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NIAID and the Economic Recovery Act

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To spark a recovery of the U.S. economy, Congress passed a $787 billion stimulus package. President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 into law on February 17.

Congress and the President are looking to create and save jobs, jump-start the economy, and build the foundation for long-term economic growth.

NIH Responds to the ARRA

The biomedical research enterprise has a major role to play: NIH received an astounding 34 percent increase to its budget in two-year stimulus funds, a striking act of generosity and confidence on the part of our elected leaders. Most of this money is slated to go to universities and other research institutions around the country.

We at NIH, together with our extramural research community, are truly grateful to President Obama and the Congress for giving us this unprecedented opportunity.

Their recognition of the importance of biomedical and behavioral research will enable us to uncover new knowledge that will improve public health while moving the economy down the road to recovery.

NIAID is responding to the challenge by awarding hundreds of high-quality peer-reviewed grants so the stimulus money can boost the economy quickly.

President Obama also emphasized the need for an effective response, "What I will need from all of you is unprecedented responsibility and accountability."

We are now part of a historic effort that provides opportunities while creating new responsibilities for investigators.

Where to Find Information and Funding Opportunities

On the pages listed below, you can read how NIH and NIAID are meeting the President's challenge and find important information for investigators:

The information on this page is specific to NIAID. For NIH-level information, see NIH and the ARRA, which includes NIH-wide Grant Funding Opportunities Supported by ARRA. For other institutes, see Institutes, Centers, and Offices.

Registered lobbyists inquiring about the use of ARRA money should identify themselves.

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