Articles Reproduced from Take-Off, the Tinker AFB Newspaper

July 22, 1951

Two Airforce Officers at Tinker Field Study Their Maps. Then When Weather Gets Rough, They Warn the Military
When to Duck*

*Text Available

The weather situation is discussed by Capt. Robert C. Miller (left) and Lieut. Col. E. J. Fawbush, originators of the nationally known Fawbush-Miller method of storm forecasting.

August 3, 1951

Magazine Article Draws Praise*

*Text Available

Captain Miller and Colonel Fawbush like Post article.

January 16, 1953

Tornado Forecasting Discovery Reaches Air Force Secretary
Weather Officers Commended*

*Text Available

FOR DILIGENT the severe storm areas of the Great Plains states, Lt. Col. Ernest J. Fawbush and Maj. Robert C. Miller, Tinker Weather officers, were presented commendation medals and citations by Col. A. L. Haig, Base Executive, during a special review Saturday morning. The awards were from the top man of the Air Force, Hon. Thomas K. Finletter, secretary of the U.S. Air Force.

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