OBITUARY [=AY 3. lsy __--__ ---______il of Lircrpool in 1901 and after holding resident posts a? Liverpool Royal Infirm.zry he was awarded the Ale= ander fellowship in pathology and worked at the Thorn son Yates laboratory. Later he joined as an es& lnv gator the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis at Star&d where his brother, the late A. Stanley Griffith, was alad working. In 1910 GrilXth joined the staff of the Local Government Board under Dr. Arthur Eastwood and began vrork at Cardinal Nanning's old house in Carlisle Place, and like Scott he moved to Dudley House when t 7 Ministry of Health took over the service. Since th outbreak of this war he had been working for the Mini&$ a.nd the Medical Research Council on investigating streptococci isolated from mar wounds and other sources.! Like his brother he was a recIuse, known to few. Toi these, however, his quiet, kindly manner and%ls devotion' to his life job, made him a lovable personality. Out&l& his work he found his pleasure in his winter `ski-ir.r3 holiday in the Alps, in walks with his dog on the Sussex downs, and in the cott'nge he had built there. He was & member of the honourablc society of Grav's Inn. For over thirty years of his working life, writes L. C. Fred Griffhh followed a single star. He believed that progress in the epidemiology of infectious diseases would come-and only come-with more precise knowledge about the micro-organisms responsible for those diseases.. It was idle to speculate about the sources OF infection in tuberculosis or strept,ococcal infection while there were manifest differences among the strains of tuber& bacilli and of st.reptococci. Better differentiation of the organisms must come first, and to t,hat task he devoted his life, content quiet'ly to amass observations year after5 year in the sure hope that some pattern would gradually` emerge. Some of us xvondrred-I certainly oft,en did- whether such complete preoccupation with this one aspect of the problrm wa,~ worth while. But Grlfflth' wvas right, as evenm have proved. His differentiation of the hntmolytic streptococci into types by the agglutination re- action, nnd t.1le.t of Mrs. Lauce- field into larger groups by the prccipitinrcaction, have ellabled workers all over the world to dig out the essentia.1 facts about the sources of infection in scarlet fever. pncrperal fever, epidemic sore-throat,. surgical sepsis and wound infectious. These facts are providing t.he foundation for , far-reaching preventive measures. Griffith knew well that the task was by no means completed but his work had carried it fart,her tha,n that, of any other single individual. h fine achievement, carried through pithout thought of person&l ambition or of gain. IIe also worked alone at the differcutintion of the meningc-' cocci and t,he pncumococci aud staphylococci, and hem two pieces of work stand out: that on t,he profound' biological changes induced in a, virulent. pneumococcus, by contact n-it,11 au immune serum, and that on the transformation of pneumococcal tvpes under certain; circumstances. It was characteristic that, he hesitated longer tlxtu most workers would have done before pub-,' lishing thcrr observations. He alwnys took the line' " ~U&hty God is in no hurry-why should I be 2 " ,~,`a FREDERICK GRIFFITH X.R. LPOOL, D.P.H. Dr. F. Grifhtb, who was Scott's fellow at the SIink;try and met his'death with him, was born at Hale in Cheshire some sixty years ago. He graduated from the University