Peterson HB, Toner J, Jeng G. 2003. Spontaneous abortion among pregnancies conceived using assisted reproductive technology in the United States. Obstetrics & Gynecology 101(5 Pt 1):959-67, May 2003.

111. J Teachman. 2003. Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution among Women. Journal of Marriage and Family 65 (2): 444-455, May, 2003.

112. Albert, Bill, Sarah Brown, Christine M. Flanigan (Editors). 2003. 14 and Younger: The Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents. Washington, DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

113. JM Park, DP Hogan, FK Goldscheider. 2003. Child Disability and Mother’s Tubal Sterilization. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 35 (3): 138-143, May/June 2003.

114. RE Rector, KA Johnson, LR Noyes, S Martin. 2003. The Harmful Effects of Early Sexual Activity and multiple sexual partners among women: a book of charts. Washington, DC: The Heritage Foundation, June 23, 2003.

115. NT Harawa, S Greenland, SD Cochran, WE Cunningham, B Visscher. 2003. Do Differences in relationship and partner attributes explain disparities in sexually transmitted diseases among young white and black women? Journal of Adolescent Health 32(3): 187-191, July, 2003.

116. J Teachman. 2003. Childhood Living Arrangements and the Formation of Coresidential Unions. Journal of Marriage and Family 65 (3): 507-524, August, 2003.

117. JE Anderson, J Santelli, C Mugalla. 2003. Changes in HIV-Related Preventive Behavior in the US Population: Data from National Surveys, 1987-2002. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 34 (2): 195-202, October 1, 2003.

118. C Albrecht and J Teachman. 2003. Childhood Living Arrangements and the Risk of Premarital Intercourse. Journal of Family Issues 24 (7): 867-894, Oct 2003.

119. PB Levine. 2003. Parental Involvement Laws and Fertility Behavior. Journal of Health Economics 22: 861-878, Oct. 2003.

120. S Ventura, J Abma, W Mosher, S Henshaw. 2003. Revised Pregnancy Rates, 1990-1997, and New Rates for 1998-1999: United States. National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 52, No. 7, October 31, 2003. National Center for Health Statistics. 16 pages.

121. Quinlan, Robert J. 2003. Father Absence, Parental Care, and Female Reproductive Development. Evolution and Human Behavior 24(6):376-390, Nov 2003.

122. JW Brown, AM Villarruel, D Oakley, C Eribes. 2003. Exploring Contraceptive Pill Taking Among Hispanic Women in the United States. Health Education and Behavior 30(6): 663-682. December 2003.

123. JS Taylor, PM Risica, HJ Cabral. 2003. Why primiparous women don’t breastfeed: A national survey. Acta Paediatrica 2003; 92(11):1308-13.

124. J Teachman. 2004. The Childhood Living Arrangements of Children and the Characteristics of their Marriages. Journal of Family Issues 25 (1): 86-111, January 2004.

125. RK Raley and E. Wildsmith. 2004. Cohabitation and Children’s Family Instability. Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (1): 210-219. February, 2004.

126. DT Lichter, CD Batson, and JB Brown. 2004. Welfare Reform and Marriage Promotion: the Marital Expectations and Desires of Single and Cohabiting Mothers. Social Service Review, March 2004, pages 2-25.

127. K Miller. 2004. Assisted Reproduction May change Birth Intentions. Fertility and Sterility 81 (3): 572-581, March, 2004.

128. EL Lehrer. 2004. The Role of Religion in Union Formation: an economic perspective. Population Research and Policy Review 23: 161-185, 2004.

129. JB Brown and DT Lichter. 2004. Poverty, Welfare, and the Livelihood Strategies of Nonmetropolitan Single Mothers. Rural Sociology 69 (2): 282-301. June, 2004.

130. Snyder, Anastasia R, Susan L Brown, Erin P. Condo. 2004. Residential differences in family formation: The significance of cohabitation. Rural Sociology 69(2):235-260, June 2004.

131. WD Manning, PJ Smock, D Majumdar. 2004. The relative stability of cohabitating and marital unions for children. Population Research and Policy Review 23: 135-159.

132. Levine WC, Dicker LW, Devine O, Mosure DJ. Indirect estimation of Chlamydia screening coverage using public health surveillance data. American Journal of Epidemiology 160(1):91-6, July 2004.

133. RE Zambrana, LJ Cornelius, SS Boykin and DS Lopez. 2004. Latinas and HIV/AIDS Risk Factors: Implications for Harm Reduction Strategies. American Journal of Public Health 94 (7): 1152-1158, July, 2004.

134. Carpenter, Sara C, and Robert B. Clyman. 2004. The long-term emotional and physical wellbeing of women who have lived in kinship care. Children and Youth Services Review 26(7):673-686, Jul 2004.

135. WC Levine, LW Dicker, O Devine, D. Mosure. 2004. Indirect Estimation of Chlamydia Screening Coverage Using Public Health Surveillance Data. American Journal of Epidemiology 160 (1): 91-96.

136. WD Manning. 2004. Children and the Stability of Cohabiting Couples. Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (3): 674-689, August, 2004.

137. Santelli JS, Abma J, Ventura S, Lindberg L, Morrow B, Anderson JE, Lyss S, Hamilton BE. 2004. Can changes in sexual behaviors among high school students explain the decline in teen pregnancy rates in the 1990s? Journal of Adolescent Health 35(2):80-90, August 2004. [Uses both Cycles 4 and 5]

138. Albrecht, Don E, and Carol Mulford Albrecht. 2004. Metro/nonmetro residence, nonmarital conception, and conception outcomes. Rural Sociology 69(3):430-452, Sep 2004.

139. LA Boardman, S Weitzen, and KL Lapane. 2004. Context of Care and Contraceptive Method Use. Women’s Health Issues 14: 51-59, 2004.

140. DL Blackwell and DT Lichter. 2004. Homogamy among Dating, Cohabiting, and Married Couples. The Sociological Quarterly 45 (4): 719-737.

141. Raley, R. Kelly, T. Elizabeth Durden, Elizabeth Wildsmith. 2004. Understanding Mexican-American Marriage Patterns Using a Life-Course Approach. Social Science Quarterly 85(4):872-890, December 2004.

142. Elizabeth Fussell and Anne H. Gauthier. 2005. American Women’s Transition to Adulthood in Comparative Perspective. On the frontier of adulthood: Theory, research, and public policy. Richard A. Settersten, Jr., Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr., Ruben G. Rumbaut (Ed.). The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur foundation series on mental health and development. Research network on transitions to adulthood and public policy. Pp. 76-109. University of Chicago Press.

143. Cougle JR, Reardon DC, Coleman PK. 2005. Generalized anxiety following unintended pregnancies resolved through childbirth and abortion: a cohort study of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 19(1):137-42.

144. Brunner LR, Hogue CJ. 2005. The role of body weight in oral contraceptive failure: results from the 1995 national survey of family growth. Annals of Epidemiology 15(7):492-9, Jan 2005.

145. Darroch J, Bankole A, Singh S. 2005. Review of what is being used: HIV-uninfected population national data from the national survey of family growth. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 38 Suppl 1:S3-5, March 2005.

146. Jones RK, Darroch JE, Singh S. 2005. Religious differentials in the sexual and reproductive behaviors of young women in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health 36(4):279-88, May 2005.

147. JA Phillips and MM Sweeney. 2005. Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Disruption among White, Black, and Mexican American Women. Journal of Marriage and Family 67: 296-314, May, 2005.

148. Saydah SH, Chandra A, Eberhardt MS. 2005. Pregnancy experience among women with and without gestational diabetes in the U.S., 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Diabetes Care 28(5):1035-40, May 2005.

149. Lehrer, Evelyn. 2005. Religious Affiliation and Participation as Determinants of Women’s Educational Attainments and Wages. IZA Discussion Paper Series, IZA DP No. 1725. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany, August 2005.

150. Houts, Leslie A. 2005. But was it wanted?: Young women’s first voluntary sexual intercourse. Journal of Family Issues 26(8):1082-1102, Nov 2005.

151. Snyder, Anastasia R. 2006. The role of contemporary family behaviors in nonmarital conception outcomes of nonmetro women: Comments on Albrecht and Albrecht (2004). Rural Sociology 71(1):155-163, March 2006.

152. Walsemann KM, Perez AD. 2006. Anxiety’s relationship to inconsistent use of oral contraceptives. Health Education and Behavior 33(2):197-214, April 2006.

153. Wildsmith, Elizabeth, and R. Kelly Raley. 2006. Race-Ethnic Differences in Nonmarital Fertility: A Focus on Mexican American Women. Journal of Marriage and the Family 68:491-508, May 2006.

154. Brown, Susan L., and Snyder, Anastasia R. 2006. Residential Differences in Cohabitors’ Union Transitions. Rural Sociology 71(2):311-334, June 2006.

155. Kraut-Becher JR, Aral SO. 2006. Patterns of age mixing and sexually transmitted infections. International Journal of STD & AIDS 17(6): 378-83, June 2006.

156. Guzzo KB. 2006. How do marriage market conditions affect entrance into cohabitation? Social Science Research 35(2):332-355, June 2006.

157. Phillips JA, Sweeney MM. 2006. Can differential exposure to risk factors explain recent racial and ethnic variation in marital disruption? Social Science Research 35(2):409-434, June 2006.

158. Lehrer, EL. 2006. Religion and high-school graduation: a comparative analysis of patterns for white and black young women. Review of the Economics of the Household 4: 277-293.

159. Kelley-Weeder S, Cox CL. 2006. The Impact of Lifestyle Risk Factors on Female Infertility. Women & Health. 44(4): 1-23.

160. Manlove J, Terry-Humen E. 2007. Contraceptive Use Patterns Within Female’ First Sexual Relationships: The Role of Relationships, Partners, and Methods. Journal of Sex Research 44(1): 3-16, February 2007.

161. Graefe DR, Lichter DT. 2007. When Unwed Mothers Marry: The Marital and Cohabiting Partners of Midlife Women. Journal of Family Issues 28(5): 595-622, May 2007.

162. Farley Ordovensky Staniec J, Webb NJ. 2007. Utilization of Infertility Services: How Much Does Money Matter? Health Services Research 42(3): 971-989, June 2007.

163. King RB, Bratter JL. 2007. A Path Toward Interracial Marriage: Women’s First Partners and Husbands across Racial Lines. The Sociological Quarterly 48(2): 343-369, Spring 2007.

164. Wilson EK. 2008. Acculturation and changes in the likelihood of pregnancy and feelings about pregnancy among women of Mexican origin. Women & Health 47(1):45-64.

165. Steinberg JR, Russo NF. 2008. Abortion and anxiety: What’s the relationship? Social Science Medicine 2008 May 9 Epub ahead of print.


1. K London, L Peterson, L Piccinino. 1995. The National Survey of Family Growth: Principal Source of Statistics on Unintended Pregnancy. Pages 286-295 in SS Brown and L Eisenberg, editors, The Best Intentions: Unintended Pregnancy and the Well-Being of Children and Families. 1995.

2. MA Guadagno, J Abma, A Chandra, et al. Women’s Reports of Sensitive Health Conditions, Attitudes, and Behaviors. American Statistical Association(editor), 1994 Proceedings of the Government Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, pages 82-87. (Published 1995.)

3. W Mosher, W Pratt, A Duffer. 1994. CAPI, Event Histories, and Incentives in the NSFG Cycle 5 Pretest. American Statistical Association: 1994 Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association. Volume 1, Pages 59-63. Published 1995.

4. J Lessler, M Weeks, J O’Reilly. Results from the NSFG Pretest. American Statistical Association: 1994 Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association. Volume 1, pages 64-70. Published 1995.

5. A Duffer, J Lessler, M Weeks, W Mosher: Effects of Incentive Payments on Response Rates and Field Costs in a Pretest of a National CAPI Survey. American Statistical Association: 1994 Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association. Volume 2, pages 1386-1392. 1995.

6. T Ezzati-Rice, A White, W Mosher, M Sanchez. Time, Dollars, and Data: Succeeding with Remuneration in Health Surveys. 1995. Office of Management and Budget (editor), Seminar on New Directions in Statistical Methodology, OMB Statistical Working Paper No. 23, Volume 2, pages 225-255.

Miscellaneous Publications (not journals, books, NCHS reports, published conference proceedings, or research organization publications):

1. [No authors listed.] 1997. Condom use on the rise. Contraceptive Technology Update 18(8):99-100, Aug 1997.

2. Smith, Sandra S. 1997. National survey of family growth shows drop in teen sex and increase in condom use. Public Health Reports 112(5):443-444, Sep/Oct 1997.

3. Moore, Amy Slugg. 1998. Fear of STDs causes women to switch birth control methods. RN 61(5):18, May 1998.

4. Foley KA. 1998. Demographic Comparisons of the Baltimore Study Population to Nationally Representative Samples of Teen Mothers and Children of Teen Mothers. University of Pennsylvania. August 1998.

5. Martin SP, Wu LL. 1998. Detectable Errors in NSFG 1995 Contraceptive and Sexual Nonintercourse Calendars. CDE Working Paper No. 99-10. University of Wisconsin-Madison. October 1998.

6. Martin SP. 1999. Fertility Trends Among U.S. Women Who Defer Childbearing Past Age 30. CDE Working Paper No. 99-11. University of Wisconsin-Madison. April 1999.

7. Musick KA. 1999. Determinants of Planned and Unplanned Childbearing among Unmarried Women in the United States. University of Wisconsin- Madison. April 1999 (Published in Journal of Marriage and Family, November 2002).

8. Klerman LV, Pulley L. 1999. Approaches to Studying the Intendedness of Pregnancy in Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth. School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham. May 1999.

9. [Anonymous.] 2000. Teenage women and older partners: Fact vs. Fiction. Society 37(3):3-4, Mar/Apr 2000. [Synopsis of AGI study findings]

10. Wu LL, Bumpass LL, Musick K. 2000. Historical and Life Course Trajectories of Nonmarital Childbearing. CDE Working Paper No. 99-23. University of Wisconsin-Madison. July 2000, revised.

11. Manning WD, Bulanda RE. 2002. Parental Cohabitation Experiences and Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes. Center for Family and Demographic Research, Bowling Green State University. May 2002.

12. Teitler JO, Reichman NE, et al. 2003. Welfare Participation and Marriage. National Poverty Center, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan.

13. Manning WD, Bulanda RE. 2003. Cohabitation and Measurement of Family Trajectories. Department of Sociology & Center for Family and Demographic Research, Bowling Green State University. November 2003.

14. Phillips JA, Sweeney MM. 2003. Premarital Cohabitation and the Risk of Marital Disruption Among White, Black and Mexican American Women. California Center for Population Research, University of California – Los Angeles.

15. Martin SP. 2004. Growing Evidence for a “Divorce Divide?” Education and Marital Dissolution Rates in the U.S. since the 1970s. Social Inequality Working Papers, Russell Sage Foundation.

16. Plotnick RD. 2004. Seven Decades of Nonmarital Childbearing Childbearing in the United States. University of Washington. CSDE Working Paper No. 04-09.

17. Clarke AY. 2004. Intersectionality and the reproduction of race and class hierarchies. Sociology Department, Yale University. October 25, 2004.

18. Norberg K. 2004. Partnership Status and the Human Sex Ratio at Birth. National Bureau of Economic Research. November 2004.

19. Brauner SR. 2005. Family Influences, Family Planning Services, and Early Sexual Behavior. Department of Sociology, University of Michigan.

20. Hopkins K, McKinnon S, et al. 2005. Contraceptive Use Among Hispanics on the U.S.-Mexico Border and Hispanics Throughout the United States. Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. March 2005.

21. Phillips JA, Sweeney MM. 2005. Can Differential Exposure to Risk Factors Explain Recent Racial and Ethnic Variation in Marital Disruption? California Center for Population Research, University of California – Los Angeles. March 2005.

22. Wildsmith E. 2005. Community Context and Race/Ethnic Differences in Non-Marital Fertility. Population Center and Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin. August 2005.

23. Musick K. 2006. Cohabitation, Nonmarital Childbearing, and the Marriage Process. California Center for Population Research, University of California – Los Angeles.

24. Ashcraft A, Lang, L. 2006. The Consequences of Teenage Childbearing. Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Department of Economics, Boston University. August 2006.

25. Cristia JP. 2006. The Effect of a First Child on Female Labor Supply: Evidence from Women Seeking Fertility Services. Congressional Budget Office. October 2006.

26. Kelly-Weeder S, Cox CL (2006). The impact of lifestyle risk factors on female infertility. Women and Health 44(4):1-23.

27. Sullins DP. 2007. Choosing Abortion. Department of Sociology. Catholic University of America.

28. Wu LL, Musick K. 2006. Stability of Marital and Cohabiting Unions Following a First Birth. California Center of Population Research, University of California – Los Angeles. May 2007.

29. Sullins DP. 2007. Abortion and Family Formation: Circumstance or Culture. Department of Sociology, Catholic University of America.

30. Wong LY. 2007. Women’s Economic Progress and Technological Change. University at Albany, State University of New York. April 2007.



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