Dispatch: Jeffrey Tayler

“Friending” Medvedev

Russia’s president has launched a blog—comments included

Correspondents: Richard Florida

What Do Americans Need?

The McMansion lifestyle is evaporating, but a new order hasn’t yet emerged

Atlantic Correspondents

Our New Bloggers

From an Oscar-winning filmmaker to a biotech entrepreneur, 12 diverse voices join TheAtlantic.com


article photo Space May 2009

Across the Universe

By Thomas Mallon

Finding intelligent life in the cosmos requires leaving the solar system. One group of scientists may have found a way. READ MORE


by Cox and Rathvon

Try your hand at “Trash Collection,” the April installment of The Atlantic’s monthly word game.


I’m not enjoying this particular ride. I no longer expect to get rich. It makes me happy to realize this. It also makes it easier to give more money to charity.       

Jeffrey Goldberg

From “Why I Fired My Broker,” May 2009


Special Announcement 5 May 2009_ article photo

We Won a Webby

TheAtlantic.com won the Webby Award for Magazine Site of the Year, along with the People’s Voice Award in the same category. The Webbys, presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, are “the Internet’s highest honor,” according to The New York Times. READ MORE

article photo Atlantic Politics 5 May 2009

Souter Unshackled

As he looks ahead to retirement, the Supreme Court justice takes a jab at originalists and dreams of a good hike. (Image credit: Flickr user NCinDC) READ MORE

article photo Atlantic Business 5 May 2009

Five Reasons You Should Worry About Tax Havens

by Conor Clarke

“Whatever you think of the corporate tax in general—and in a tax fantasy world, we might want to scrap it in exchange for other things—it’s clear that the current system for taxing international business income is screwy.” READ MORE

article photo James Fallows 5 May 2009

…And Then They Came for the Canadians

“A group of students from Canada has been placed in quarantine in China strictly because of their nationality. This is as arbitrary as the more widespread quarantining of Mexican passport holders — and more obviously nutty. Canadians? Is it because they come from someplace close to Mexico?” (Image credit: Flickr user Ian Muttoo) READ MORE



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