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SAGE KE Archive Site

SAGE KE Lotus Logo

The SAGE KE logo -- a lotus flower in full bloom, framing a human profile -- was designed to embody the notion of human life at its fullest potential. [Read more.]

In Tidbits

The years between 50 and 70 are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. --T. S. Eliot (posted 16 November 2005)

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Welcome to the Science of Aging Knowledge Environment (SAGE KE) Archive Site

From October 2001 to June 2006, Science's SAGE KE provided news, reviews, commentaries, disease case studies, databases, and other resources pertaining to aging-related research. Although SAGE KE has now ceased publication, we invite you to search and browse the article content on this archive site. Access is free with registration and to AAAS members or institutional subscribers to the Science sites.

In Literature & News

All original article content written for SAGE KE during the site's 2001-2006 publication period is accessible in this section.

Browse Our Articles
Visit our Literature & News main page to read News, Review, and other articles from SAGE KE's nearly five-year publication history.
Issue Archive
A chronological catalog of SAGE KE's weekly article content.
Featured in Science
Find SAGE KE items that have been featured on the print magazine's Science Online page.

Note: The Virtual Journal feature of this section of SAGE KE has been discontinued.

In Community

Bulletin Board
Postings from the online community forum maintained on SAGE KE from 2001 to 2006.
Electronic letters responding to SAGE KE content.

Note: The Directory feature of this section of SAGE KE has been discontinued.

In Resources

Experimental Resources
Write-ups of Genetically Altered Mice and Experimental Rodent Strains used in aging-related research.
Teaching Resources
Presentations, course outlines, and other items useful in education on aging-related research.
Bibliography of Books
Reviews of aging-related writings, from technical monographs to books aimed at a lay audience.
Aging in the Arts
Depictions of aging in art and literature, from the classical to the contemporary.

Note: The Meetings and Events, Funding Sources, Web Links, and Jobs and Résumés features of this section of SAGE KE have been discontinued.


Genes/Interventions Database
The database, which resided on the SAGE KE site from 2001 to 2006, is currently being rebuilt at the University of Washington. We will post a notice on this site when the new database is up and running.
Factlets and quips on getting old.

Note: The Trainee Resources and Knowledge Map features of this section of SAGE KE have been discontinued.

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Science of Aging Knowledge Environment. ISSN 1539-6150