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Amblyopia Animation Description: A child with amblyopia is sending unequal signals from each eye to the brain. As shown in this animation, neuro-electrical signals travel along pathways from the eye to the brain. The unaffected right eye is sending strong signals. The eye with amblyopia, the left eye, is sending fewer neuro-electrical signals. If untreated, the pathways through which these signals travel may weaken and not develop properly, damaging the child’s vision.

Placing a patch over the unaffected eye for several weeks will stimulate and strengthen the signals from the eye with amblyopia leading to more normal nerve function in the brain, which improves vision in that eye.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

View Animation (14 second MPEG)
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View Animation (30 second Quicktime)
Ref#: VA02

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and The UPMC Eye Center, Pittsburgh PA
Description: Two young patients wear eye patches and eyeglasses to treat amblyopia.
Credit: Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and The UPMC Eye Center, Pittsburgh PA
Ref#: AR04
72 dpi
(546K, )
150 dpi
(2.26M, TIFF)
300 dpi
(9.01M, TIFF)

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and The UPMC Eye Center, Pittsburgh PA Description: An eye doctor checks a child's visual acuity.
Credit: Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and The UPMC Eye Center, Pittsburgh PA
Ref#: EE63
72 dpi
(2.88M, TIFF)
150 dpi
(12.5M, TIFF)
300 dpi
(18.0M, TIFF)

Child's Eye Exam - Lenses placed in a trial frame help determine eyeglass prescription. Description: Child's Eye Exam - Lenses placed in a trial frame help determine eyeglass prescription.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE09
72 dpi
(372K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(1.6M, TIFF)
300 dpi
(6.3M, TIFF)

A patient wears a trial frame and lenses. Description: A patient wears a trial frame and lens.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE47
72 dpi
(332K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(336K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(1.26M, TIFF)

An occluder allows the eye care proffesional to test a patient's eyes one at a time. Description: An occluder allows the eye care professional to test a patient's eyes one at a time.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE50
72 dpi
(327K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(432K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(1.7M, TIFF)

A direct ophthalmoscope allows the eye care professional to examine the retina and optic nerve. Description: A direct ophthalmoscope allows the eye care professional to examine the retina and optic nerve.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE27
72 dpi
(334K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(662K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(2.6M, TIFF)

A slit lamp, with its high magnification, allows the eye care professional to examine the front of the eye. Description: A slit lamp, with its high magnification, allows the eye care professional to examine the front of the eye.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE49
72 dpi
(333K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(336K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(1.3M, TIFF)

A direct ophthalmoscope allows the eye care professional to examine the retina and optic nerve. Description: A direct ophthalmoscope allows the eye care professional to examine the retina and optic nerve.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE32
72 dpi
(329K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(649K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(2.5M, TIFF)

An eye care professional determines a patient's eyeglass prescription. Description: An eye care professional determines a patient's eyeglass prescription.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EE46
72 dpi
(335K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(338K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(1.3M, TIFF)

Child's Eye Exam - Lenses placed in a trial frame help determine eyeglass prescription. Description: In addition to patching the eye, one hour of “near” work, or close-up work, such as coloring, is part of the treatment for amblyopia.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: CHILD1
72 dpi
(200K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(808K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(3.2M, TIFF)

Child with eye patch. Description: Child with eye patch.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: AR02
72 dpi
(58K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(204K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(581K, TIFF)

Child taking an eye exam Description: Child’s eye exam - After the eyes are dilated, an indirect ophthalmoscope provides the eye care professional with a wider view of the retina.
Credit: Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University
Ref#: CHILD2
72 dpi
(198K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(807K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(3.2M, TIFF)

Child with an eye patch. Description: Child with patch and glasses.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: AR01
72 dpi
(335K, TIFF)

A mother puts eye drops in child's eye. Description: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Heal
Credit: A mother puts eye drops in child's eye.
Ref#: AR03
72 dpi
(77K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(281K, TIFF)
300 dpi
(718K, TIFF)



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This page was last modified in October 2008

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National Institutes of Health