NOAA Web site


Search for NOAA Coral Reef Data,
Information and Products

In 2002, the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program launched the Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) Web site as a single point of access to NOAA coral reef information and data products. The site provides access to aerial photos, coral bleaching reports, publications, an extensive glossary, professional exchanges and summaries of NOAA's coral reef activities.

Discover NOAA's Data

There are three access paths to NOAA's coral data and information through Discover NOAA's Data on the CoRIS Web site.

  • Browse a list of data descriptions, arranged by data type;

  • Text-Search for data sets using words, names and/or dates. This search returns data descriptions and references to publications in the NOAA Library;

  • Map Search provides a GIS (Geographic Information System) interface to help locate data sets and display their locations on a map. Locations of multiple data sets can be overlaid on one map.

In addition to the searches described above, the CoRIS Library pages include links to additional reports and information.


Recent publications include:

Coral Fellowship Newsletter

The State of Deep Coral Ecosystems of the United States

Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Amendments Act of 2007

Report on the Status of Marine Protected Areas in Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States Volume 1

New products include:

NOAA CRCP Fact Sheet

Learn about or download the NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) 'Remote Sensing and Coral Reefs' Curriculum

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