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Operational Climate Services Residence Training
Next offering: August 26 - 28, 2008, NWS TC

The three-day Operational Climate Services course is oriented toward NWS Climate Focal Points with the objective to develop operational skills in three main areas:
(1) Climate customer services: delivery of national and local climate products, services, and information;
(2) Climate observing system stewardship;
(3) NWS office staff education on local climate variability, products and services.

This residence training is expected to equip NWS Climate Focal Points with the necessary information, resources, and tools to perform climate services duties. Prior to attending the residence portion of the operational training, attendees are expected to complete important prerequisites via online exercises and teletraining. The residence course topics will include: (1) NOAA and NOAA partners' climate services with an emphasis on application of major climate variability processes (ENSO, MJO, drought, etc.) and how to access national climate products and forecasts; (2) Assessment of the local impacts of these current climate variability states; (3) Strategies to assess local climatology; (4) Development and delivery of local climate products based on downscaling and compositing analysis, including verification techniques; (5) Best Practices for climate observing system stewardship; and (6) Training tools for the Climate Focal Point to educate the local office staff.

Expected specific outcomes

Each trainee, upon completion of the residence training, should be able to:

  • Clearly understand their role as NWS local office climate focal point
  • Use recommended tools for:
    • providing efficient climate services (Quick Online Reference Tool, NOW Data/xmACIS),
    • reporting climate observation problems (Datzilla)
    • conducting local climate studies
    • guiding local customers in understanding reliability of NWS climate forecasts (Verification tool)
  • Explain selected climate variability phenomena to local office staff and customers
  • Interpret NWS climate products, both national and local, and describe their potential uses
  • Participate in the NOAA process of timely and accurate climate observations

    Course Organizing Team:

    Marina Timofeyeva, UCAR / CSD NWS HQ
    Andrea Bair, WR HQ
    Nicole Kempf, SR / TSA
    Michael Staudenmaier, WR / FGZ
    Charles Pucevich, PR / HFO
    Deirdre Kann, SR / ZAB




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    US Dept of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    National Weather Service
    1325 East West Highway
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
    Page Author: Marina Timofeyeva
    Page Problems: Melody Magnus


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