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2003 Federal Register Notices

68FR69387 (PDF 38KB): Issuance and availability of documents on ESA enhancement Permits 1395, 1396 and 1412 for salmon and steelhead
68FR69387 (PDF 38KB): Decision and availability of documents on issuance of ESA Permit 1347 for incidental take of listed salmon and steelhead
68FR69386 (PDF 37KB): Issuance of three modifications for ESA salmon scientific research permits 1140, 1335, 1369
68FR67998 (PDF 52KB): Proposed rule to implement Amendment 16-2 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to include overfished species rebuilding plans for lingcod, canary rockfish, darkblotched rockfish, and Pacific ocean perch; request for comments
68FR66352 (PDF 1.2MB): Inseason adjustments to trip limits and trawl rockfish conservation area boundaries; request for comments
68FR64860 (PDF 55KB): Vessel monitoring systems (VMS) approved by NOAA for use by vessels participating in Pacific Coast groundfish fishery
68FR63053 (PDF 33KB): Availability of Amendment 16-2 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to include overfished species rebuilding plans for lingcod, canary rockfish, darkblotched rockfish, and Pacific ocean perch; request for comments
68FR62435 (PDF 54KB): Notice about tendering reduction payments under Pacific Coast groundfish fishing capacity reduction program
68FR62374 (PDF 84KB): Final rule to require vessels registered to Pacific Coast groundfish fishery limited entry permits to carry and use mobile vessel monitoring system (VMS) transceiver units
68FR60865 (PDF 1.5MB): Inseason adjustments to trip limits and trawl rockfish conservation area boundaries in Pacific Coast groundfish fishery; request for comments
68FR55926 (PDF 58KB): Notice of proposed rulemaking on ESA critical habitat designations for 20 ESUs of Pacific salmon and steelhead in California, Washington, Oregon and Idaho; request for comments
68FR53334 (PDF 66KB): Proposed rule to amend Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan to provide for mandatory, vessel-financed observer program on at-sea processing vessels; request for comments
68FR52732 (PDF 46KB): Proposed rule to implement Amendment 16-1 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to set process to specify rebuilding plans for groundfish; request for comments
68FR52703 (PDF 717KB): Changes to Pacific Coast groundfish fishery closed areas affecting limited entry fixed gear fleet, open access non-trawl gear fleet and recreational fishery in southern California
68FR52519 (PDF 54KB): Final rule to implement Amendment 17 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to revise annual groundfish management process to biennial process
68FR49415 (PDF 40KB): Availability of Amendment 16-1 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to set process to specify rebuilding plans for groundfish; request for comments
68FR43473 (PDF 686KB): Corrections to Pacific Coast groundfish fishery 2003 specifications and management measures
68FR42613 (PDF 1.4MB): Final notice of proposed fishing capacity reduction program in Pacific Coast groundfish fishery
68FR40187 (PDF 1.1MB): Inseason adjustments to trip limits and trawl rockfish conservation area boundaries in Pacific Coast groundfish fishery; request for comments
68FR39068 (PDF 45KB): Determination on take limit for management of fisheries that potentially affect ESA-listed Puget Sound Chinook
68FR35575 (PDF 1.7MB): Corrections to final rule published Mar. 7, 2003, for Pacific Coast groundfish fishery (68FR11182)
68FR35354 (PDF 56KB): Proposed rule to implement Amendment 17 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to revise annual groundfish management process to biennial process; request for comments
68FR32680 (PDF 873KB): Inseason adjustments to trawl rockfish conservation area boundaries; request for comments
68FR32731 (PDF 33KB): Receipt of exempted fishing permit (EFP) application for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments
68FR31980 (PDF 47KB): Designation of Southern Resident Killer Whales as Depleted under the MMPA
68FR31653 (PDF 2.3MB): Proposed Fishing Capacity Reduction Program for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery
68FR27972 (PDF 75KB): Proposed rule to require vessels registered to Pacific Coast groundfish fishery limited entry permits to carry and use mobile vessel monitoring system (VMS) transceiver units while fishing; request for comments
68FR27972 (PDF 33KB): Availability of Amendment 17 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, to revise annual groundfish management process to biennial process; request for comments
68FR27004 (PDF 33KB): Correction to 2003 West Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Measures
68FR23924 (PDF 39KB): Correction to final rule published Mar. 7, 2003, for Pacific Coast groundfish fishery (68FR11182)
68FR23913 (PDF 80KB): 2003 West Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Measures
68FR23901 (PDF 394KB): Changes in trip limits for Pacific Coast groundfish fisheries
68FR19518 (PDF 40KB): Receipt of exempted fishing permit (EFP) application for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments
68FR18166 (PDF 127KB): Corrections to final rule published Mar. 7, 2003, for Pacific Coast groundfish fishery (68FR11182)
68FR15100 (PDF 106KB): Final policy for evaluation of conservation efforts when making listing decisions under the ESA
68FR13891 (PDF 32KB): Application for renewal of exempted fishing permits (EFPs) for monitoring incidental catch of salmon and groundfish in Pacific whiting fishery; request for comments
68FR11182 (PDF 2MB): Implementation of 2003 specifications and management measures for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery
68FR10989 (PDF 177KB): Annual management measures for Pacific halibut fisheries and approval of catch sharing plan
68FR5275 (PDF 42KB): Modifications to ESA Permit 1233 for Idaho recreational fisheries
68FR4747 (PDF 42KB): Proposal to designate Southern Resident killer whales as depleted under Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA); request for comments
68FR4719 (PDF 302KB): Corrections to emergency rule published Jan. 7, 2003, for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery (68FR908)
68FR4433 (PDF 69KB): Not warranted finding on ESA petition to list north American green sturgeon
68FR4162 (PDF 37KB): Receipt of three exempted fishing permit (EFP) applications for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments
68FR1819 (PDF 46kb): Submission of 10 ESA hatchery and genetic management plans (HGMPs) for salmon and steelhead in Columbia River basin; request for comments
68FR1414 (PDF 97KB): Proposed changes to List of Fisheries to reflect new information on interactions between commercial fisheries and marine mammals; request for comments
68FR936 (PDF 3.3MB): Proposed rule to implement 2003 specifications and management measures for Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments
68FR908 (PDF 1.4MB): Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery management measures for January-February 2003; request for comments

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