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    Find StarDate radio programs about:
    Aquila, the Eagle
    Auriga, the Charioteer
    Big Dipper
    Boøtes, the Herdsman
    Cancer, the Crab
    Canis Major, the Greater Dog
    Capricornus, the Sea-Goat
    Cygnus, the Swan
    Delphinus, the Dolphin
    Gemini, the Twins
    Leo, the Lion
    Libra, the Scales
    Lyra, the Harp
    Orion, the Hunter
    Orion's Belt
    Pegasus, the Flying Horse
    Pisces, the Fish
    Sagittarius, the Archer
    Scorpius, the Scorpion
    Taurus, the Bull
    Ursa Major, the Great Bear
    Constellation Guide
    The International Astronomical Union recognizes 88 constellations covering the entire northern and southern sky. Below is a selection of the most familiar and easily seen constellations in the northern sky.

    Boötes Leo Ursa Major
    Boötes, the Herdsman Leo, the Lion Ursa Major, the Great Bear

    Aquila Cygnus Lyra
    Aquila, the Eagle Cygnus, the Swan Lyra, the Harp

    Boötes Leo

    Sagittarius, the Archer Scorpius, the Scorpion

    Capricornus Cassiopeia Pegasus
    Capricornus, the Sea-Goat Cassiopeia Pegasus, the Flying Horse
    Perseus Cassiopeia

    Perseus, the Hero Taurus, the Bull

    Auriga Canis Major Gemini
    Auriga, the Charioteer Canis Major, the Great Dog Gemini, the Twins

    Orion, the Hunter

    Copyright ©1995-2006 The University of Texas McDonald Observatory. Material on this site may be linked to, quoted or reproduced for educational or personal purposes without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given. Teachers, scout leaders, and others may distribute the material for classroom instruction or related educational purposes. The materials may not be sold or published in any other form without written permission from The University of Texas McDonald Observatory.