National Geographic
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What's Inside
Traveler has scoured the globe for the most beautiful, interesting, and off-beat road trips. Dive in to get directions, quizzes, photos, and more.
See thrilling footage of an avalanche and breathtaking images of the Himalayas, and read about the challenges facing these legendary climbers on this perilous journey.
Take part in the Green Effect, a new initiative from SunChips and National Geographic to inspire people to take small steps for big change. Rate viewers' submissions and submit your own green idea for a chance to win $20,000.
See the most popular photos from April, featuring graceful humpback whales, colorful landscapes, a polar bear self-portrait, and more.
Watch as Greenville transforms as you build eco-homes, apply green upgrades, and bring new clean jobs and industry to your hometown!

Brazil Canada Germany Japan United Kingdom
Global Sites
20% Off All Maps!
Give your mom the world with maps, globes, atlases, and more on sale at the NG Store.
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Ocean Now Expedition
Follow Dr. Enric Sala and a team of scientists as they explore the pristine waters of the Line Islands.
In the Womb:
Extreme Animals
Discover the bizarre gestation of otherwise ordinary animals, Sunday, May 10 at 9 p.m.
Our Mission
In Action
Founded in 1888 to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge," the Society works to inspire people to care about the planet.
Get classroom products, lesson plans, and activities, prepare for the Geographic Bee, help kids learn about the world, and more.
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