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NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)
External Program Review

During the review, the Blue Ribbon panel spoke with CRCP stakeholders to hear their perspectives on the program.

During the review, the Blue Ribbon panel spoke with CRCP stakeholders to hear their perspectives on the program. Photo Credit: NOAA CRCP

This page provides background and information on the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) External Program Review.

Background Information on the External Program Review

Panelist Background Materials

Agenda and Presentations

Federal Register Notice


Background Information on the External Program Review

To evaluate and improve the success of its efforts to understand and conserve coral reefs, the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) is undertaking a comprehensive external review of the Program. The purpose of the review is to:

  • Evaluate the success of the CRCP in meeting the purposes of the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (Section 202) and the National Coral Reef Action Strategy during the period 2002-2006, and

  • Provide recommendations that the CRCP may use to improve the Program

The review took place in September 2007 and was conducted by a seven-member Blue Ribbon Panel of experts in natural resource science and management.


Panelist Background Materials

In preparation for the External Program Review, the CRCP created a comprehensive document that provides background on the CRCP and its activities. This document was provided to each of the panelists and is also available for download below.

Table of Contents (pdf, 65 kb)
Tab 1: Introduction (pdf, 76 kb)
Tab 2: Program Overview (pdf, 1.64 mb)
Tab 3: Spend Plan Categories

Chapter 1: Assess and Characterize U.S. Coral Reefs: Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated Observing System (CREIOS) (pdf, 601 kb)
Chapter 2: Reduce Impacts of Coastal Uses (pdf, 473 kb)
Chapter 3: Reduce Adverse Impacts of Fishing on Coral Reef Ecosystems (pdf, 717 kb)
Chapter 4: Reduce Impacts of Pollution and Coral Disease (pdf, 994 kb)
Chapter 5: Improve the Use and Effetiveness of MPAs (pdf, 452 kb)
Chapter 6: Reduce Threats to International Coral Reefs (pdf, 444 kb)
Chapter 7: Reduce Impacts of Climate Change (pdf, 216 kb)
Chapter 8: Address Emerging Issues (pdf, 218 kb)
Chapter 9: Program Coordination (pdf, 281 kb)

Tab 4: Coral Reef Conservation Grants Program

Chapter 1: Introduction to CRCP Grants Programs (pdf, 81.8 kb)
Chapter 2: State and Territory Coral Reef Management Grants (pdf, 95.2 kb)
Chapter 3: State and Territory Coral Reef Monitoring Grants (pdf, 120 kb)
Chapter 4: Fisheries Management Grants (pdf, 106 kb)
Chapter 5: General Coral Reef Conservation Grants (pdf, 135 kb)
Chapter 6: Coral Reef Ecosystem Research Grants (pdf, 99.2 kb)
Chapter 7: International Coral Reef Conservation Grants (pdf, 109 kb)
Chapter 8: Coral Reef Conservation Fund (pdf, 160 kb)

Tab 5: Federal Register Notice and Summary of Comments

Federal Register Notice (pdf, 45.7 kb)
Summary of Comments (pdf, 407 kb)


Appendix A: Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (December 2000) (pdf, 38.1 kb)
Appendix B: Presidential Executive Order 13089 on Coral Reef Protection (June 1998) (pdf, 60.6 kb)
Appendix C: Local Action Strategy Initiative (pdf, 117 kb)
Appendix D: Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Amendments Act of 2007 (pdf, 62 kb)
Appendix E: Coral Reef Institutes Fact Sheets
Caribbean Coral Reef Institute (pdf, 126 kb)
Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Research Program (pdf, 117 kb)
National Coral Reef Institute (pdf, 113 kb)


Agenda and Presentations

During the External Program Review, the CRCP provided presentations on each of the major goal areas of the Program. These presentations and the overall agenda are available for download below.

Agenda (pdf, 61 kb)
Overview of Program (pdf, 275 kb)
Assess and Characterize U.S. Coral Reefs: Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated Observing System (CREIOS) (pdf, 5.39 mb)
Reduce Adverse Impacts of Fishing (pdf, 9.35 mb)
Reduce Impacts of Coastal Uses (pdf, 1.20 mb)
Reduce Impacts of Pollution and Disease (pdf, 3.79 mb)
Increase Use and Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (pdf, 2.02 mb)
Reduce Threats to International Reefs (pdf, 640 kb)
Reduce Impacts of Climate Change (pdf, 667 kb)
Address Emerging Issues (pdf, 0.99 mb)
Grants Program (pdf, 253 kb)


Federal Register Notice

As part of this review, the CRCP requested input from stakeholders and partners via a Federal Register Notice (pdf, 46 kb). An independent contractor summarized all comments received in response to this request and provided them to the review panel. Because of volume of comments received, the CRCP was not able to individually respond to those who provided comments.

The CRCP was most interested in obtaining feedback based on the public’s interaction and experience with the Program. The CRCP sought input on the following questions:

  • Is the Program focusing efforts on the right suite of activities to advance coral reef conservation?

  • Are the Program’s efforts in various geographic areas appropriate to address the issues in each region?

  • Are the Program’s science and observation efforts (e.g., research, mapping, and monitoring) adequately addressing management needs, and informing and resulting in management actions?

  • Have the Program’s education and outreach efforts been effective in reaching the proper audiences?

  • Is the Program providing effective leadership and building useful partnerships to advance coral reef conservation?

  • How can the CRCP improve its impact and performance in the future?

The Public Comment period is now closed; comments were due by July 19, 2007. A summary (pdf, 407 kb) of the comments received was created by an independent contractor.



As part of their duties in the review, the Blue Ribbon Panel of experts created a document containing their recommendations for the CRCP. It is available for download below.

CRCP External Review Summary Report (pdf, 1.09 mb)


CRCP Reprioritization:

External Program Review

Roadmap for the Future

CREIOS Workshops

Threat-based Working Groups

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