National Weather Service Training Center

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Console Replacement System

Course Descriptions

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  • CRS Maintenance (B-21-02)
  • CRS Network Operations (SYS09)
  • For a complete listing of related training see :

  • NWSTRN Engineering
  • NWSTRN HydroMetTech


    CRS Maintenance

    Course Number: B-21-02

    Type of Course: Residence

    Length: 42 hours (6 working days). Click here for Class Schedule

    Objectives:    To provide ETs and ESAs with the skills and knowledge
                   necessary to maintain and support the fielded NWS CRS
    NWSTC has 2 CRS systems. Both systems are connected to AWIPS and have the new
    Voice Improvement Processor (VIP) installed. The course is currently being taught
    from draft versions of the maintenance and System Administration Manuals. The draft
    manuals contain all information needed by the student to maintain the CRS System.
    The final release of the manuals is scheduled for August 2002. 
    Prerequisites: 1. DataComms: either - DataComms CBTs/WBTs (DC-BAS-1, DC-TRM-1, DC-TEL-1, DC-PRO-1, DC-MOD-1, DC-NTW-1, DC-ETN-2, DC-TCP-2, DC-TIS-2) or - Former NWSTC DataComms II course 2. LINUX Essentials. 3. Be familiar with this list of UNIX commands 4. CRS CBT[optional] This is a CRS Operations overview and does not include the VIP. (NOTE: It is the responsibility of each student to complete the pre-req before arriving at NWSTC. There is NO pre-req test or pre-req completion certificate given.) Audience: Electronics Technicians and Electronics Systems Analysts
    Have a question ?  Contact

    Course Manager - Tom Burgdorf:

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    CRS Network Operations

    Course Number: SYS09

    Course Length: 3 working days - Click here for Class Schedule Additional information will be provided to participants in an electronic Welcome Packet about 1 month prior to the course

    Type of Course: Residence

    Intended Audience: WFO CRS Focal Points

    Course Goal: To provide the knowledge and skills that a CRS focal point needs to set up and manage the WFO CRS operations.

    Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • Describe CRS operational concepts and terminology, such as: broadcast programs, broadcast suites, message types, message groups, and message attributes.
  • Demonstrate a basic proficiency with the CRS user interfaces needed to perform: system operations, system configuration, system administration, and system backup.
  • Configure and schedule products for CRS.
  • Describe and perform emergency override and backup live operations.
  • Set up and/or modify the ASCII database text files.
  • Set up and/or modify the dictionary files.
  • Backup and/or restore the CRS database.
  • Backup and/or restore the CRS dictionary files.
  • Perform a master processor switch procedure.
  • Perform a front-end processor (FEP) switch procedure.
  • Set up and configure NWRwaves.
  • Course Content: This course will focus on the tasks that the CRS focal point is expected to do in partnership with the WFO electronics technicians to maintain a fully functional and smoothly running WFO CRS operation.

    Pre-Requisites: A working knowledge of basic UNIX commands would be beneficial but is not required to take the class.

    ACE Accreditation: The American Council on Education has not reviewed this course and no credit recommendation is currently in place.

    Course Manager - Jerry Griffin:

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    NWSTC - Updated 08-16-2007