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NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)
Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated Observing Syste
m (CREIOS) Workshops

A stoplight parrotfish cruises above brain coral in the Florida Keys.
Various mapping and monitoring capabilities of the CRCP are highlighted in this montage. Photo Credit: NOAA Offices: PIFSC, AOML, CCFHR, CRW, and CHAMP.

This page provides background and information on the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrateed Observing System (CREIOS) workshops. These workshops came out of recommendations listed in the CRCP Roadmap for the Future.

Background Information on the CREIOS Workshops

Pacific Workshop

Briefing Materials


Workshop Report

Atlantic Workshop

Background Information on the CREIOS Workshops

To effectively manage and conserve coral reefs, resource managers and policy makers need to know:

    • where reefs are located (mapping)
    • what reef resources exist for a given reef (assessment)
    • how the reef resources change over time (monitoring)
    • why the reef resources change over time (environmental and human dimension monitoring)

As part of its efforts to implement the Roadmap for the Future, the CRCP is reviewing its portfolio of monitoring and mapping activities, collectively called the Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated Observing System (CREIOS), to ensure they are cost-effective, aligned with jurisdictional management needs, and able to deliver products and services in a timely manner to essential users, given funding constraints.  As part of a strategic planning effort to strengthen the link between science and management, the CRCP plans to bring together coral reef ecosystem managers and CRCP scientists in two CREIOS workshops. The objectives of each workshop objectives include: 1) identify mapping and monitoring priorities for local, regional, and national management efforts, 2) identify data and information needed to address current gaps, and 3) identify potential products and new solutions for meeting management needs. These facilitated workshops are intended to be a forum for participants to determine how NOAA's scientific capabilities can best be directed toward addressing location-specific needs articulated by the managers. The outcomes from the workshops will inform strategic long-term funding decisions with regard to the CRCP's CREIOS program.


Pacific Workshop

The CRCP invited Pacific coral reef ecosystem managers and CRCP scientists to attend a workshop November 18-20, 2008, in Honolulu, Hawai`i.  The workshop served as a forum for discussing managers' needs for monitoring and mapping data to increase understanding of coral reef ecosystems and improve coral reef ecosystem health.  More than 25 representatives from local agencies in Hawai`i, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, as well as the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, the Western Pacific Fisheries Management Council, and the U.S. Department of the Interior, attended this workshop.  NOAA scientists participated alongside the managers, in order to discuss technical and scientific capabilities and understand location-specific needs. The workshop was successful in determining priority information needs for managers, and highlighted important issues of concern for the Pacific jurisdictions, including the need for increased technical capacity, improved information and data dissemination, and improved communication of scientific information to general audiences. 


Briefing Materials

The CRCP used a combination of one-on-one phone calls, group conference calls, email requests, and site visits to each location to engage decision-makers, managers, and scientists in developing location-specific lists of management and monitoring needs. The information gathered during these efforts was compiled into a briefing book for the participants.

Briefing Book (pdf, 9.66 mb)



During the workshop, presentations were utilized to convey the capabilities and needs of both the jurisdictions and the CRCP.

Jurisdictional Panels

NOAA Capability Panels

National Program Discussion


Workshop Report

The workshop coordinators were tasked with compiling the workshop's outcomes into a final report. The report will be used by the CRCP in examining its portfolio of mapping, monitoring, and assessment activities, and will also be used as a preamble to the identification of priorities and the capacity assessments for each Pacific jurisdiction.

Pacific Workshop Report (pdf, 304 kb)


Atlantic/Caribbean Workshop

The CRCP will bring together coral reef ecosystem managers and CRCP scientists at a two-day workshop May 13-14 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  The geographic focus will primarily be on Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and to a lesser extent, Navassa Island and coral-dominated banks in the Gulf of Mexico.  The workshop will be similar to the November 18-20, 2008 workshop that was held in Hawai`i to discuss efforts in the Pacific region.

The briefing book and presentations for this workshop will be posted as soon as they are available. A report will also be created for this workshop after it occurs; it will be posted here when it is complete.


CRCP Reprioritization:

External Program Review

Roadmap for the Future

CREIOS Workshops

Threat-based Working Groups

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