OBITUARY NOTICE OF DECEASED MEMBER &nvalb Uheobore Elverp 21st Octbber1877-20th February1955 (PLBTE LXXVII) OSWALD THEODORE AVERY was born on the Zlst October 1877 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and died at Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A., on 29th February 1955. With his death there ended the career of one of the most outstanding students of bacteriology and immunology of his time. , Avery came of pure English stock, both his parents having been born in England. According to information in the possession of his family, Avery's paternal ~n~ather, Joseph Avery, lived at. Wolvercote, near Oxford, and there he conducted a paper mill where he manufactured the thin paper used in the printing of Oxford Bibles. Avery's father, Joseph Francis Avery, who was born at Norwich, Norfolk, is reported to have been attracted by the sermons of an American evangelist who was conducting a series of religious meetings in England, and decided to enter the ministry. He was received into the Baptist Church and then, some three years after his marriage to Hiss Elizabeth Crowdy at Summertown, England, in 1870, was called to establish a Baptist church in Halifax. There the young couple made their home for a few years, and there Oswald, their second son, was born.. In the same year, 1877, the father was called to the pastorate of a mission church located on the Iower east side of New York City, and in that church, which was called " Mariner's Temple ", he served until his death in 1892. In those days the lower east side of New York was notorious for its rowdyism, and one would scarcely have selected it as an ideal spot in which to bring up children, but the fact remains that young livery survived any vicissitudes which the neighbourhood may have presented, managed to go to Colgate U~versity ~Ham~ton, N.Y.), from which he received the A.B. degree, and then entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, from which he graduated in 1904 with the M.D. degree. After a brief period in clinical work he was appointed a member of the staff of the Hoagland Laboratory in Brooklyn, N.Y., and there he embarked upon baeterio- logical investigations with the late Dr Benjamin White. It is of particular interest, in view of the nature of Avery's later work, that one of their papers, which appeared in 1912, dealt with the chemical constitution of the tubercle bacillus. J. PdTE. BACZ-VOLG. -.(1957) ,461 452 OSWALD THEODORE AVERY In 1913 Avery, who by that time had become Associate Director of the Hoagland Laboratory, was invited by Dr Rufus Cole, then Director of the Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, to become a member of its staff. Cole's attention had been directed to Avery by a paper which he had published from the Laboratory, and a visit to Avery confirmed the favourable impression which Cole had gained from reading his paper. The invitation, which followed shortly thereafter, was promptly accepted. When Avery came to the Rockefeller rnstitute Hospital in 1913 the principal problem upon which Cole and his associates'were engaged was a comprehensive study of lobar pneumonia with a view toward obtaining a specific treatment for that disease. The work of Neufeld and Haendel in Germany had demonstra~d (1910) the existence of certain varieties of pneumococcus which were different from one another from the stand~int of their immunological reactions. A. R. Dochez and L. J. Gillespie, working at the Hospital on the pneumonia problem and aware of Neufeld's observations, had studied the im- munological relationships of a large number of strains of the pneumococcus isolated from cases of lobar pneumonia and other sources, and had demonstrated that these strains could be differentiated by immuno- logical methods into four separate groups. One of these groups, labelled by the investigators group IV, contained a number of different strains, but each of the other three groups contained only one type- specific strain. Dochez and Gillespie therefore proposed that pneumo- cocci be classified on the basis of their immunological reactions into the four different groups which they had encounte~d. Gillespie left the Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute in the summer of 1913, and when Avery, who succeeded him, took up his work there it was natural that he should join forces with Dochez in the immunological attack on the pneumococcus problem.. During the next four years these two able investigators worked together as a team on the general problem of the immunology of the pneumococcus, and it was during the course of these investigations that they discovered the presence, in broth cultures of pneumococci, of a soluble substance which was elaborated by the growing organism and was specific for the particular type of pneumococcus growing in the culture. This fundamental observation, which was published in 1927, formed the basis for most of Avery's subsequent work, but he did not immediately follow it up, partly perhaps because of America's entry into World War I, which brought for him an unexpected complication. It will be ~membered. that Avery was born in Nova Scotia of English parents, and was therefore a British subject when he was brought at a very early age to the United States. Upon the entry of America into World War I he sought to obtain a commission in the Medical Corps of the United States Army, but it was denied because, apparently, he had never taken the trouble to become an American citizen ? He did manage somehow to get into the American Army,' . . . OBITUARY 463 but only as an enlisted man, and it was some time before he became uaturalised and could obtain a commission as Captain. Following the close of World War I he joined with Dochez and Rebecca Lancefield in a study of the immunological relations of luemolytic streptococci, but when Dochez left the Hospital of the ~ockefe~er rnstitu~ in 1919 Avery retuned to the study of the pueumoooccus and, with the late Glenn E. Cullen, investigated the enzymes which that organism elaborated. Pausing for a while to study, with a Norwegian, T. Thjotta, and Hugh Morgan, the nature of accessory substances necessary for the nutrition of bacteria, he finally returned in the early 1920s to a sys~mati~ and analytical study of the type-specific soluble substance elaborated by growing pneumo- cocci, having recognised that this substance offered an excellent opportunity to investigate by chemical methods the nature of the mechanism which differentiates one immunological type of pneumo- coccus from another. In approaching this problem he had the good fortune to obtain the assistance of Michael Heidelberger, a skilled chemist, and from this team, to which others were added from time to time, there came a series of brilliant studies which revealed that the type-specific substance found in broth cultures of pneumococci is associated with the capsular envelope of the organism and not its body, and that it is a complex carbohydrate, actually a polysaccharide. Further study by Avery and his associates led to the important observation that by treatsing a non-specific type of pneumococcus according to a particular ~lethod with a given specific type of that same organism, it WZXJ possible to transform the non-specific type into the specific type of pneumo- coccus used in the experiment. Moreover, this transformation was stable and permanent, and was transmitted to successive generations of pneumococci derived from the culture containing the original trailsformed organisms. Finally it was shown that the active principle responsible for this transformation was a particular substance, desoxy- ribonucleic acid. This discovery, coming toward the close of Avery's scientific career and so important because of its bearing upon genetics, may perhaps be said to be his magnum opus. Avery attained the highest depa~mental rank it is possible to achieve at the Rockefeller Institute, that of Member, before his official retirement in 1943, but he continued to work there until 1948, when he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he could be near his younger brother, Dr Roy C. Avery, who was then Associate Professor of Bacteriology in the School of Medicine of Vanderbilt University. Ernest W. Goodpasture, then Professor of Pathology at Vanderbilt University, placed the facilities of his department at the disposal of Avery, but he did -not make extended use of them. At ~ash~e his life was essentially one of retirement and leisure. In the summer of 1954 the symptoms of what was to be his final illness made their appearance, and were of, such a character a~ to J. PATH. BACK-VOL. XXIV (1957) 2F 454 OSWALD THEODORE AVERY necessitate his being evacuated from the island off the Maine coast where he had been accustomed to spend his summers for many years. He was taken first to the Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute and then to Nashville, where an exploratory operation revealed the presence of a tumour of the liver. Although the growth was removed a permanent cure was not effected and after several months of con- valescence he began to lose ground and died in Vanderbilt University Hospital on the 20th February 1955. Many younger men sought the opportunity to work with Avery during his active years, and many of them became his close associates. To them he was a never-failing source of inspiration and assistance. He was an indefatigable worker although his health was frail and he was never a robust person, but he possessed an inner drive that would not let him stop short of a completely satisfactory explanation of the problem upon which he was engaged. Many honours came to Avery during his lifetime. He was President of the American Association of Immllnologists, the American Associa- tion of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, and the Society of American Bacteriologists. He was also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and an honorary member of the following foreign learned societies :-Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Der Norski Videnskaps Adademi (Oslo), Academic Royale de Medecine de Belgique, Societe Philomathique de Paris. He received honorary degrees from his alma mater, Colgate University, and from McGill University, New York University, the University of Chicago and Rutgers University, and the foIlowing awards and prizes : the Lasker Award of the American Public Health Association, the Passano Foundation Award, the Pasteur Gold Medal presented every ten years by the Swedish Medical Society in Stockholm, the PauI Ehrlich Gold &Medal, the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London, the John Phillips Memorial Medal of the American College of Physicians, the Kober Medal of the Association of American Physicians and a medal given by the New York Academy of Medicine. Avery never married. As has been said, it was his custom for many years to spend his summers on an island off the coast of Maine where he could indulge his taste for walking, and where he had'the opportunity to sail with a friend in the latter's sailboat. Although he became very fond of sailing he never really tried to master the a& but on the other hand rarely missed an opportunity to go for an afternoon sail when the occasion offered. Short in stature and small of body as he was- he could scarcely have weighed much over a hundred pounds-one could not imagine him ever pa~icipating 31 any competitive sport. To his close friends he was known as " `Fess ", a contraction of " Professor ", and without exception they were all deeply devoted to him. He was a delightful companion, full of humour, and the very soul of generosity. If one had to describe him with a single OBITUARY 455 &jective, " lovable " would be the universal choice of his friends. Cuhappily they cannot expect to see his like again. I am indebted to Miss Patricia E. Green, secretary to Dr Frank L. Horsfall, Jr., of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, for the photograph of Dr Avery and the bibliography which accompany this notice. ALAN M. CEESNEY. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1909 B, WRITE and 0. T. AVERY. The treponema pallidurn ; observations on its occurrence and demonstration in syphilitic lesions. Arch. Int. Ned., iii, 411. 1910 N. B. POTTER and 0. T. A~~RY. Opsonins and vaccine therapy. In Modern treatment, edited by Hare, PhiludeZphia and New York, vol. i, p. 515. B. WIIITE and 0. T. AVERY. Observations on certain lactic acid bacteria of the so-called Bulgaricus type. Gbl. Bakt., Abt. II., xxv, 161. L. C. AGER and 0. T. AVERY. A case of influenza meningitis. Amh. Pediut., xxvii, 284. B. WHITE and 0. T. AWRY. Concerning the bacteriemic theory of tuberculosis. J. Med. Res., xxiii, 95. 1912 J3. WHITE and 0. T. AVERY. The action of cestain products obtained from the tubercle bacillus. A. Cleavage products of tuberculo-protein obtained by the method of Vaughan. Communication I. The poisonous substance. J. Med. Res., xxvi, 317. 1913 0. T. AVERY and H, W. LYU. Concerning secondary infection in pulmonary tuberculosis. J. Med. Res., xxviii, 111. B. WHITE and 0. T. AVERY. Some immunity reactions of edestm. The biological reactions of the vegetable proteins. III. J. If. D&v., xiii, 103. 1914 C. E. NORTH, B. WHITE and 0. T. AVERY. A septic sore throat epidemic in Cortland and Homer, N.Y. J. Inf. D&., xiv, 124. 1915 A. R, Doomzz and 0. T. AVERY. Varieties of pneumococcus and their relation to lobar pneumonia. J. Exp. Med., xxi, 114. The ~t~bution of the immune bodies in ~tipne~~~c~ serum. J. Exp. Med., xxi, 133. A. R. Docnnz and 0. T. AVERY. The occurrence of carriers of disease-producing types of pneumococcns. J. Exp. Med., xxii, 105. A further study on the biologic classification of pneumococci. J. Exp. Med., xxii, 804. 1916 A. R. DOCHEZ and 0. T. A-Y. Antiblastic immunity. J. Exp. Med., xxiii, 61. 456 OSWALD THEODORE AVERY 1916-17 A. R, Docmrz and 0. T. AVERY. Soluble substance of pneumococcus ori& in the blood and urine during lobar pneumonia. Proc. Sot. Ezp. &,l. and Med., xiv, 126. 1917 0. T. AVERY, H. `I'. CHICKERING, R. COLE and A. R. DOCEJZZ. Acute lohar pneumonia ; prevention and serum treatment. Monographs of T& Rockefeller Institzctefor Medical Research, No. 7, N.Y. A. R. DOCHEZ and 0. T. AVERY. The elaboration of specific soluble substance by pneumococcus during growth. J. Exp. Med., xxvi, 477. Tram. ASSOC. Amer. Phys., xxxii, 281. Determination of types of pneumococcus in Iobar pneumonia : a rapid cultural method. J. Amer. Xed. Assoc., Ixx, 17. K. G. DERNBY and 0. T. Amcay. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the growth of pneumocoecus. J. Exp. Med., xxviii, 345. A selective medium for B. in&enzce. Oleate-hemoglobin agar. J. Ames. Med. Assoc., Ixxi, 2050. 1919 0. T. AVERY and G. E. C%X.LEN. The use of the f&al hydrogen ion concentration in differentiation of streptococcus h~mol~icus of human and bovine types. J. Ezp. Med., xxix, 215. A. R. DOCHEZ, 0. T. AVERY and REBECCA C. LANCEFIELD. Studies on the biology of streptococcus. I. Antigenic relationships between strains of streptococcus hznmolyticus. J. Exp. Med., xxx, 179, 0. T. AVERY and G. E. CULLEN. Hydrogen ion concentration of cultures of pneumococci of the different types in carbohydrate media. J. Exp. Ned., xxx, 359. 0. T. AVERY, A. R. DOCHEZ and REBECCA C. LANCEFIELD. Bacteriology of streptococcus hemolyticus. Ann. Otol.' Rhinol. Luyngol., xxviii, 350. 1820 0. T. AVERY and G. E. &S.&EN. Studies on the enzymes of pneumococcus. I. Proteolytio enzymes. J. Esp. Med., xxxii, 547. 0. T. AVERY and G. E. CUT&EN. Studies on the enzymes of pneumococcus. II. Lipolytic enzymes : e&erase. J. Exp. Med., xxxii, 571. 0. T. AVXRY and G. E. CULLEN. Studies on the enzymes of pneumococcus. III. Carbohy~ate-sp~tt~g enzymes : invertase, amylase, and inulase. J. Exp. Med., xxxii, 583. 1920-21 T. THJBTTA and 0. T. AVERY. Growth-accessory substances in t,he nutrition of bacteria. Proc. Soo. Exp. Biol. and Med., xviii, 197. T. TEJ~TTA and 0. T. AVXRY. Studies on bacterial nutrition. II. Growth accessory substances in the cultivation of hemophilic bacilli. J. Ex~, Med., xxxiv, 97. T. !I'EJ&JTA and 0. T. APERY. Studies on bacterial nutrition. IIt. Plant tissue, as a SOUIW of growth accessory substances, in the cultivation of Bacillus iw$aetq. J. Bxp. Me&, xxxiv, 456. OBITUARY 457 1921-22 Q. T. AVERY and H. J. MORGAN. The effect of the accessory substances of plant tissue upon growth of bacteria. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. and Med., -xix, 113. 1922-23 M.HEIDELBERGER and O.T. AVERY. The specific soluble substance of pneumo- coccus. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. and Med., xx, 434. 0. T. AVERY and M. HEIDELBERGER. Immunological relationships of cell constituents of pnemnococcus. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. and Med., xx, 435. 1923 or.. HEIDELBERGER and 0. T. AVERY. The soluble specific substance of pneumo- coccus. J. Exp. Med., xxxviii, 73. 0. T. AVERY and M. HEIDELBERGER. Immunological relationships of cell constituents of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., xxxviii, 81. 0. T. AVERY and G. E. OULLEN. Studies on the enzymes of pneumococcus. IV. Bacteriolytic enzyme. J. Exp. Med., xxxviii, 199. 0. T. AVERY and H. J. MORGAN. Studies on bacterial nutrition. IV. Effect of plant tissue upon growth of pneumococcus and streptococcus. J. Exp. &fed., xxxviii, 207. 1924 0. T. AVERY and H. J. MORGAX. The occurrence of peroxide in cultures of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 275. O.T.AVERY andH. J. MORGAN. Studies on bacterial nutrition. V. The effect of plant tissue upon the growth of anaerobic bacilli. J. Exp. Med., xxx&, 289. H. J. MORGAN and 0. T. AVERY. Growth-inhibitory substances in pneumo- coccus cultures. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 335. 0. T. AVERY and J. M. NEILL. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo- coccus. I. Production of peroxide by anaerobic cultures of pneumococcus on exposure to air under conditions not permitting active growth. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 347. 0. T. AVERY and J. M. NEILL. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo- coccus. II. The production of peroxide by sterile extracts of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 357. 0. T. AVERY and J. M. NE&L. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo- coccus. III. Reduction of methylene blue by sterile extracts of pneumo- COCCUS. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 543. 0. T. AVERY and J. M. NEILL. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo- COCCUS. IV. Oxidation of hemotoxin in sterile extracts of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 745. J. M. NEILL and 0. T. AVERY. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo- coccus. V. The destruction of oxyhemoglobin by sterile extracts of pneumo- coccus. J. Exp. Med., xxxix, 757. itf. HEIDELBERGER and 0. T. AVERY. The soluble specific substance of pneumo. coccus. Second paper. J. Exp. Med., xl, 301. J. M. NEILL and 0. T. AVERY. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo. coccus. VI. The oxidation of enzymes in sterile extracts of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., xl, 405. J. M. NEIU and 0. T. AVERY. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo. coccus. VII. Enzyme activity' of sterile flhrates of aerobic and anaerobic cultures of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., xl, 423. J. PAl'E. BACl'.-VOL. LXXIV (1957) 2F2 1925 J. N. NEILL and 0, `I. AVERY. Studies on oxidation and reduction by pneumo- cocous. VIII. Xature of oxidat~i~n-~duction systems in sterile pneumo. coccus extracts. J, Exp. Med., xli, 285. 0. T. AVERY and II. J. MORGAN. Immunological reactions of isolated carbo. hydrate and protein of pneumocowus. J. Exp. ~Med., xiii, 347. 0. T. Avxsy and J. X. HEILL. The antigenic properties of solutions of pneumo. coccus. J. Exp. Med., slii, 365. 0. T. AVERY and M. H~I~E~ER~~~. Imm~ologica~ relationships of cell constituents of pneumc~occL~s. Second paper. J. Z.p. Med., xlii, 367. M. IIE~DELBEFNXEI~, W. F. GOEBEL and 0. T. AVERY. The soluble specific substance of a strain of Friedlander's bacillus. Paper I. J. J&q. Med., xlii, 701. 0. T. Avxny, M. I%EI~ELB~~~ER and W. F. GOEBEL. The saluble specific substmce of Friedhinder's bacillus. Paper II. Chemical and i~uno~ogi~l relationships of pneumococcus Type II and of a strain of Friedlgnder's bacillus. J. Exp. Med., xlii, 709. M. HEIDELBERGER, W. F. GOIZBEL and 0. T. AVERY. The soluble specific substance of pne-ococcus. Third paper. J. Exp. Med., xiii, 727. 1925-26 3%. HEIDELBERGER, W. F. GOEBEL and 0. T. AVERY. The soluble specific substance of a strain of Friedl~nder bacilius. Proc. See. .Exp. Viol. and Med., xxiii, 1. 0. T. .~KERY, M. BEIDELBERGER and W. F. GOEBEL. Immunological behaviour of the " E " strain of Friedliinder bacillus and its soluble specific substance. Proc. Sot. Exp. Viol. and Med., xxiii, 2. EG?7 W, F. G~EBEL and 0. T. AKERY. The soluble subskmce of Friedlander's bacillus. III. On the isolation and properties of the specific carbohydrates from Types A and C Friedlander bacillus. J. Exp. Med., xivi, 601. 19229 0. T. AVERY and W. S. TXLLETT. Anaphylaxis with the type-specific carbo- hydrates of pneumococcus. J. Exp. &fed., xlix, 251. W. F, GOEBEL and 0. T. AYERY. A study of pneumococcus autolysis. J. ESPY Med., xlix, 267. M. REIDELBER~ER, 0. T. AVERY and W. F. GOEBEL. A " sokthle specific substance " derived from gum srabic. J. Bkp. Med., x%x, 847. W. F. GOEBEL and 0. T. AVEXY. Chemo-i~~oio~ca~ studies on conjugated c&rbohydra~-pact : I. The synthesis of ~-am~ophenol @giucoside p-aminophenol /%gafactoside, and their coupfing with serum globulin& J. Ezp. A&d., 1, 521. 0. T. ATTERY and W. F. GOEBEL. Chemc-imm~ologi~al studies on conjugated ~rbohydra~-peters : II. I~llnoIo~cal specificity of synthetic sugar- protein antigens. J. Exp. Med., 1, 533. W. S. TILLET, 0. T. AVERY and W. F. GOEBEL. Chemo.immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : III. Active and passive anaphyld with synthetic sug&r-prote~. J. Exp. Med., 1, 551. 1930 W. S, %LLET, W. F. GOEBEL and 0. T. AVERY. Chemical and imnnmoIogic~ properties of a species-specific c&rbohy~~~ of pnemnococci. J. Esp Med., Iii, 895. OBITUARY 459 0. T. AVERY and R. Dusos. The specific action of a bacterial enzyme on pneumococci of Type III. Science, lxxii, 151. 0. T. AVERY and R. Dusos. The specific action of a bacterial enzyme on Type III pneumocooci. Trans. Assoc. Amer. Phys., xlvi, 216. R. D-rrsos and 0. T. AVERY. Decomposition of the capsular polysaccharide of pneumococcus Type III by a bacterial enzyme. J. Ezp. Med., liv, 51. 0. T. AVERY and R. DUBOS. The protective action of a specific enzyme against Type III pne~ocacc~~s infection in mice. J. Exp. Med., liv, 73. W. F. GOEBEL and 0. T. AVERY. Chemo-immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : IV. The synthesis of the p-aminobensyl ether of the soluble specific substance of Type III pneuinococcus and its coupling with protein. J. Exp. Med., liv, 431. 0. T. AVERY and W. F. GOEBEL. Chemo-immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : V. The immunological specificity of an antigen prepared by combining the capsular polysaccharide of Type III pneumo- coccus with foreign protein. J. Ezp. Med., liv, 437. 1932 K. GOODNER, R. Duos and 0. T. AVERY. The action of a specific enzyme upon the dormal infection of rabbits with Type III pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., Iv, 393. J?r, F. GOEBEL, F. H. BABERS and 0. T. AVERY. Chemo-immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : VI. The synthesis of p-aminophenol a-glucoside and its coupling with protein. J. Ezp. Med., Iv, 761. 0. T. AVERY, W. F. GOEBEL and F. IX. BABERS. Chemo-immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : VII. Immunological specificity of antigens prepared by combining u- and /3-glucosides of glucose with proteins. J. Exp. Med., Iv, 769. 1932-33 The role of speoiflc carbohydrates in pneumococcus infection and immunity. Ann. Int. Med., vi, 1. 1933 Chemo-Immunologi~he Untersuchungen an Pne~oko~en-~fel~tion und -ImmunitRt. Na~~~ss~8c~a~~~~, xxi, 777. 0. T. AVERY and W. F. GOEBEL. Chemoimmunological studies on the soluble speeih substance of pneumococcus. I. The isolation and properties of the aoetyl polysaccharide of pneumococcus Type I. J. Exp. Med., lviii, 731. 1934 T. FRANCIS, JR., E. E. TERRELL, R. Dwos and 0. T. AVERY. Experimental Type III pneumococcus pneumonha in monkeys. II. Treatment with an enzyme which decomposes the specific capsuhr poIysaccharide of pneumo- coccus Type III. J. Exp. Med., lix, 641. W. F. GOEBEL, F. H. BABERS and 0. T. AVERY. demo-geological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : VIII. The influence of the acetyl group on the specificity of hexoside-protein antigens. J. Exp. Med., lx, 85. W. F. GOEBEL, 0. T. Ammy and F. H. BPLBERS. Chemo-immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : IX. The specificity of antigens prepared by combining the p-aminophenol glycosides of disacchsrides with protein. J. Eq. Med., Ix, 599. 400 OX WALD THEODORE A VERY 1941 T. J. ABERNETHY and 0. T. AVERY. The occurrence during acute infections of a protein not normally present in the blood. I. Distribution of the reactive protein in patients' sera and the effect of calcium on the flocculation reaction with C polysaccharide of pneumococcus. J. Exp. Med., lxxiii, 173. C. M. MACLEOD and 0. T. AVERY. The occurrence during acute infections of a protein not normally present in the blood. II. Isolation and properties of the reactive protein. J. Exp. Med., lxxiii, 183. C. MI. MACLEOD and 0. T. AVERY. The occurrence during acute infections of a protein not normally present in the blood. III. Ideological properties of the C-reactive protein and its diffexentiation from normal blood proteins. J. Exp. Med., Ixxiii, 191. 1944 Karl Landsteiner. Obituary notice. This Journal, lvi, 592. 0. T. AVERY, C. M. MACLEOD and M. MCCARTY. Studies on the chemical nature of the substance inducing transformation of pneumococca1 types. Induction of transformation by a desoxyribonucleic acid fraction isolated from pneumo- coccus Type III. J. Ezp. Med., Ixxix, 137. 1946 M. MCCARTY and 0. T. AVERY. Studies on the chemical nature of the substance inducing transformation of pneumocoecal types. II. Effect of desoxy- ribonuclease on the biological activity of the transforming substance. J. Exp. Med., lxxxiii, 89. M. MCCARTY and 0. T. AVERY. Studies on the chemical nature of the subskmce inducing t,r~fo~ation of pneumococcal types. III. An improved method for the isolation of the transforming substance and its application to pneumo- coccus Types II, III and VI. J. Exp. Med., Ixxxiii, 97. Acceptance of the Kober Medal award. Trans. Assoc. Phys., Iix, 43. M. MCCARTY, HAZZR~XTT E. TAYLOR and 0. T. AVERY. Biochemical studies of environmental factors essential in transformation of pneumococcal types. In Cold Spring Harbor sympoeia on qwntitative biology, xi, 177,