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Strategic Goals and Objectives
Public Comment Opportunity

This page provides information and instructions for a public comment opportunity related to the draft strategic goals and objectives created by the working groups.


Public Comment Submission Guidelines





In response to an external review, the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) is narrowing its focus from thirteen priority activities to understanding and addressing the top three global threats to coral reef ecosystems: Fishing Impacts, Land-Based Sources of Pollution, and Climate Change.  Additionally, the CRCP is expanding its international presence by becoming more actively involved in coral conservation efforts primarily in the Pacific, the Coral Triangle region, and the Caribbean.

To best identify the strategic goals and objectives for each of these three threats, the CRCP engaged its community of partners through the formation of three working groups (one per threat) plus an international working group.  The working groups were charged with providing recommendations on the twenty-year strategic goals and five-year objectives the CRCP should work towards to effectively address each of the top three threats to coral reefs. 

The CRCP is providing an opportunity for public comment on the Draft NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program FY 2010-2015 Threat-Based Goals and Objectives (pdf,485 kb) as developed by each of the three Threat-Based Working Groups and the International Working Group.  Please note that the Draft NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program FY 2010-2015 International Goals and Objectives (pdf,236 kb) are included in a separate document.  These documents are available for public comment from March 27 – April 24, 2009.  Comments will be forwarded to the appropriate working group for their consideration.  The final document will be made public in early June, 2009.


Public Comment Submission Guidelines

To ensure your comments are submitted in a consistent and useable format, please follow the guidelines below (to the greatest extent possible):

  • Submit comments via email to: crcp.roadmap@noaa.gov
  • Indicate in the email subject line, which focus area your comments address.  For example RE: International, RE: Climate Change; RE: General Comments.  This will help us to better direct and address your comments.
  • Please do not provide comments using the Track Changes feature of Microsoft Word. 
  • Provide comments based on the PAGE # and LINE # if addressing a specific section of the document.  For example, we will track comments as much as possible in the following format:






Objective does not adequately address ....

The CRCP is looking for comments specific to the Draft Goals and Objectives.  The sections highlighting Potential Activities are included to provide context for the overall Goals and Objectives and are not intended to commit the CRCP to these specific actions at this time.  The actions included are for contextual purposes only. 

When providing comment, we are particularly interested in the following:

  • Are the Goals and Objectives at the appropriate scale (20-year Goals and 5-year Objectives)?
  • Are there significant gaps?
  • Are the Goals and Objectives sufficiently focused to achieve measurable improvement in coral reef ecosystem condition?
  • Identify which objectives you feel should be the top priority for the CRCP.



Public comments may be submitted from March 27, 2009 through close of business on April 24, 2009. The CRCP will not individually respond to those who provide comments. Comments will be forwarded to the appropriate working group for consideration in development of the final Goals and Objectives documents.



If at all possible, please provide your comments via email. You may submit comments electronically via e-mail to crcp.roadmap@noaa.gov.

To submit your comments in writing, or for further information, contact:

CRCP Roadmap Comments
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program
1305 East-West Highway, Sta. 10405, (N/ORM)
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910



Draft NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program FY 2010-2015 Threat-Based Goals and Objectives (pdf,485 kb)

Draft NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program FY 2010-2015 International Goals and Objectives (pdf,236 kb)

Public Comment Submission Template (xls, 25 kb) When submitting comments, please use this template to the extent possible .


CRCP Reprioritization:

External Program Review

Roadmap for the Future

CREIOS Workshops

Threat-based Working Groups

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