Citations Accompanying Avery Hedals at Emru I1 Dinner Gridiron Club - November 2, 1944 American Association of Bedal Banufacturers A deep sense of obligation has moved the American Association of Hedal ganufacturers to present to you its fir single handed you have kept this important industry on a firm basis for many years, years which have wftnessed the downfall of other of our most treasured institutions and customs. Your great qualities Qf al avkrd, the Averg mind and heart, your determination and strength in bearing up under this burden of awards, your un- flinching courage in the face of the presentation addresses gill be a bright beacon, a guiding lie% to those who would follow in your steps. "Honi soit qui mal J pense+" The Beach Babies of Deer Isle present the Life Saver's Medal for 1944 to Babe Avery. This small token of their sun warned affection carries with it fondest memories of rollicking gmbols on the sand. 70%W 1 MS. DIVT AC. NOa . The Society of Scientific Iriters The Society of Scientific riters As honored to present to Oswald Theodore Avery its semi-annual de Kruif award for signal service in the popular dissemination of medical misinformation. Bo other author of our day has written more easily, more effortlessly and with such wide appeal. of the day by day discoveries in his own md other laboratories. --I "SXi%nri.f;rS% bi bur day BKs so foresworn the ivory tower and from the rostrum, the platfom, on the radio and in the lay press brought to every village and hamlet in this faip country of OUFEI, to every man and woman, the knowledge of what science can do to relieve them of the dolefil burden of disease. American Society of Hairdressers and iJsauticians To ffsarrald Theodore Avery, Pn gratitude for his contributions to tranafo rmat ions, the American Society of` Hairdressers and Beauticians in plenary congress has unanimously voted to confer upon you to this Society, that although the significance of your work has been appreciated abroad, all too little attention has been paid to it at horns, The women of America are forever in your debt. You have removed the opprobrium from ule wig and. czleqted for transfomnak%ons 813 honored place in the lffe of the nation. The Willing Officers Ladies Volunteer Escort Service 1 L - - - - has determined to award The Bolf of the Year Medal to 0. Theodore Averg. That this highest honor should be accorded to any other than the above named recipient will be obviously unthinkable to all of the initiate. i I