National Weather Service Training Center

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Course Descriptions

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  • NWR SRS Xmitr (B1602)
  • Crown Xmitr (B1901)
  • Armstrong Xmitr (B2201)
  • For a complete listing of related training see :

  • NWSTRN Engineering



    Course Number: B1602

    Type of Course: Residence

    Click Here for Class Schedule

    The NWR class employs multiple instruction delivery mechanisms for
    cost efficient and effective learning.
    This training consists of two principal venues:
    1. Student Self-Study (on-site).  This is CBT (Computer-Based Instruction)
       from multi-media CD-ROM and also hard copy materials.
    2. NWSTC classroom and lab.  At the conclusion of the self-study portion,
       students will travel to NWSTC for hands-on training and skills verification.
    Objectives:    To provide the electronic technician with the skills
           required to install, align and maintain the NOAA
           Weather Radio warning transmitter at established
           National Weather Service standards.
    Content:       The course consists of the theory of operation,
           circuit analysis and practical application of
           diagnostic techniques of an operational NOAA Weather
           Radio warning transmitter. 
           Theory and laboratory exercises are conducted on the
           following equipment.
           SRS TX B222 (SR416D and SR416ST)
           a.  SR402RA Remote Control Unit.
           b.  SR402A VHF-FM Exciter.
           c.  SR410A VHF Power Amplifier.
           d.  SR415 Maintenance Panel.
           e.  AR-409 VHF Cavity.
           f.  Single Unit Interface Assembly.
    Length:        24 hours self-study prerequisite and 3 days residence training
    Prerequisites: Self-study materials (sent to student 40 days prior to resident course - 
                                          click for Self-Study Course Overview)
    Materials:     All materials are provided.

    Have a question ?   Contact Course Manager - Bill Ryman:

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    Course Number: B1901

    Type of Course: Residence

    Click Here for Class Schedule

    The NWR class employs multiple instruction delivery mechanisms for
    cost efficient and effective learning.
    This training consists of two principal venues:
    1. Student Self-Study (on-site).  This Web-based training consists of 7 lessons
       with self-grading quizzes and a Final Exam.
    2. NWSTC classroom and lab.  At the conclusion of the self-study portion,
       students will travel to NWSTC for hands-on training and skills verification.
    Objectives:    To provide the electronic technician with the skills
           required to maintain the CROWN Weather Radio transmitter at 
           established National Weather Service standards.
    Content:       The course consists of the theory of operation,
           circuit analysis and practical application of
           diagnostic techniques of the CROWN 100, 300 and 1000 Watt
           transmitters. Balancing of the power transmitter modules
           and system troubleshooting is covered. Also, use of the
           ROAMS (Remote Off Air Monitoring System), and the RTC-Gentner
           interface software is covered. 
    Testing:      Daily take-home quizzes.
                  Final Exam on the last day.
    Length:  Self-study (16 hour prerequisite) and 3 days residence training
    Pre-requisites Lessons:   Contractors - CLICK HERE TO LINK TO WEB-BASED TRAINING MODULES 
    NWS Employees access course through the NWS Learning Center Materials: All materials are provided. Students should bring a laptop PC (with CDROM reader) if possible to load and use the RTC-Gentner software.

    Have a question ?   Contact Course Manager - Bill Ryman:

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    Course Number: B2201

    Type of Course: Residence

    Who Attends:   ESAs, ETs.

    Click here for Class Schedule

    The NWR class employs multiple instruction delivery mechanisms for cost efficient and effective learning. This training consists of two principal venues: 1. Student Self-Study (on-site). This Web-based training consists of seven pre-requisite lessons and a 20-question final test. 2. NWSTC classroom and lab. At the conclusion of the self-study portion, students will travel to NWSTC for hands-on training and skills verification. Objectives: To provide the electronic technician with the skills required to maintain the Armstrong Weather Radio transmitter at established National Weather Service Standards. Content: The course consists of the theory of operation, circuit analysis and practical application of diagnostic techniques of the Armstrong 100, 300 and 1000 Watt transmitters. Use of the ROAMS (Remote Off Air Monitoring System), and the Armstrong interface software is covered. Testing: Written tests for the course include: Pre-test over self-study materials, Take Home quiz on Day 1, and Final quiz on Day 2. Pre-requisites Lessons: Contractors - CLICK HERE TO LINK TO WEB-BASED TRAINING MODULES
    NWS Employees access course through the NWS Learning Center Length: Self-study (16 hour pre-requisite) and 3 days residence training Prerequisites: Self-study Web-based lessons and test, to be comleted not more than 40 days prior to attending the resident portion of the class. Materials: All materials are provided. Printed manual distributed in class.

    Have a question ?  Contact Course Manager - William Ryman:

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    NOAA Weather Radio Self-Study Training

    The NWR class employs multiple instruction delivery mechanisms for
    cost efficient and effective learning.
    WEB-BASED SELF-STUDY:    Several 2-hour sessions and final test (Course Prerequisite)
    RESIDENT TRAINING:    Three days of hands-on alignments and system safety training.
    TESTING:     The student's final grade consists of four parts:
                 Pre-requisite (Web-based)
                 Day 1 take home quiz (resident)
                 Day 2 take home quiz (resident)
                 Laboratory grade (resident)

    Have a question ?  Contact Course Manager - William Ryman:

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    NWSTC - Updated 01-23-2009