Los Alamos National Laboratory
LANL  Environment  Outreach


  • Environmental Communication & Public Involvement
    P.O. Box 1663
    MS J591
    Los Alamos, NM 87545
    Phone: 505-667-0216
    FAX: 505-665-1812

Drivers for Public Involvement

The Environmental Communication and Public Involvement program addresses the following goals from the Department of Energy (DOE):

  • Conduct communications, information, public participation and public affairs programs including
  • Conduct educational programs
  • Ensure that the overall impact of the Laboratory is positive.
  • Pursue initiatives designed to make a contribution to the economic diversification of the region and reduce regional dependence on federal investment
  • Conduct a wide variety of outreach programs (e.g. educational, economic development and charitable)
  • Conduct a Community Technical Assistance programs

Outreach Drivers & Regulatory Requirements

Los Alamos National Laboratory Hazardous Waste Permit

The Permitee shall prepare a Community Relations Plan (CRP) as part of the RFI Work plan which allows for public participation in the RFI process. The CRP will include:

  • Establishing an active mail list of interested parties (to be updated annually), including those on the official facility mailing list who which to be on LANL’s list
  • Informal meetings, including briefings and workshops as appropriate, with the public and local officials before and during the RFI process, which include activities associated with the RFI Work plan and RFI report.
  • News releases, fact sheets, approved RFI Work plans, FRI final reports, Special Permit Conditions Reports and publicly available quarterly progress reports that explain the progress and conclusions of the RFI.
  • Creation of a public information repository and reading room.
  • Updates of materials in the information repository and public reading room.
  • Public tours and briefings to inform and to listen informally to public concerns and answer individual questions.
  • Quarterly technical progress reports for the Administrative Authority.
  • Procedures for immediate notification of the San Ildefonso Pueblo or other affected parties in case of a newly discovered off-site release which could impact them.

NMED/LANL Compliance Order On Consent

The Respondents shall involve the public in all corrective measures selections and implementations in accordance with the most recent version of the LANL ER Public Involvement Plan. The Respondents shall provide the Department with the most recent version of the LANL ER Public Involvement Plan within 90 days of the effective date of this Consent Order and any updates within 30 days after modification(s).

Draft RFP for LANL

Conduct communications, information, public participation and public affairs programs including internal and external communication; community involvement and outreach; interactions with the media, businesses and the scientific and technical community; and liaison and consultation with local, state, Native American, federal agencies and Congressional offices.

  • Conduct educational programs.
  • Ensure that the overall impact of the Laboratory is positive.
  • Pursue initiatives designed to make a contribution to the economic diversification of the region and reduce regional dependence on federal investment.
  • Conduct a wide variety of outreach programs (e.g. educational, economic development and charitable).
  • Conduct a Community Technical Assistance programs.

Data & Documents

Public Notices


Public Involvement

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